A Lone Voice of Common Sense & Sanity??
Another "Cop-Murder": This time in Birmingham-on-the-Hudson! The Coroner has ruled the Cop- Gang-Killing; of a Black male for selling cigarettes, a Homicide. This could signal a break with the "Cop-cover-protocol" for killing minorities in this country.
NY City recently voted to break their Hard-Right leanings toward mayors like Giuliani and Bloomberg; and voted, instead, for a "Progressive". Is this the next step beyond "Bubba-Triangulation" on matters of Race? We'll see.
Last night on Bill Maher's Live, Andrew Ross-Sorkin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Ross_Sorkin
reinforced the assetion made by the racist owner of the NBA team in Los Angeles of the way Israelis really feel about 'Blacks', when he let slip the racist phrase; "call a spade a Spade". He later pivoted to defending white cops who kill Minorities, by claiming they are "well-intention-ed"! Use that to console the raltives of those Minorities who were killed!!
reinforced the assetion made by the racist owner of the NBA team in Los Angeles of the way Israelis really feel about 'Blacks', when he let slip the racist phrase; "call a spade a Spade". He later pivoted to defending white cops who kill Minorities, by claiming they are "well-intention-ed"! Use that to console the raltives of those Minorities who were killed!!
That's why the Answers to our Insanity in Self-Government, will come from SELF-government. That is what the Mayor of Baltimore, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake represents. She may be the face of the new, successful Mayor of towns and cities across this land. Not white; Not Jewish; (unless those governed match the description) and dedicated to good-government for those governed. If you haven't heard this mayor speak, do so; and read about her: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephanie_Rawlings_Blake.
Good Government begins at HOME! It begins with the CHILDREN in the home (and the cities are plagued with Children who are in the streets, un-supervised). Baltimore has a successful, and fair CURFEW for children!
Mayors are traditionally Civil Engineers in this country, because the FIRST jobs of city government are cleanliness and safety. Literally, their job is to ship the sh*t!! Our sewers are rotting, and the sh*t is moving into Right Wing Politics!
I put an old friend, A Jew, on the plane this morning. He flew out for my 75th Birthday Celebration. We met more than fifty years ago, as 2nd Lts in the AF, at Fort Meade; just a few miles from Baltimore. While awaiting the birth of my first child, he asked to be God Father (symbolically of course, I'm not Jewish). We've managed to keep the relationship alive for more than half a century. "A-holes in politics"; from Putin to Netanyahu to Palin to Senator Cruz, will NEVER realize that inter-racial, and inter-religious relationships exist between INDIVIDUALS, not GROUPS or FACTIONS!! That's why DEMOCRACY will always be better than THEOCRACY!!
Stay Vigilant!
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