Sunday, August 24, 2014

'OUR" people ... New ROOT-of-EVIL??

 "Bureaucrats" at WAR -- in the INFO AGE??

Some WAG from our State Department repeated on Air recently the "W" Threat:  "If You Attack Our People, we'll Come After You"!!  Eleven years after the onslaught of "Shock and Awe" in Iraq, we ALL know that OUR people, is a term that does not include ALL of our citizens; and neither does the term  "We"!!  We now know that WE are those Bureaucrats in our State Department and Defense Department who really make and maintain our POLICIES (marketed by Congress-persons) and feed our WAR DOGS. Cheney/Bush left our Intelligence Apparatus in shambles and our Military Corrupted, as they ambled out of office in 2009.  Presidents are often last to know much of what is really going on -- except, maybe, THIS ONE?  He IS Different, you know.

This morning, the AP bosses of Foley, the murdered Journalist the Media is hawking for bucks and ratings, (they are trying desperately to push FERGUSON out of the spotlight), were on the TUBE revealing how much money was needed to keep Foley alive  

Just as Iraq produced new Soldiers of Fortune for a budding Security Industry for the State and Defense Departments and rich Corporations; the MEDIA age has turned Journalists into their own version of Soldiers for Fortune.  We shouldn't be surprised, however; white MISSIONARIES, of all stripes, posing as FOUNDATIONS and NGOs are busily planting new foundations for wealth in, you guessed it, AFRICA!  Colonialism just can't DIE, I guess.  Get ready for EBOLA, a repeat for AIDS?  White Missionaries/Foundations are laying out a new round of Exploitation for the DARK Continent?  Portents are dire!  It seems from the story told by the AP Bosses who "sent" Foley back into harms way, that he was only about 9 miles away from the border with Turkey, and certain safety, when he was captured in Syria.  European governments paid ransom for their guys. The AP bosses couldn't "raise" the dough!  The MEDIA blames Obama!  Well, why not ... all the other CRACKERS do!

Reagan "spooked" Cronkite; "W" drove Rather away; Katharine Graham,  Washington Post, has "passed on", taking with her the power of that Paper to "speak to power".  Ditto for what has become of the New York Times as it grovels to compete with Murdoch's FOX abomination.  Just about all of the CRACKER propagandists on TV have been scripted down to Tabloid Level News!  When you're feeding pigs, I guess you need "slops"?  There is a TON of MONEY in it!!  Ask your Politician; who may leave Congress on his or her own!  Check out Sista' Sarah Palin!

Stay Vigilant!  OUR people; can be any religion, a Race, an income Class ... you get the Drift??  VOTE!
Speak Out!

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