Sunday, August 10, 2014

"McCAIN-WORLD" .. WHERE War Dogs "Ride"

And our Country "Spirals-In"??

When Reagan came on the scene and decided to take us "Down below Nixon"; this nation was put firmly on a "slippery slope" that has led us to this new, much-lower, "Putin-Netanyahu-Level"!!  As ISIL gains ground in Iraq, (courtesy of "Mission Accomplished"! - 2003); and Putin roams the planet for targets of opportunity, McCain is back on Sunday-Telly, playing domestic politics with our Foreign Policy.

The MEDIA has hooked white citizens on the Race-Laced "Kool-Aid" they use to commit "charachter- assassination" of the FSP; and the white public just can't get enough of it.  The brew is toxic for our body politic, and for our Constitutional Democracy.  The less-educated and more racist members of our nation's police forces are coming more open as they "target-practice" on minority youth (and older male minorities).  Blacks remain in their "Martin-Stupor" thinking Whites have a "Moral Core"; and most whites still believe that the United States is a "force-for-good" in the world.  What a toxic MESS!  Putin must LOVE it!!

Forget "Dog Whistles", and "Double-Speak"; the MEDIA has blown way past that primitive stuff!  Speaking of DOGS, what happened to the FOX-DOGS??  When did you last hear about BECK or LIMBAUGH, or even O'Really??  That's because they are being overtaken by Matthews, "Mourning-Joe"; Andrea Mitchell; CUPP; and others; scrambling for a "pay-day" of ratings; as they pay their allegiance to Pro-Israel Propaganda.

This crap is PRECISELY the type of internally-driven COLLAPSE Jared Diamond describes in his book of that name.  Great Empires, and Powerful Nations are not immune from the madness.  The Polls show that the country is hankering for a "Strong-Man"!! (not woman)!

Stay Vigilant!  They are turning the World into South-Africa; post-Mandela!!  White folk are not doing themselves, or their grandchildren, a favor by alienating the entire PLANET!!  The RED PAINT has to be STOPPED in this country!  2014 affords the last opportunity to escape the "Thucydides Trap"!

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