Monday, August 25, 2014

It (really) AIN'T!!, "RACE": It's All About TAXES!!

WHY is we's ALL so STUPID??

In the end, we all have to rely on the Money Boys to "hip" us as to what's REALLY Goin' On?
From the "Miraculous" deaths of Michael Brown , Trayvon, and many others; and the "MAGIC" of Burger King, we have, at last, a peek at the TRUTH??  It's really been TAXES, all along; as Romney, and his crummy buddies told us!

You see, White Racism created places like Ferguson, MO; by employing "White Flight" techniques from the 1970s, to empty out the inner cities, create the Suburbs, and make poor CRACKERS in the Real Estate Industry Rich!  They "screwed" both sides of the Color Line in the process.  Another "Fruit" of the Civil Rights Movement?

As the cities grew "Blacker" (I was there --'62 to '66 -- and watched it happen in Washington, D.C.).  Then came the Riots -- the one that Nixon cut his teeth on in 1968, in Liberty City, Miami, FL, during the Republican Convention.  Whites kept their jobs in the cities, commuted from the suburbs, but PAID NO TAXES, OR OTHER COSTS to maintain city infrastructure.  The Cities got sicker, and Blacker, and we have "backwaters" (don't call them "communities", PLEASE!) like Ferguson, MO.  It's too late to FIX them, because Republicans are using these "White Flight" techniques to bankrupt our entire country!

Its called "INVERSION", today:  Whites are taking their QUIK-BUKS and moving their Business Headquarters OUT OF THE COUNTRY.  They pay NO TAXES, or INFRASTRUCTURE COSTS that way.  They give FREE Weapons of WAR to white Cops and Sheriffs, instead.  That also makes the GUN Lobby Happy!!  Companies are lining up to move their businesses:  Today's Poster Child:: Burger King!  Wonder what "Magic"s CUT is??

Whites of all parts of the Race Spectrum, from the murdering Cops, to Zimmerman, to O-Mara, and the entire bunch, can continue to deny that they are "Racists".  They, like Tea Partiers, Repoobs, and Republicans in general, can claim the Mantle of "Fiscal Hawks"  What a Relief!  

Stay Vigilant!  Welcome to the World of "Rush, Mitch, and John"!!  VOTE!!! Like your Life, and your Country are at STAKE!

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