Gone World-wide?
It was was made "Sterling-ly" clear in the NBA/Clippers fiasco, that Jews have their own version of racism against dark-skinned peoples! His punishment was loss of his ownership of the Clippers. I'm sure Sterling was only trying to endear himself to "white America" -- a long tradition since the 1930s; when young Jews invented comic books for whites, most of whom couldn't read; helping them to "hate" on Blacks.
Flip on the T.V. in the United States, today, and you will see immediately how much, whites in this country cling to white "Segregation". They relented, some, from the more oppressive and senseless forms of segregation, in the 1960s, they earlier designed against Blacks and other Non-Whites. They kept the Segregation for Whites, established under Jim Crow. As can be seen immediately, today, in television programming for our Media, there is, in 2014, as strong as ever, a Color Line maintained by whites that preserves a separate Reality of Life for white people. There is little, or no, reflection of reality for Non-Whites. Since "Cosby", they have "adorned" their presentation of white life with "dots" of non-whiteness (that never quite "fits" the settings). Whites have always "re-invented" themselves on these shores; never facing the Reality of who the R-e-a-l-l-y ARE!!
In the United States, whites either fled oppression or indebtedness in Europe to arrive here; or came here with the early slave trade and became very rich. The first category formed the White Ethnics (outside the "Ol South) and the latter the worst of the "Ol South" -- the few "Massas", and the many "Overseers". It is the leftovers from the "overseers" that plague this nation's politics, and much of the world, in 2014.
Cubans and Jews have been trying desperately to secure a place for themselves (along with some of the "Older" Hispanics) -- on the WHITE SIDE of that color line; with limited success.
Born in their religion, whites hold firmly to a BELIEF that only persons with white skin can lead lives worthy of presentation in the media in any way that reflects humanity. All non-whites are lesser peoples who must "earn" acceptance by whites. Too many non-whites, again, constrained by their religious beliefs, cooperate with that mind-set. Hence, in the U.S.; T.V. is the land of White-Segregation!! Writers and Producers are busily creating more Kool-Aid for our most witless and tasteless masses of viewers.
Stay Vigilant! Programming, or "Content" is at a " premium" for T.V. today; as this fake reality for whites, increases its demand to be "refreshed"! Non-whites must work harder to "break the grip" of Cracker T.V., world-wide, and move toward the "sunshine" of Human Depiction! Note: Murdoch backed down!
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