Saturday, August 9, 2014

"GENOCIDE" : The "WORD" is Out!!

R We Headed There?

The United States has "selected" the Humanitarian Road back into our "Pottery Barn"!  Will we be able to escape a second time?  Under this President?  Obama can't "get away" with the Kurds, and their religious sects, the way "Slick Willy" pulled off Rwanda!

The most recent NBC Poll shows that the "Heads" on our body politic in the U.S. is twisted like a level-five tornado!.  We can't tell our asses from from elbows; politically, economically, regionally, or, socially!  MAD RONNIE WINS!  That "Great Communicator" looked us in the face, on T.V. and successfully LIED his way out of Iran-Contra.  He also locked the world on the path toward GENOCIDE (fast version, AND, slow version).  The Genius of Ronnie was to get whites to buy in and play along, as they were marched to their ever-increasing economic doom.  The slow version in the U.S. and Latin America has been a thinly-veiled "Social Eugenics"; aided by cooperative Black and Brown Christian Conservatives.
Slow Genocide, practiced in the United States and throughout Latin America for hundreds of years now, has been based in Christian Religion and  Blacks and Browns have played along, believing they had the "moral" high ground.  Crackers kept their eye on their prize: Money and Political Control!  Netanyahu has to speed up the Genocide Israel is practicing against the Palestinians.  Sharon couldn't kill them fast enough either.  Combined, and systematic killing of children, coupled with squeezing Palestinians out of living space, has been the Israeli answer to the all-time and everlasting threat the their Cousins pose:  their higher birth-rates!. 

From bringing in the Vatican to help lock-in white Ethnics in the U.S.  to his plan, Mad Ronnie put a padlock on the Cracker Mind in this country.  The Gridlock, refusal to Compromise -- even in the face of repeated defeat at the Polls, has not shaken enough white minds in this country.  They still intend to Vote for what they claim to Hate!!  Why??  Survival!!  It ain't just the Mormons who prize survival above all else!  We all do.

Do we see, for the first time, a Moslem force that is willing to go to the extremes that Christian Racists have hidden in their religions.  Can we see the Fascism yet??  We can certainly see the contradictions.  "W" was first to utter the word: "Crusade":  now, Moslems are embracing the concept?  Is Netanyahu playing the same game?  Is Putin??

Stay Vigilant!  Less than 3 months to go before we vote away or sleep-away our Constitutional Democracy in search of some Fascist, Corporate, Dictator??

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