What Our FOUNDERS Knew
While watching C-Span Coverage of the "Busboy" Panel" http://blogs.rollcall.com/hill-blotter/d-c-ferguson-events-ask-whats-next/?dcz= ; I was shocked to hear the young "Rapper" on the Panel complain of the
"back-stabbing" he witnessed from white Rappers; post-Ferguson! Finally, a young black generation has come along that "Gets It" !
Whites have, ever since Elvis and the Everly Brothers, been engaged in "stealing" what their parents called "Race Music"; from US!! I was there, in the early 50's, comfortable in my own teen world; with my own music; and our own dances; when those "siff-assed Cracker Kids" (sorta like the Lip-Nikkies (sp), in the Movie, "The War") sneaked across the tracks and carried back home new "45" records of Race Music. Their Parents would beat HELL out of them if they were caught! My "Gig" was to D-Jay at the local radio (white, of course) station-- for teens in our community, and take home those banned "Race Records" for free. Elvis "covered" Little Richard, and tried what passed for "dancing" for a white male of the day. Pitiful!! We all know what happened later; especially when the dirt-poor "Liver-Puddlians" got into the act. They even stole the name ("Rock and Roll") from Black America!
The question remains: what will this generation of Black Youth DO about it? I suggest that they can find the "Freedom and Equality" they are seeking by reclaiming our MUSIC and the messages therein, left by the Geniuses who created it!! Their road to freedom may be locked within. It was MY ROAD to sanity, survival, and prosperity!! The life stories of those who created the music, can also be inspiring for young Blacks. I would start with Louis Armstrong; who was used, and abused by whites; for a Century! Enough Crackers have exploited our Black Music Art Form; it's time; to clean up the place and kick them to the curb?? Succeed at that; and you might, then, take on the REAL PLANTATIONS of 2014: NFL; NBA: and College(?) Football?? Their "Master(s) -- the OWNERS; and their Overseer(s) -- Head Coaches. Rid Corporate Rulers of their "Circuses": They've already deprived us of our BREAD??
We will also learn what the Founders knew; that SLAVERY HAD TO BE ABOLISHED! They set a date.
That date got interrupted by "Drums in the Night"; the "Terror in the Bones" that has resided in whites since the beginnings of the "Peculiar Institution": INSURRECTION! Haiti produced it; "kicking-ass" and defeating Napoleon's troops. They established their own nation, and their Freedom! It caused France to lose its "Empire" in the Americas. Haiti has been punished by France and the rest of Europe, ever since! Europe and the United States have trained the Dominicans to oppress and degrade by skin color, the people they must SHARE and Island with! THAT TERROR IN THE BONES of Whites has kept Racism alive throughout the history of the United States. And there' no end in sight for it!
The SOUND of the TERROR, was, and is, the "Drum", the Rhythm, the "Ritmo" that lies at the heart of , what is now, the world's most popular MUSIC!
Stay Vigilant! The Crackers are returning to AFRICA -- to rape it for Round-Three! Are you "drunk" on Koch-Kool-Aid?? VOTE! Fend off Corporate Slavery!
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