Sunday, August 24, 2014

PAUL: "Color-BLIND" in Guatemala?? .. At WAR with "War" DOGs??

Why Mormons are Supporting Him?

Rand Paul may be a "questionable" Politician, but he is clever on Race-Politics!  Everybody should know, by now, that "White-World Vision" is BLIND to Color.  It is not a Physical Blindness (As an Eye Surgeon should Certainly Know); it is a Psychological Blindness.  If Whites in the U.S. even Recognized Race in the 21st Century; they would have to do something positive to eradicate its effects for ALL Citizens.  They will NEVER do that!!  Hence, the psychological "Ju-Jitsu" that we "see"; in the Press, in Politics (both Parties), and elsewhere.  It also explains the never-ending RACIAL GAP between  perceptions of Whites, and Persons of Color, in the United States.

The Genius OF Paul. is to stuff the War on Drugs into that Gap!  Hence, white males get a PASS for their excesses,  and possibly criminal activities, during the past several decades.  Obama no longer appears to let these white offenders, of all stripes, off the HOOK!  Rand Paul, using his Libertarian Credentials, will be able to use that wedge, and, simultaneously, put Hillary on the Defensive to protect her "New York" political base.  Where do you think Netanyahu get his confidence to continue slaughtering Palestinians?

Why the Mormons?  The CHURCH is in a WAR to "ace" the Catholic Church out of centuries-old control over their "Sheep" in Latin America.  Their campaign has been running in Mexico and points South of there for decades.  They're gaining on the Catholics!  That helps to explain the "rock and hard place" Pope Too is in.  He has to "wipe clean" the Church's role in systematic Rape of Children; while also trying to keep their "flock" under control.  Mormons are good "businessmen" in Religion too??: -- best road to BIG MONEY??

Stay Vigilant!  Will  Christian Blacks and Browns "catch on" in time?  Not if Rev'm Al, and "Jesse" can get enough loot for their Schtick on Race.  Can the STUPID be "saved"  from their fate(s)??  The EVIL ones need "help" from their victims; as HITLER showed us all!

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