Monday, August 11, 2014

"COWBOYS" (and dictators) CAN'T "MANAGE"!!

Consider "Texas"??
Seems like 'Krazy Krakker Kops' with Guns, are on the loose again; sparking urban riots with their racist antics, and, convinced the Krakker Media will shill for them!
Hillary, growing nervous, fingers her "race cards" to convince the Krakker Right that she doesn't need a "Penis to be President".  Whites, who continue to deny the fundamental racist core of the United States Culture and Economy; are looking more like FOOLS, everyday!.  The Good "Ol Boys" down South knew this was coming, years ago, when they inserted Women into the Civil Rights Legislation as a "minority"!  They knew;  when these time arrived, the white women would join them.  Let the blind followers of "fuzzy-Headed-and super-Religious" black folk; chew on them apples!
Cheney, "W", Petraeus, and others in that crowd, knew a Civil War was brewing in Iraq YEARS AGO!  They were high-tailing out of there, in spite of their Failure to get a Status of Forces Agreement, and their sorry list of failures from the day they committed "Shock and Awe"!. They managed to get out it time (not so lucky in 2008 with our Economy).  They were content to leave our Troops behind to get caught in that Civil War!.  Obama got them out in time; and the Krakkers among us are pissin' on him for it!  Some people don't deserve to be "Saved", I guess.

Get out your ear plugs!  The "din" will only grow louder; as more and more "fronts" in our Media Wars open up; and folk like Putin and Netanyahu continue to "jerk us around"!  There's Hillary, the Fall Elections, Netanyahu and his Genocide Campaign, and always, there's Putin!  Our Propaganda-Spewing Media Talking Heads will have many field days with it all!

The "Cowboy" or "Hyena" elements are out in full force, scaring Hell out of Democrats and setting fire to just about any spot they choose!

No autocrat (Cowboy, or dictator) need to do anything more than "stir the pot" under these circumstances.  It takes a calm, cool-headed, MANAGER to lead us through times like these.  We had one the last time (FDR); and we have one NOW (FBP) -- but then, there's that RACE thing!

Stay Vigilant!  We are where we are; and soon could be in a much worse spot!   UNLESS WE WAKE UP IN TIME!
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