When Ballots Become "Meaningless"!!
Today, "Mourning" Joe had Pat Buchanan on the show. They sat around "Be-Mourning" Three Old Reprobates: Goldwater, Nixon, and Reagan; while hoping the Voters in this country will come around to "accepting" Romney and the Mormons in 2016! Good 'Ol Boys' (white) 'doing their thang', on T.V. !
President Obama is telling CEOs to "stop complaining" -- they're making out like Fat Rats under this President -- but just can't stop b*itchin', I guess. Could it be that they all Hate Obama, too?? Or, is it that OMNIPOTENCE;that was so clearly expressed by Romney in his 47% Talk?? Two things you should never expect from PIGS: gratitude, and honesty. CEOs admit they have done well under Obama; DESPITE Obama! Go figure!!
We exported Democracy to the Middle East; -- They tried it! "We" didn't like the results; so they were over-turned! -- TWICE (For Hamas in Gaza; and, for Egypt; post-Mubarak). Welcome to DEMOCRACY -- 21st Century Version!!
Fareed Zacharia published an article in Foreign Affairs, in 1997; Its entitled: The Rise of Illiberal Democracy. http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/53577/fareed-zakaria/the-rise-of-illiberal-democracy . READ IT!
You will understand what Putin is up to, and has been for years!! Did "W" know (or understand)? Did Cheney know (or care)? Did Condi know (or, "whatever")?? The process is well underway around the world today. The Premier of Hungary was on T.V. yesterday explaining why that country does not want Democracy, as framed by our Founders in the United States. Even though we have a Democratic Republic; the Illiberal Democracies, want NO SEPARATION of POWERS; NO RULE of LAW; and NO INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS (religion, assembly, speech, Free Press, etc.)! The Hard Right in this country has progressed to a point of GRIDLOCK in the destruction of our Constitutional Government! The Judiciary Role is becoming obvious today, after years of stealthy work by the Right Wing in our Senate.
We're constantly told that ISRAEL is a DEMOCRACY! It is NOT; it is an Illiberal THEOCRACY! Trained by the likes of Falwell; Netanyahu is setting a model for the old Dixie-Crats in the Republican Party; as they construct a form of THEOCRACY for this country!
Stay Vigilant! There is a great deal riding on the outcomes of the 2014 Election. Minorities, Poor Whites, and even the Religious Nuts, have A LOT TO LOSE!!
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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC
You will understand what Putin is up to, and has been for years!! Did "W" know (or understand)? Did Cheney know (or care)? Did Condi know (or, "whatever")?? The process is well underway around the world today. The Premier of Hungary was on T.V. yesterday explaining why that country does not want Democracy, as framed by our Founders in the United States. Even though we have a Democratic Republic; the Illiberal Democracies, want NO SEPARATION of POWERS; NO RULE of LAW; and NO INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS (religion, assembly, speech, Free Press, etc.)! The Hard Right in this country has progressed to a point of GRIDLOCK in the destruction of our Constitutional Government! The Judiciary Role is becoming obvious today, after years of stealthy work by the Right Wing in our Senate.
We're constantly told that ISRAEL is a DEMOCRACY! It is NOT; it is an Illiberal THEOCRACY! Trained by the likes of Falwell; Netanyahu is setting a model for the old Dixie-Crats in the Republican Party; as they construct a form of THEOCRACY for this country!
Stay Vigilant! There is a great deal riding on the outcomes of the 2014 Election. Minorities, Poor Whites, and even the Religious Nuts, have A LOT TO LOSE!!
Copyright © 2014: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC
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