Friday, August 8, 2014

"Strange" ALLIES??

Do "WE" have ALLIES?? 

If YOU were under attack, would you WAIT to respond; until the United States spent its blood and treasure first; BEFORE you did everything you could to DEFEND  yourself?  Ask the ?Saudis and the Jordanians and the Turks this question!!  Has the world become so twisted that ONLY the U.S. is expected to "Fix" all of the world's problems?; while the rest of the world stands around and DOES NOTHING?  Andrea Mitchell and Chris Matthews on the T.V. this morning,  act like President Obama is in this alone!  What in HELL has become of our brains??

Andrea is shilling for McCain, as usual, and the other Hard Right detractors.  Are they slaves to world Propaganda?; to Putin; to the WAR DOGS abroad and at home??  In addition to defeating all threats, Obama must also "educate" those evil dummies in this country, who have no brain cells left intact!

The Factions in this country are in such disarray, they are playing into the hands of every evil force on the planet that wants to walk into the vacuum created by the post-9/11 Fear-Mongering of Cheney/Bush!. A curious mixture of Greed; Racism; and Fascism; that sprang onto the world scene in 1980, is working to dissolve old alliances and pit former defenders of Western Societies and Values against each other.  We see it in the Middle East, in Europe, and here in the United States.

Jared Diamond, in his book, Collapse, published in 2005, describes how The Dominican Republic and Haiti have chosen a path to Collapse through their practice of Color Racism.  In the most recent issue of Americas Quarterly;  today's relationship between Dominicans and Haitians continue to decline.  As Diamond noted in his 2005 book, the Dominicans need the labor of the Haitians, but don't want them in their country.  Californians, and citizens from our South and West, in general, have adopted the same attitude.  The Quarterly article also describes the ages-old practice of Southern whites from the United States who have taught their brand of racial discrimination to the lighter-skinned Dominicans, and to the rest of the world.  The behavior of that "Cracker" element of our population have demonstrated to the world, since 2008, their hatred of President Obama, reinforcing that old practice.

Stay Vigilant!  If we go broke, we won't even be able to defend OURSELVES!  The Gun-Runners among us don't care, about that!

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