Sunday, August 31, 2014

"DRUMS in the NIGHT"; R We "Slouching" toward W.W.-I.I.I?; (still) "Drunk on Racism?

What Our FOUNDERS Knew

While watching C-Span Coverage of the "Busboy" Panel" ; I was shocked to hear the young "Rapper" on the Panel complain of the
"back-stabbing" he witnessed from white Rappers; post-Ferguson!  Finally, a young black generation has come along that "Gets It" !
Whites have, ever since Elvis and the Everly Brothers, been engaged in "stealing" what their parents called "Race Music";  from US!!  I was there, in the early 50's, comfortable in my own teen world; with my own music; and our own dances; when those "siff-assed Cracker Kids" (sorta like the Lip-Nikkies (sp), in the Movie, "The War") sneaked across the tracks and carried back home  new "45" records of Race Music.  Their Parents would beat HELL out of them if they were caught!  My "Gig" was to D-Jay at the local radio (white, of course) station-- for teens in  our community, and take home those banned "Race Records" for free.  Elvis "covered" Little Richard, and tried what passed for "dancing" for a white male of the day.  Pitiful!!  We all know what happened later; especially when the dirt-poor "Liver-Puddlians" got into the act.  They even stole the name ("Rock and Roll") from Black America!

 The question remains: what will this generation of Black Youth DO about it?  I suggest that they can find the "Freedom and Equality" they are seeking by reclaiming our MUSIC and the messages therein, left by the Geniuses who created it!!  Their road to freedom may be locked within.  It was MY ROAD to sanity, survival, and prosperity!!  The life stories of those who created the music, can also be inspiring for young Blacks.  I would start with Louis Armstrong; who was used, and abused by whites;  for a Century!  Enough Crackers have exploited our Black Music Art Form; it's time; to clean up the place and kick them to the curb??  Succeed at that; and you might,  then, take on the REAL PLANTATIONS of 2014: NFL; NBA:  and College(?) Football??  Their "Master(s) -- the OWNERS; and their Overseer(s) -- Head Coaches.  Rid Corporate Rulers of their "Circuses":  They've already deprived us of our BREAD??

We will also learn what the Founders knew; that SLAVERY HAD TO BE ABOLISHED!  They set a date.

That date got interrupted by "Drums in the Night"; the "Terror in the Bones" that has resided in whites since the beginnings of  the "Peculiar Institution":  INSURRECTION!  Haiti produced it; "kicking-ass" and defeating Napoleon's troops.  They established their own nation, and their Freedom!  It caused France to lose its "Empire" in the Americas.  Haiti has been punished by France and the rest of Europe, ever since!  Europe and the United States have trained the Dominicans to oppress and degrade by skin color, the people they must SHARE and Island with!  THAT TERROR IN THE BONES of Whites has kept Racism alive throughout the history of the United States.  And there' no end in sight for it!

The SOUND of the TERROR, was, and is, the "Drum", the Rhythm, the "Ritmo" that lies at the heart of , what is now, the world's most popular MUSIC!

Stay Vigilant!  The Crackers are returning to AFRICA -- to rape it for Round-Three!  Are you "drunk" on Koch-Kool-Aid??  VOTE!  Fend off Corporate Slavery!

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Saturday, August 30, 2014

BLACK and BROWN "AWAKENING"?? In the beginin'; WE was ALL N*ggers ...

Sam Houston Knew  .. Is THIS TIME "Different"?

Up very late, I'm watching C-SPAN programming that has been kicked into this time slot by Comcast.  Its getting harder and harder to catch "unadulterated" TV News.  Now, NBC is planning to saddle us all with Chuck Todd (a product of C-SPAN and "Drudge", as I remember his "trail").  Oh Well!,  They've also inflicted us with "Rev'm Al"!; AND Black/Brown Prison Inmates as "entertainment"!!

This time will be different, on our long road from John Brown to Michael Brown; IF: the targets of the early settlers, as described by DeTocqueville in the 1830s, (Natives ("Indians") and African-descendants (Blacks), can fully their embrace their histories and AWAKEN to what they need to do to escape anihilation!  According to DeTocqueville, the Natives were slated for immediate extermination; while the Blacks were slated to be worked to DEATH!  The events, since the 1830s, have been different, but the prediction by De Tocqueville,  as to the future for of the United States, is something we should ALL read, again; in: "Democracy In America".

Blacks have to realize that the 300-year time limit has run out on "Willie Lynch", and our hi-tech MEDIA is furtively working to "Reset" that old paradigm.  We must not let it!  Our "Education System" has had a 50-year, jump-start at polluting the minds of our children (all colors); with the help of Jewish Teacher Unions.  It was Jewish invention in the 1930s, of Comic Books; to help Whites in their suppression of non-whites; that aided their escape into "power and whiteness".

Blacks, in order to reach true "Freedom" must explore every nuance in Willie Lynch, and repair their own perceptions of who they are!  They must stop relying on the White Man to tell them; they must realize that in 2014, there is very little "African" left in ANY Black person in the Americas! -- Except for those in the Sewer States, and along the East Coast of the United States; and hidden pockets throughout Latin America and Mexico. The rest of us are mostly European and NATIVE!!  We have DNA now, you know! Tracing your genealogy can be used for purposes OTHER than checking out those white relatives who are helping to suppress you, while denying their own roots!  Each BLACK has to meditate on, and repair their relationships with themselves; their parentage, their brothers and sisters, cousins, neighbors, and beyond!  Willie Lynch poisoned all of those relationships for purposes of making Chattel Slavery work.  Anything less, and Black and Brown COMMUNITY will remain a MYTH!

That done; check out how Whites have carefully INSTITUTIONALIZED Racism into every thing that touches your lives; from your Church, to the White Cop, to your "Representative" in Congress.  Some non-whites, like the Batista Cubans in Miami, may never GET It, but, even they can get FREE!
Once FREE: Make sure there are no White Supremacists (of any color) in your LIFE, or the lives of your children!  Learn how to closely examine MEDIA for their "Kool-Aid"

Stay Vigilant!  White Man as Law, as Law Enforcement, and as GODs;  must be abolished!  Rob Portman was on C-Span, assuming the "Fair-Haired Boy" role of a "Reagan-lite", in New Hampshire.  He spoke to well-heeled Voters there who seem genuinely afraid of what "Ferguson" MO,  means for this country.  Portman doesn't "get it", I'm afraid.  Like that one-man "Government and Country SHUT-DOWN artist, John Boehner; Portman is from the "Dixie Belly" of Ohio -- the state that gave us the first RECONSTRUCTION.

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Friday, August 29, 2014

It's "RUSSIA (again!) ... Not the MIDDLE-EAST! -- STUPID!

Keep Your Eyes on the "Puppeteer" ??

It's Deja-Vu:1962??  I feel like we're re-living the Cuban Missile Crisis!  President Kennedy was harassed and second-guessed by our Right Wing domestic critics of that time.  He had a back-stabbing, openly hostile Pentagon to contend with.  Remember General LeMay??

President Obama has President's Kennedy's Problems of 1962 multiplied by many times over, and complicated by many more factors; race, our unpatriotic political opposition;   ISIS is a distraction; EUROPE, (after Ukraine) is the real Target, and its decline is the real Threat to World Peace!  Putin has not been slowed in his advances on the WEST.  He will EAT all that he can get!  His fingers were in Syria, Libya, Israel(?), and other hot spots.  He has neither been "contained", nor "constrained".  His "Empty Trucks" caper reminds me of an old Mom's Mably Joke about the black guy who was stealing Wheelbarrows; right under the nose of a stupid white security guard, who, finding the wheelbarrows empty; kept letting him get away.

Is the MEDIA hyping the Threat of ISIS?  Is there some grand deception?  Don't you think the states of the Region would be more agitated and involved if they agreed with that assessment?  Will we get tricked into putting all of our marbles on the wrong target, again?  WAR DOGS are howling louder in the MEDIA.

Stay Vigilant!  Our immediate focus should be on those Putin Sympathizers among us; who are aiding and abetting his shenanigans.

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Thursday, August 28, 2014


Why "Whites" should be "WORRIED"??

Whether it's the "Bright Light" that placed the automatic weapon in the hands of a 9-yr-old girl;  or the "Bright Light"  (and All-White?) "Leadership" we saw on display in Missouri over the past few weeks; or the "Bright Light" Governors who are busy tearing down our country, while nimbly navigating to stay out of Jail; you gotta- KNOW!,  by Now, that WHITES ARE'NT SAFE! in their blind belief and support for their OWN Numb-sculls"!!  Let's not give a PASS to the "Bright Light Leadership" in Congress (both races, but, mostly, ONE Party)!

When you're comfortable living LIES that you're too "chicken-sh*t" to face; and you pay All That Money to craven Media Critters who feed your deceptions; you MUST,  after all we've seen in the past decade or so, be AWARE that people like Rush, "Mitch", "John", "Mitt" and their backers are Pied-Pipers leading gullible Whites and the United States as a Country, down a road to RUIN!  Even that  "BIG fight" in the 1860s, to change the face of Slavery; did not leave us in such a Mess as we're all in now!  Whites are harboring MANY fears; that have accumulated since the early 1800s, when they first realized that they could not live without the ECONOMIC benefits of Slavery.  Their protective shield, that they think provides them their "Good Life" ; is, in "reality",  a barrier that prevents them from achieving any meaningful reform.  Even their "Little Children" fail to "Lead" them to do good??

Stay Vigilant!  Gates, reportedly, has found a way to do some good (finally) for EVERYONE; by supporting an "anti-gun" amendment for the Ballot in Washington State this Fall.  Is there still hope??  VOTE (intelligently)??  Abolish, or extinguish the NRA??

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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Who "LABOR'S" (anymore)??

Poor Women; in our new "Financial" Economy ... Producing (poorer) Babies??

As our LABOR DAY approaches, the WAR between the MONEY BOYS and the U.S. Citizenry, rages on!  No one seems to realize the significance of President's Obama quip:  "We have to start "making" things again"!!

We're blindly pursuing the myth that the ECONOMY;  killed by the Republicans when they were in their "outlaw" phase (2000-2006),  will miraculously be RESTORED!! THAT was our INDUSTRIAL economy!!  It was replaced with a FINANCIAL Economy -- one ruled by Banks, Insurance Companies, Wall Street, and Hedge-Funders!  Not one laborer among-em!!  Combined, they have shown incredible power to make us all SWEAT!  We're living steadily less satisfying lives as a result, and growing steadily fearful for our futures and those for our children.

Thumb through the ROOSEVELT Institute White Paper by Joseph E. Stiglitz (May 28, 2014), and you see how busy these BOYS were.  While we all slept, they sped along their way to a top, and safe !/%  of our Economy!  

A "pause" is upon us, as both Putin and Netanyahu retrench from their various battles for preeminence in this new Financial Economy, to review their strategies; targeted at vulnerable ethnic, racial, and poor Peoples.
Their real targets are much larger, however.  Both Europe and the United States seem to be in the "cross-hairs" of these guys; helped from within by various "Tools" in service to them!!.  People, (even  some of those, now in Refugee Camps, were incredibly rich) are suffering miserable fates in spreading parts of the world.  Their "worlds" crash and burn "overnight"!

Then, there are the "Religious Nuts" who are fixated on the "babies" of THEIR People.   Their opposition to "Babies" NOT-THEIRS; whether Abortion, or "Shock and Awe" in the streets of  Ferguson, MO; this element of our population has been busy capitalizing on our Prison System; corrupting our Political Parties; destroying our overall Economy; and killing the children of People who are not "included" as THEIRS!

FINANCIAL Economies produce distinctly different types of,  (and far fewer) JOBS, and a peculiar, new type of  MANAGERS.  Some Religious Groups are migrating to more and more heinous acts (like beheading) in the names of their GODS.
Check out the "birth-rate" problems in  the Phillipines:  Refugee camps are spreading like a plague!

Stay Vigilant!  Time to get the MONEY BOYS under control?  Check our History; look up the Sherman Anti-Trust L:aws we still have on our books?

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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

What If: The "REAL" GOD won't take yo' MONEY??

Remember MOSES??
We seem to be living in a time when, it is apparent, that ALL of Abraham's Children are chasin' afta MAMMON!  All of the Abrahamic Religions; Christian, Jewish, and Moslem, are clamoring for increased wealth for "THEIR" People!  Beleaguered parts of our Planet, (AFRICA --always, and, moreso, South America?); are finding it harder and harder to keep the "freedoms" they once had; before being "invaded" by Emerging Powers, and "outlaw" Hedge Fund-ers.  Nations, Regions, Institutions, States, Cities, Communities, Neighborhoods, Families, and Individuals (of all ages), are having to cope with more and more stress daily, as a result!  It portends a very tough time for "Minorities:", however they are defined.

Why? Because malignant seeds (impacting all people on Earth who were not protected by the "early Catholic Church ) were planted in ROME around 500 A.D.  Those seeds have come into full  bloom. 
Moses warned against worshiping False Gods??  The "Commandments" in the Christian Bible seem to apply, in various forms, in ALL religions and faiths -- nothing unique to Abraham?  Protestant Religions are Clones of that ROMAN original.
The MOST DANGEROUS force facing mankind today is the willful DENIAL, by WESTERNERS, of the perpetual European wrong-doing that set in motion after 1492!  They cannot or will not be convinced that their vaunted view of themselves and their history MAY BE DEAD WRONG!  Therefore, they do NOTHING meaningful to make past practices go away.  Remember, Hildalgo and Allende, in Mexico, started a REVOLUTION in 1810, because they were told they were not WHITE ENOUGH!  

Take, for example the writings of Rand Paul and Joe Klein in the latest TIME Magazine.  Remember; these  two guys tread carefully on the WHITE Side of the Global Color Divide, are trying to reach toward that Color Gap.  This is not the case for most whites, of all generations, in the MEDIA.  Their writinga and utterances betray their profound ignorance of what most non-whites know to be true.  Pity poor Blacks, and other Non-Whites, who try daily to curry"Acceptance" from whites.  "Acceptance", at some level,  is most often, if not ALWAYS, 'Withheld" in some way!   A young man in Santa Barbara recently went on a killing spree; targeting young blonde women!  This wicked Western psychology is the Root-of- Madness that drives our collective daily existence, in the World today!  That psychology is thereal TERRORISM, that haunts our Planet today.

Stay Vigilant!  This Psychological Stew will not go away on its own.  We all have roles, or a Piece of  it!   Read Willie Lynch -- he predicted - in the 1700s in the Virginia Tidewater, that this madmess would last for at least 300 years!  We're getting close to that limit; but no end is in sight!
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"Warring" FEAR-Campaigns??

What will "RUSTLE" you to PANIC?
Will Mitch McConnel's, years-long, Campaign of race and FEAR of Obama win his re-election?
Will Putin's Campaign of stirring blood-tie feuds; around the World, win prosperity for the New Russia/
Will Netanyahu's Media Campaign succeed in stoking the endless FEARs of the Israelis; until there are no Palestinians left alive?
Will the WAR DOGS in the U.S. Congress succeed in pushing their Campaign to get U.S. troops back into the Middle East
to die for Oil, and Israel, and, to "own" Iraq, and to feed the insatiable cravings of the global GUN LOBBY?

Are you scared by any of this?  You SHOULD be knowledgeable and CONCERNED;  but NOT Scared!
We've "Been-There-Done-That"!!

Will the Black and Brown Citizens of Missouri remain CONCERNED enough to WORK to change their plight?  Will the White MEDIA "stay tuned"; even if the "exitement" in the streets goes away?

Stay Vigilant!  Election is less than 10 weeks away!!

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Monday, August 25, 2014


a Nation (and the WORLD) "Watches"??

When I was the age of young Michael Brown, in a small, black (real) COMMUNITY in Missouri (Misery), we were taught by our Parents, first, the School Principal, second, and our Teachers, third, (in that order of level of authority) over what happened in our daily lives as black youth.  We were taught that "empty wagons make the most noise".  Ronan Farrow of MSNBC "News" has finished his "coverage" of the Funeral for Michael Brown in St. Louis, MO (his "R.F. for today").  What is "covered" by News Media, is whatever makes a "sensation" or, "stirs the emotions" or, "makes NOISE!  They, along with many of the other "headliners" in today's "coverage" are pushing a message to young Blacks;  to "Cool" It!

Musicians, Political "Leaders", and others who make their living off of their images in Media, to  include Sports Figures, are all classed as ENTERTAINERS -- another class of NOISE-MAKER??   Many of them are spreading HEAT, but little LIGHT!  They HOG the LIGHT to illuminate themselves, and enhance their bank accounts.  Remember this, as we point fingers to murdering whites??  Are we "feeding" this system?
Are we so bankrupt for any kind of "attention" or "affection" that we are helplessly caught in this Spiral to Hell?

Stay Vigilant!  Get SOBER (from both SUBSTANCES and EMOTIONS and THINK!!

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It (really) AIN'T!!, "RACE": It's All About TAXES!!

WHY is we's ALL so STUPID??

In the end, we all have to rely on the Money Boys to "hip" us as to what's REALLY Goin' On?
From the "Miraculous" deaths of Michael Brown , Trayvon, and many others; and the "MAGIC" of Burger King, we have, at last, a peek at the TRUTH??  It's really been TAXES, all along; as Romney, and his crummy buddies told us!

You see, White Racism created places like Ferguson, MO; by employing "White Flight" techniques from the 1970s, to empty out the inner cities, create the Suburbs, and make poor CRACKERS in the Real Estate Industry Rich!  They "screwed" both sides of the Color Line in the process.  Another "Fruit" of the Civil Rights Movement?

As the cities grew "Blacker" (I was there --'62 to '66 -- and watched it happen in Washington, D.C.).  Then came the Riots -- the one that Nixon cut his teeth on in 1968, in Liberty City, Miami, FL, during the Republican Convention.  Whites kept their jobs in the cities, commuted from the suburbs, but PAID NO TAXES, OR OTHER COSTS to maintain city infrastructure.  The Cities got sicker, and Blacker, and we have "backwaters" (don't call them "communities", PLEASE!) like Ferguson, MO.  It's too late to FIX them, because Republicans are using these "White Flight" techniques to bankrupt our entire country!

Its called "INVERSION", today:  Whites are taking their QUIK-BUKS and moving their Business Headquarters OUT OF THE COUNTRY.  They pay NO TAXES, or INFRASTRUCTURE COSTS that way.  They give FREE Weapons of WAR to white Cops and Sheriffs, instead.  That also makes the GUN Lobby Happy!!  Companies are lining up to move their businesses:  Today's Poster Child:: Burger King!  Wonder what "Magic"s CUT is??

Whites of all parts of the Race Spectrum, from the murdering Cops, to Zimmerman, to O-Mara, and the entire bunch, can continue to deny that they are "Racists".  They, like Tea Partiers, Repoobs, and Republicans in general, can claim the Mantle of "Fiscal Hawks"  What a Relief!  

Stay Vigilant!  Welcome to the World of "Rush, Mitch, and John"!!  VOTE!!! Like your Life, and your Country are at STAKE!

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Sunday, August 24, 2014

PAUL: "Color-BLIND" in Guatemala?? .. At WAR with "War" DOGs??

Why Mormons are Supporting Him?

Rand Paul may be a "questionable" Politician, but he is clever on Race-Politics!  Everybody should know, by now, that "White-World Vision" is BLIND to Color.  It is not a Physical Blindness (As an Eye Surgeon should Certainly Know); it is a Psychological Blindness.  If Whites in the U.S. even Recognized Race in the 21st Century; they would have to do something positive to eradicate its effects for ALL Citizens.  They will NEVER do that!!  Hence, the psychological "Ju-Jitsu" that we "see"; in the Press, in Politics (both Parties), and elsewhere.  It also explains the never-ending RACIAL GAP between  perceptions of Whites, and Persons of Color, in the United States.

The Genius OF Paul. is to stuff the War on Drugs into that Gap!  Hence, white males get a PASS for their excesses,  and possibly criminal activities, during the past several decades.  Obama no longer appears to let these white offenders, of all stripes, off the HOOK!  Rand Paul, using his Libertarian Credentials, will be able to use that wedge, and, simultaneously, put Hillary on the Defensive to protect her "New York" political base.  Where do you think Netanyahu get his confidence to continue slaughtering Palestinians?

Why the Mormons?  The CHURCH is in a WAR to "ace" the Catholic Church out of centuries-old control over their "Sheep" in Latin America.  Their campaign has been running in Mexico and points South of there for decades.  They're gaining on the Catholics!  That helps to explain the "rock and hard place" Pope Too is in.  He has to "wipe clean" the Church's role in systematic Rape of Children; while also trying to keep their "flock" under control.  Mormons are good "businessmen" in Religion too??: -- best road to BIG MONEY??

Stay Vigilant!  Will  Christian Blacks and Browns "catch on" in time?  Not if Rev'm Al, and "Jesse" can get enough loot for their Schtick on Race.  Can the STUPID be "saved"  from their fate(s)??  The EVIL ones need "help" from their victims; as HITLER showed us all!

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'OUR" people ... New ROOT-of-EVIL??

 "Bureaucrats" at WAR -- in the INFO AGE??

Some WAG from our State Department repeated on Air recently the "W" Threat:  "If You Attack Our People, we'll Come After You"!!  Eleven years after the onslaught of "Shock and Awe" in Iraq, we ALL know that OUR people, is a term that does not include ALL of our citizens; and neither does the term  "We"!!  We now know that WE are those Bureaucrats in our State Department and Defense Department who really make and maintain our POLICIES (marketed by Congress-persons) and feed our WAR DOGS. Cheney/Bush left our Intelligence Apparatus in shambles and our Military Corrupted, as they ambled out of office in 2009.  Presidents are often last to know much of what is really going on -- except, maybe, THIS ONE?  He IS Different, you know.

This morning, the AP bosses of Foley, the murdered Journalist the Media is hawking for bucks and ratings, (they are trying desperately to push FERGUSON out of the spotlight), were on the TUBE revealing how much money was needed to keep Foley alive  

Just as Iraq produced new Soldiers of Fortune for a budding Security Industry for the State and Defense Departments and rich Corporations; the MEDIA age has turned Journalists into their own version of Soldiers for Fortune.  We shouldn't be surprised, however; white MISSIONARIES, of all stripes, posing as FOUNDATIONS and NGOs are busily planting new foundations for wealth in, you guessed it, AFRICA!  Colonialism just can't DIE, I guess.  Get ready for EBOLA, a repeat for AIDS?  White Missionaries/Foundations are laying out a new round of Exploitation for the DARK Continent?  Portents are dire!  It seems from the story told by the AP Bosses who "sent" Foley back into harms way, that he was only about 9 miles away from the border with Turkey, and certain safety, when he was captured in Syria.  European governments paid ransom for their guys. The AP bosses couldn't "raise" the dough!  The MEDIA blames Obama!  Well, why not ... all the other CRACKERS do!

Reagan "spooked" Cronkite; "W" drove Rather away; Katharine Graham,  Washington Post, has "passed on", taking with her the power of that Paper to "speak to power".  Ditto for what has become of the New York Times as it grovels to compete with Murdoch's FOX abomination.  Just about all of the CRACKER propagandists on TV have been scripted down to Tabloid Level News!  When you're feeding pigs, I guess you need "slops"?  There is a TON of MONEY in it!!  Ask your Politician; who may leave Congress on his or her own!  Check out Sista' Sarah Palin!

Stay Vigilant!  OUR people; can be any religion, a Race, an income Class ... you get the Drift??  VOTE!
Speak Out!

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Saturday, August 23, 2014

TO: BLACKS,( and "Persons of Color"): re: "COMMUNISM"

GERMANY proved that in the 1930s
Don't FALL for the PROPAGANDA??

J. Edgar Hoover; a clearly racist leader of the FBI, during the period when the KKK was the "shadow" single Political Power in the United States, died in 1972. He is known to have successfully blackmailed Presidents and members of Congress to stay in power.   He shared his hatred of the Kennedys, with his neighbor, and buddy; " Liddy Biddy" Johnson.  He firmly believed that every person of color was also a "Communist"; if they were any, tiny, bit less "submissive" than most black preachers of that time, or Clarence Thomas and Condi Rice, of today.  His tactic was very successful, and  hid the rise of Fascism inside this country and inside our politics.

FASCISM:  Socialism of the RIGHT, where BIG MONEY gains exclusive access to Government Power.The Rich enlist the support of Poor Whites and others, to acquire numbers of voters, where necessary.

COMMUNISM:  Socialism of the LEFT, where Poor and Non-Rich Citizens band together to protect themselves from the excesses of BIG MONEY and Tyrannical Government.

RELIGION (especially Catholicism) plays both sides of these roads to Power!

TRUTH may be found SOMEWHERE BETWEEN these Polar Positions!!

Stay Vigilant!  FDR was able to convince the Rich, in the 1930s, that they were playing with Fire, by continuing to "screw" the Poor and Non-Whites.  Can the FBP get this message to the Super-Rich in our 2014 GLOBAL world, where EXXON may be, already, more powerful than the United States Government??

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"MISERY"-able "LEADERS" ; "Misery"-able "Justice"??

Six   * * * * * *   White-Misery-Males
Three   * * *   White-Misery Females
Two   * *   Black-Misery Females
One   *                                    

"Way Down In MIS-ER-Y 
Where I Heard this Mel-o-dy
When I Was a P**-a-N****
On My MAMMY's Knee" 

Stay Vigilant!  HAS OUR NATION "PROGRESSED" from:

your choice!!

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Friday, August 22, 2014

"'CIVIL" (law) vs: "CRIMINAL" (law) ; "CIVIL" (rights) vs: "HUMAN" (rights) ??

(Legal) "FRAUD" ??

Our MEDIA describes a "record" BAC Settlement!  Why now?; after such a  long delay?  
The Press reports; its the threat of Criminal Proceedings against BAC!!  Why does that matter? If a business is threatened with criminal conviction, it can''t stay in business!!!  The Homeowners, WHO LOST THEIR HOMES, won't fare very well, it appears!

What about a Criminal Conviction of Cops??  "Parallel" story!  That explains why  "Crackers" (not ALL whites); are busy as HELL, in-and-out-of Missouri (Media and politicians of all stripes), moving Heaven and Earth to keep the murdering cop out of the clutches of our Criminal Justice System!

Minorities have been stupid enough  to accept, for too long, a designation, by Whites, as "Minorities", i.e. not "white" and therefore, in the Christian Religion, not-quite-HUMAN!  There's no place for that CRAP in the 21st Century!!  Everybody in this Wide, Wide World, needs to wake up to that FACT!  We ALL must start ACTING as if we understand, that:  either we're ALL HUMAN, or NOBODY is HUMAN!

Dont'cha THINK??  Stay Vigilant!!!

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Thursday, August 21, 2014

WHITE FEAR: Why Non-Whites may NEVER find "JUSTICE"??

The "Missouri" Connections

As the Saga in Ferguson unfolds, we hear the outlines of the White Defense, so expertly put in place in O'Mara/Zimmerman:  Any "White" who is "afraid" can commit any violent act, and escape "Justice".  All a murdering Cop has to do, is convince an 80%-white Grand Jury that he was "afraid"! Slam-Dunk:  The White Media has already done that job for them!

We're left with "Civil Rights" the pablum fed to us a century ago, to make us all accept the ages-old belief  that non-whites do not deserve HUMAN Rights!  

Belief that non-whites are somewhat less "human" goes back to the Catholic foundations laid as they settled into Mexico and other points to our South.  Read Phylis Wheatley's Poem, and Thomas Jefferson's racial writings from the 1700s;  it's all there.  Then there is the sorry saga of Chattel Slavery to serve as the Social "Safe" and Incubator for the plethora of race-tinged Institutions created to run our nation, and the world.

Before the Judeo-Christian implementation of the connection of Whiteness with "GOOD" and non-whiteness (even one drop) with EVIL, there was Zoroastrianism; the religion that established along with the single GOD, beliefs in a skin-color-connection with Good and Evil.  Western Religions, and Crowned Heads, relished that assertion and imbedded it early in Roman Catholicism.  Gaze up at the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?  Then check out the Mind-Sets, today, of "Faithful Believers" of all colors.

But it's the BUSHES (from Poppa to "W") who brought us to our current racial impass!   Reaching out to Missouri Senator Danforth,;  "Poppa" Bush stopped racial progress with Clarence Thomas.
"Jeb" signed Stand Your Ground, into our legal system.  "W' declared "Western"  return to "Crusades"!.

The State Actor(s) who were behind the murder of Martin Luther King, reached into the Missouri Penitentiary to find his murderer; and then provided the National Technical Means for his flight from "Justice".  Missouri returned to its  "extreme" roots around the time that Gephardt fell from grace in the House of Representatives;  We have recent "echoes" in the  shooting and  murder by a Missourian of a non-Jew at a Synagogue on Missouri's western border with Kansas City, KS,  and the "Obama-denigration" at the Mo. State Fair Rodeo!  NOW, Ferguson!

ISIS is rportedly attempting to bring Zoroastrianism back from the BCE period.   Indians from India, and Persians, (today's Iranians), return to their place in our "dark" history.  Its no accident that imported Indians are useful to the Sewer States.  Louisiana has been "searching" for an "acceptable" David Duke for a LONG time!  Jendal's their man; because Black Southerners "trust" non-white's blindly, at their Peril?  In India, the "Untouchables" are the DARK Ones!  India wrote the book on the applications of race to Power!  Check out their activities in South Africa during Apartheid.

Stay Vigilant!  GET INFORMED!! Let's not buy another, 21st Century, "PIG" in a Poke??

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Wednesday, August 20, 2014


"History" gets a 21st Century "Update"??

Long-time readers of this BLOG know that I was born and raised in Missouri.  I escaped at the age of 20; heading West; like Mark Twain did, in the 1800s, when he decided NOT to get involved in the Civil War.  We both wound up in San Francisco!  When I related my earlier experiences to Peter Drucker in my Seminars with him, he explained that Missouri was a "Border, former Slave State; that Nobody Trusted".  I have since learned that Texas has been in a class of its own on this score; bragging in 2014 of its desires to "Secede"!  Thrown in the rest of the "Sewer States" that followed the lead of Texas??

In the run-up to our Civil War, under President Polk (who must have been the Patron Saint of "W"?);  we can see the trail to our current MESS!  Throw in Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Iowa? -- you can see what we're dealing with!!  NULLIFICATION is back.  Our entire history was "focused" through the "Lens" of Missouri; as our Lawless Elements moved from East to West.  The Trail Heads, the Railroads, the Mormons and their Insurrections; all incubated in Missouri!

Missouri is also the home of Harry Truman; the last brave, and wise "Leader" this country has had in the White House (before the current occupant; in my humble opinion)!  My Aunt quit working for the Truman Family when she found the Klan Robes in their attic.  From those roots, we can clearly see the depth of the man; given what he did for this country.  Recent events leading up to today in Ferguson, MO, show how little that STATE has changed since 1939.

One Wag in our Media pointed to the sad reality of  "Finger-Pointing" now taking place in Missouri as the Governor, Senator, and "lesser leaders" blame each other; while assuming no risks to their own positions.  Poor Harry must be rollin' in his grave.

To really understand today, we have to go back to NIXON (Eisenhower's "Sarah Palin").  He sprang on the scene as Truman left office and immediately learned how to play nice with the Fascist elements that were emigrating to these shores from Europe, following WW-II.  It started with the Korean War; Truman's firing of  General MacArthur; and, support for Senator McCarthy!  This led to Nixon re-creating the Republican Party into the despicable organ it is today.  The Nixon-Reagan-"W" triumvirate formed the Bridge to Ferguson?

White America is being sliced and diced into little bits by the Rich and Powerful who find all citizens who still believe in Democracy to be "in their way"!  They are busy preparing to compete in the Global Economy.  As Kruschev noted in the Cuban Missile Crisis, Western Capitalists will insist on marketing the "Rope" that will be used to hang them!  Putin must understand that.  

How did the Hostage that was be-headed by ISIS yesterday get from the hands of Assad of Syria,  into the hands of ISIS?  Is Putin the "Link"?  Our Media will never ask the question, nor provide answers.  Is ISIS trying to return the planet to Zoroastrianism??

Stay Vigilant!  Learn how to VOTE to save your LIFE, your COUNTRY, and stop the GULAGs!!  R U a "white sheep"? or a "black sheep"?  Pope Too, "Reverend Al", and the Kochs? want to know!

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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

who?, Will "TELL" the WHITE-folk??

"Our" CUBANs??

From the SHOW-ME State, our White Media; (from FOX to "Mourning" Joe) has LOST CREDIBILITY in all matters tinged with RACE.  (That's a Helluva Lot!, folks).  Enter Diaz-Balart, on MSNBC, ,to "save" the Media?  He will "fix" the Media, while the black-guy-on-the-ground tries to "fix" St. Louis.  It was reported that Amnesty International is now locating in St. Louis, for the first time.  

A 90-year-old-Holocaust Victim was arrested in St. Louis, protesting the message Missouri is propagating to the world;  and Putin is "returning" Russia to Cuba.  Are "Our Cubans" -- the "whiter" ones -- betting their future on Miami, Florida, since they can't "go home".  I learned a great number of facts, between 2003 and 2005, while I studied non-white Entrepreneurial ism in greater Miami-Dade and  it's many non-white "communities",  with totally separate Chambers of Commerce.  In one, a Korean-American Millionaire sponsored a scholarship program for Black and Haitian students as "Insurance".  He was trying to insure that the NEXT TIME racial tensions reach the height they did in Liberty City, FL (1968), the Korean-owned businesses might be spared.  I met a Haitian "Dreamer" in 2004: NO politician of any color would help him and he was DEPORTED!  He achieved MAXIMUM scores on the SAT!

Of the many fractured, and racially-divided "communities" that comprise Miami-Dade, only the Cubans who arrived before "Mariel" are in the Cat-Bird-Seat.  They have no respect for other Spanish-Speaking immigrants, and certainly not "Mexicans"!  Diaz-Balart has immediately staked out a position on MEDIA, between Whites and Blacks.  Triangulation is old, but it still works.  Putin knows that well.  The Castros have played the "Color Lines" better than any of our Presidents since Harry Truman, it seems.

Stay Vigilant!  This Nixon-Reagan-Bush cycle of Race-based Politics and Policies has "blossomed" into a poisonous flower that our Country cannot survive!  R our "Millenials" ahead of the rest of the country?

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Monday, August 18, 2014

"Don't NOBODY; "Respect" NOBODY:that Don't "Respect" Themselves!! "??

A Lesson Taught to Black Children in Past Centuries??

We've gone from "John Brown" to "Michael Brown: in a span of less than 200 years, and we're witnessing a gross "Failure to Communicate" -- In ALL Directions --  in ALL MEDIA; and by ALL Parties!.  The most tragic circumstances redound to the PARENTS of Black Youth in 2014!  Especially those black male children below the age of 30.  Something has gone tragically awry for them since Martin Luther King rose to prominence!  Was it INTEGRATION? (various, and conflicting definitions)??, OR: the forced abdication of control of the education of black children to people who have, for centuries, destroyed the children of Native Americans, "Hispanics" and, of course ("Blacks, Coloreds, Negros, and several other contrived "Identities" owned and controlled by whites).  Other groups have managed some level of autonomy for educating their children. 

I was saddened to hear the "Church" Rally in Ferguson on Sunday.  Blacks have not yet made enough progress beyond the "Religion" thrust upon them under the Lash.  We still have not learned, as most other groups have, to TALK TO EACH OTHER!!  We're still trying to "send a message" to "Whitey"!!!  Whitey got all of our messages before 1960!!  -- and has Moved ON!  We're still flappin' into DEAD AIR!  As for IDENTITY ... after more than 600 years of  "bed-swappin" in the Americas; for Fun and for Profit, we're All swimming in the Gene Pool of the Natives, the people most subject to Genocide, from the day the European first arrived!  So, let's get OVER the past, and try with all our might to figure out what kind of Future awaits us all!

Stay Vigilant!  Read Philip Slater's The Pursuit Of Loneliness (1970).  That book could not be more relevant to today, in the United States of  America.

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Sunday, August 17, 2014

R "Whites" More "Understanding" of IRAQ, than their BLACK Neighbors??

Why R They So BLIND, and DEAF to the "Connections"??

It is painfully true, now, that "Cheney/Bush " created ISIS; from their mishandling of the Sunnis, there, after "Shock and Awe".  Trying some "Shock and Awe" on Poor Blacks in Missouri seems to have "blown back" on Missouri and the Hard Right Republicans who have been working diligently for years to sow the seeds of racial "breakdown" on the streets of our nation.

We pretend to have "integrated" the nation, but insist in keeping rigid SEGREGATION, racially, within our MEDIA.  Even blind people should "see" the lack of "connection" between whites, who dominate our Media, and everyone else, who have no voice, or respectful presence, on the Air.  The IMAGE(s) of non-whites are carefully scripted and managed by whites.  They have set a trap for this nation that may last throughout the 21st Century!.  Greed and Racism, Reagan's Toxic Stew, blended from both Nixon and LBJ, now dominate our Public Square, and our economy!

Stay Vigilant!  This SCUM has to be put under control by saner heads, or we will ALL go the way of Syria, and Iraq!

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Saturday, August 16, 2014

RACE: "Just the FACTS, Ma'am" ??

WHITES Have to Take This Seriously!!

If the MEDIA thinks they can "spin" Ferguson, MO, like they did Florida (State Prosecutors, and the stumble-bum Cops in Sanford, and the O'Mara/Zimmerman fiasco); THEY"RE MISTAKEN!  If the White Right continues to DISTRUST the President of the United States; while continuing to DEMAND TRUST from Poor and Discarded Blacks in this Society; they are seriously lacking common sense!  

Judge closely anyone you listen to or watch in televised Media:  They must speak from FACT; not PASSION.  Read and understand two classic works, produced in this country more than 50 years ago, that explain the factual bases for what we are facing:

     THE NATURE OF PREJUDICE, 1958,   by Gordon W. Allport;  and
     CASTE, CLASS, & RACE (1959),   by Oliver C. Cox

Nothing else comes close to providing the FACTUAL bases that any Talking Head in our Media must understand to serve the Public,, and lead us to safety and sanity.  PASSIONS  will only spread the poison we have already seen too much!  Our  "Political Leaders" in Congress!! should get back to work and serve their country!!

Stay Vigilant!

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"trash" COMMUNITIES; "trash" MEDIA; "trash" POLICING; "trash" JUSTICE; "trash" BLACKS; "trash" WHITES ...

Did the U.S. Leave "QUALITY" in the 20th Century??

Ferguson, MO could be a "teaching Moment" for us all; if we honestly face what we're seeing!
Last night's return to "trash" behavior by "trash"  BLACK-YOUTH, using the "cover" of PROTEST for common theft; matches the "trash" COPS who put out spurious videos to the MEDIA (especially to their "trash" Talking Heads) as "cover" for their obvious criminality!

This would NEVER happen in the BLACK Missouri Community I was raised in, between the years of 1939 and 1959!  Even the (black) TOWN DRUNK would "chastise" a misbehaving black youth; and, then make sure the parents knew what happened before the kid could get home with some trumped-up Lie!  (they didn't need "smart" phones)!  The parents would be waiting to "whup their asses"!  The BLACK MEN of our town made sure that the Cracker Cops had no reason to come across the tracks into our Community.  It was a COMMUNITY! -- not just some Hell Hole where enough people of a certain stripe collect; enabling our sick MEDIA to describe it as a "Community".  A COMMUNITY functions as one!  The Quality Blacks evidently went to bed at a decent hour last night in Ferguson, MO, leaving the young criminal element unattended!  SHAME ON THEM!

In the 20th Century, black parents raised their children to quickly distinguish "Quality" whites from the "TRASH"!  Nowadays you see "TRASH WHITES" everywhere.  The Guv'na of MO, looked like a "deer in headlights" on the Media, as he shoved him Black Prince into the breech.  The Guv'na of TX (from N*ggerhead) is under INDICTMENT!  Then's theire' the Guv'na of NJ, (and NM?)!

The CRACKER Cops, and their backers, knew exactly, how to deal with the Black Guy.  CRACKERS in politics have demonstrated that to the entire PLANET since the FBP was elected in 2008!  The Republicans paraded every kind of "TRASH" before us, and the World, during their 2012 Election Campaigns.

Talking Heads (white ones) should review carefully their performance when the "mikes" are ON!  We detect their TRASH Roots, from the way they slip up in their verbiage on Air.  "Pitiful-Palin" showed politicians how to run for the money in MEDIA, and, in the process, created our new "Revolving Door" that competes with the "Lobbyist" path to Dirty Money.

As for JUSTICE?  Has anyone checked out the Supreme Court since the advent of Roberts and Alito?? "Citizens United" was the accelerant that set off our current spiral toward DECLINE and COLLAPSE as a nation.  The Court, since their arrival, has flung open the doors leading back to our Slave past!

Then;  there are the "TRASH RELIGIONS"!  Those used by the KLAN, and early Catholics (Pope Too, too?) to set the stage for all of this racial crap!  Everyone points fingers at the MUSLIMS; but most of us need to use a MIRROR once in a while!

Stay Vigilant!  We can FIX a lot of this in NOVEMBER!!

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Friday, August 15, 2014

"RACE" and MEDIA: "Dark" GOVERNMENT(s)??

"Reading" our MEDIA??

After days of "hiding out"; the Governor of Missouri sprang forth to play his "Ace of Spades" against the Malignant Right Insurrectionists in his state (21st Century Klan).  The "heat" is off, for now, in Ferguson, but already, the next moves in this sorry saga are becoming evident.  "Mourning Joe" and his Media-stripe, revealed their hand too early; and are trapped on the "wrong" side of the issue.  Other "celebrity" Talking Heads in the Media, now find it "safe" to go to Ferguson to be "seen-on-the-scene"!  They all have to measure their steps carefully -- even those darker "heads".  They were cautiously silent in the first few days.   Hispanics; White Women (Hillary?); The Congressional Black Caucus; and countless others, are scrambling for "safe" stances on these events.  NOTE: the Governor of New Mexico never did come out of hiding, following the shooting by her State Cops at a Black Woman and her children traveling the back roads of her state.  The Cook Report revealed that she has been "counseled" by the "Karl Rove of New Mexico"; at great expense to the New Mexico Tax Payers!

The Crakker Militia that scared HELL out of even the Hard Right with their Iraq-derived- Firepower on T.V., may have bought enough time for the Chief and Mayor of Ferguson to get their LIES lined up; and a COVER story for the Media to be developed.  (They're busy building a "back" story hinting that the dead black youth MAY have been involved in a Robbery).  Thank (their?) God!  The Whites now have something to cling to, and the "O'Mara/Zimmerman" Template can be rolled out to free Whites in this country, once again, from their guilt via Media-Trial.  (Johnny Cochran's "genius" backfired??)

The problem is that GOVERNMENT in this country no longer works like it used to!  Neither Governors nor Presidents will ever again have the "Executive Authority", of Old; until structural changes are made this FALL!  Why! because Legislatures have taken over; led by Malignant Think Tanks in Washington, D.C.!!  Every type of government, or quasi-government can now  have its own POLICE FORCE (the VA, School Districts, County Sheriffs, the list is long).  Remember!,  Bundy and his bunch in Nevada felt that their SHERIFF could ARREST the Federal Government!  Now, these Crack-Pot Crackers have direct access to war weaponry from our Department of Defense; FOR FREE.  That should help to explain what we all saw on T.V. the other night when these friggin' Klan-types pointed high-power war weapons at unarmed citizens!

Want your country back?  Want sane government back? FIND EVERY REPUBLICAN, and VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE!!  Even your Republican Governor might thank you for that!

As for the Black, Poor and Confused (and deluded? Christian?) citizens: we may continue to see them and their young male children gunned down in the streets.  Each incident, makes the Media Machine stronger as it plays is various cynical games on us!  Blacks (women, especially) are suckers for the "Kool-Aid" and eager to "suck-up" in the old, traditional, ways!

Stay Vigilant!  How is your Legislature, or City Council, or County Board, treating YOU??  VOTE!!

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Thursday, August 14, 2014

"POLICE" RIOTS: return to U.S. Streets : Is a "Corrupt" PRESS our REAL Enemy??

"Alabama" returns to Missouri?

The "Wake-Up" News shows this morning show a stark contrast in Press coverage of what is happening in Missouri:  CNN leads with it (reluctantly), but permits the abused and attacked Journalists to rebut "Mourning Joe" and his support for the Rioting Cops!  Has Gaza leapt the oceans overnight?

To get answers, we have to return to the original scene of the crime against the United States:  Alabama; Governor Wallace; Dogs and Fire-hoses; and TELEVISION!  Today, we have the weaponry and "shock and awe" of Iraq, placed in the hands of a "Police" force that is not under the control of its Chief; the Mayor; the Governor of Missouri; or ANYONE!  If that doesn't scare Hell out of any thinking American .. Nothing Will!

Stay Vigilant!  Think About It!  Is the Real target of all of this; those Poor Whites, who like most Blacks, are of NO USE to our rising CORPORATE "Leadership"??

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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

BLACKS: "There we GO! .. AGAIN???

Will WE EVER Learn?
Following the Riots in the late 60s, in response to the assassinations of Dr. King, Malcolm, and the Kennedys, the Elites of the nation hit on the idea of electing Blacks to the Position of Mayor in cities around the country.  They were counting on the tendency since Slavery of Blacks to confuse Position, with Power.  Their scheme worked.  Only one of a list of Black Mayors was in a Strong Mayor position, and exercised real Power:  Mayor Washington of Chicago.  The sham was obvious, even in Seattle, where I worked to help elect Mayor Rice in 1989 .  Mayor Bradley of  Los Angeles was a JOKE; who presided over the most racist Police Force in the Nation's history.  It's no joke that Academia relies on this flaw, and continues to "sell" worthless degrees to minorities who think the degree will confer upon them the power that whites have with no education at all!

That "snake oil" has a life of its own, and will continue until pretentious aspirants to power disappear.  NOT!
The Extreme Right has twisted that history into a new shape in their unified front against the FBP.  The root of raw racism runs deep in the Americas.  In that part of the Americas, south of our border with Mexico, you see a race machine fashioned hundreds of years ago by the Catholic founders of those nations.  Their race instrument has 16 keys (permutations of blanco, indio, and negro).  In the English-speaking parts, the race instrument has only 2 keys: White, -- and all else has been  Black (even one drop).  The Tweeners' are emerging in the 21st Century; as  race definitions become further "contorted" by MEDIA.

In "Misery", (my 'ol birthplace), racism is buried deep in the soil, as is evident in Ferguson, near St. Louis.
Those in the "ditch" politically, racially, socially, and economically in this country, are, once again, at each other's throats.  No responsible, and accountable Leaders are available today within our States, to bring calm and common sense to bear.  The ages-old practice of whites to rely on  poorly educated, and unwise PREACHERS, to calm the Blacks;  is alive and well.  Past white Presidents, from the time of Booker T. Washington, have bribed Preachers and Black "Leaders" to calm the riotous elements.  They also served as spies for the Klan and for Political Leaders throughout our history.

It appears that the one thing INTEGRATION produced is young blacks who are equally as undisciplined as the whites they went to school with.  The Black Youth who started the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s were extremely better at self-discipline that what we observe among all of our youth today.  Some Progress!

Stay Vigilant!  What kind of "LEADERSHIP" exists in YOUR "Community"??
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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

"FAREWELL, ROBIN" ... you'll be Sorely Missed!!

'Good Mornin' Vietnam??

In the midst of the "good" news that the FBP is making some headway toward eliminating the cancer we inflicted on the Middle East ;   Cheney/Bush/Sharon (and Netanyahu, of late); we get the shocking news that Robin Williams has left us!  Robin's "news" was strong enough to silence (for an instance), the gathering din of those Hyenas on Obama's tail.  Hillary has joined them, it appears ... 'them Clintons' are quite Tricky, it seems.

Departing. nine years later (and two years younger, at death) than his "Soul" brother, and kindred spirit, Richard Pryor; Robin reminds us all of the great pain involved when comedians of their class speak "Truth" to a supposed "free people" who show little or no desire to face it!  Robin's T.V. career was launched after he appeared in The Richard Pryor Show, that premiered in 1977.  Robin, descended from Mississippi and Louisiana roots, was no "stranger" to the traditions of "Slave-America".

My favorite, as a Vietnam-Era Veteran, was Robin's film, Good Morning, Vietnam (1987).  That WAR was, and still is, the arching-cancer that infects the United States and its institutions.  It provided the foundation for the race-based warfare our Kops are systematically unleashing across our country; under the"Tea Party" mask of a Political Party.  We, as a nation, have to go back: (start at the "cross-roads" of the Bay of Pigs) and look HARD at what happened (go back: to Truman and his "DO NUTHIN" Congress): review; who did what?, When?;  and WHY there was such an effort to keep us in the dark!  From Eisenhower, all the way forward to Cheney/Bush.!!   There appears to be a long list of events that have to re-examined, in the light of what we now know about the activities of LBJ; J Edgar Hoover, Nixon, Reagan, Daddy Bush, and Cheney/Bush.  We owe it to ourselves to DIG for Truth!!

Stay Vigilant!  Let's do Robin (and Richard) the HONOR they deserve!

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Monday, August 11, 2014

"COWBOYS" (and dictators) CAN'T "MANAGE"!!

Consider "Texas"??
Seems like 'Krazy Krakker Kops' with Guns, are on the loose again; sparking urban riots with their racist antics, and, convinced the Krakker Media will shill for them!
Hillary, growing nervous, fingers her "race cards" to convince the Krakker Right that she doesn't need a "Penis to be President".  Whites, who continue to deny the fundamental racist core of the United States Culture and Economy; are looking more like FOOLS, everyday!.  The Good "Ol Boys" down South knew this was coming, years ago, when they inserted Women into the Civil Rights Legislation as a "minority"!  They knew;  when these time arrived, the white women would join them.  Let the blind followers of "fuzzy-Headed-and super-Religious" black folk; chew on them apples!
Cheney, "W", Petraeus, and others in that crowd, knew a Civil War was brewing in Iraq YEARS AGO!  They were high-tailing out of there, in spite of their Failure to get a Status of Forces Agreement, and their sorry list of failures from the day they committed "Shock and Awe"!. They managed to get out it time (not so lucky in 2008 with our Economy).  They were content to leave our Troops behind to get caught in that Civil War!.  Obama got them out in time; and the Krakkers among us are pissin' on him for it!  Some people don't deserve to be "Saved", I guess.

Get out your ear plugs!  The "din" will only grow louder; as more and more "fronts" in our Media Wars open up; and folk like Putin and Netanyahu continue to "jerk us around"!  There's Hillary, the Fall Elections, Netanyahu and his Genocide Campaign, and always, there's Putin!  Our Propaganda-Spewing Media Talking Heads will have many field days with it all!

The "Cowboy" or "Hyena" elements are out in full force, scaring Hell out of Democrats and setting fire to just about any spot they choose!

No autocrat (Cowboy, or dictator) need to do anything more than "stir the pot" under these circumstances.  It takes a calm, cool-headed, MANAGER to lead us through times like these.  We had one the last time (FDR); and we have one NOW (FBP) -- but then, there's that RACE thing!

Stay Vigilant!  We are where we are; and soon could be in a much worse spot!   UNLESS WE WAKE UP IN TIME!
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Sunday, August 10, 2014

"McCAIN-WORLD" .. WHERE War Dogs "Ride"

And our Country "Spirals-In"??

When Reagan came on the scene and decided to take us "Down below Nixon"; this nation was put firmly on a "slippery slope" that has led us to this new, much-lower, "Putin-Netanyahu-Level"!!  As ISIL gains ground in Iraq, (courtesy of "Mission Accomplished"! - 2003); and Putin roams the planet for targets of opportunity, McCain is back on Sunday-Telly, playing domestic politics with our Foreign Policy.

The MEDIA has hooked white citizens on the Race-Laced "Kool-Aid" they use to commit "charachter- assassination" of the FSP; and the white public just can't get enough of it.  The brew is toxic for our body politic, and for our Constitutional Democracy.  The less-educated and more racist members of our nation's police forces are coming more open as they "target-practice" on minority youth (and older male minorities).  Blacks remain in their "Martin-Stupor" thinking Whites have a "Moral Core"; and most whites still believe that the United States is a "force-for-good" in the world.  What a toxic MESS!  Putin must LOVE it!!

Forget "Dog Whistles", and "Double-Speak"; the MEDIA has blown way past that primitive stuff!  Speaking of DOGS, what happened to the FOX-DOGS??  When did you last hear about BECK or LIMBAUGH, or even O'Really??  That's because they are being overtaken by Matthews, "Mourning-Joe"; Andrea Mitchell; CUPP; and others; scrambling for a "pay-day" of ratings; as they pay their allegiance to Pro-Israel Propaganda.

This crap is PRECISELY the type of internally-driven COLLAPSE Jared Diamond describes in his book of that name.  Great Empires, and Powerful Nations are not immune from the madness.  The Polls show that the country is hankering for a "Strong-Man"!! (not woman)!

Stay Vigilant!  They are turning the World into South-Africa; post-Mandela!!  White folk are not doing themselves, or their grandchildren, a favor by alienating the entire PLANET!!  The RED PAINT has to be STOPPED in this country!  2014 affords the last opportunity to escape the "Thucydides Trap"!

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Saturday, August 9, 2014


"It is hard, pessimists fear, for one power to rise and the other to decline without clashing as they pass"

Could it be also as true for "income classes"; as it is for "powers"?  For racial and religious groups?
For "nationalities"; no matter where they are located?

Could this really be what we're seeing around the world as the Global Economy grows; without global law, and without global institutions that work, fairly, for everyone??  Does this open the door for international crime rings rung by governments and quasi-government organizations?  What about the Private  "Foundations" that are springing up everywhere, collecting "donations", while operating globally? 

Could it be that our situation is ripe for Rogue Political Factions; in any government; anywhere; even in the United States of America?

Stay Vigilant!  If you VOTE in November; Your Life might get "fixed"?  You might be able to improve your own standard of living!

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"GENOCIDE" : The "WORD" is Out!!

R We Headed There?

The United States has "selected" the Humanitarian Road back into our "Pottery Barn"!  Will we be able to escape a second time?  Under this President?  Obama can't "get away" with the Kurds, and their religious sects, the way "Slick Willy" pulled off Rwanda!

The most recent NBC Poll shows that the "Heads" on our body politic in the U.S. is twisted like a level-five tornado!.  We can't tell our asses from from elbows; politically, economically, regionally, or, socially!  MAD RONNIE WINS!  That "Great Communicator" looked us in the face, on T.V. and successfully LIED his way out of Iran-Contra.  He also locked the world on the path toward GENOCIDE (fast version, AND, slow version).  The Genius of Ronnie was to get whites to buy in and play along, as they were marched to their ever-increasing economic doom.  The slow version in the U.S. and Latin America has been a thinly-veiled "Social Eugenics"; aided by cooperative Black and Brown Christian Conservatives.
Slow Genocide, practiced in the United States and throughout Latin America for hundreds of years now, has been based in Christian Religion and  Blacks and Browns have played along, believing they had the "moral" high ground.  Crackers kept their eye on their prize: Money and Political Control!  Netanyahu has to speed up the Genocide Israel is practicing against the Palestinians.  Sharon couldn't kill them fast enough either.  Combined, and systematic killing of children, coupled with squeezing Palestinians out of living space, has been the Israeli answer to the all-time and everlasting threat the their Cousins pose:  their higher birth-rates!. 

From bringing in the Vatican to help lock-in white Ethnics in the U.S.  to his plan, Mad Ronnie put a padlock on the Cracker Mind in this country.  The Gridlock, refusal to Compromise -- even in the face of repeated defeat at the Polls, has not shaken enough white minds in this country.  They still intend to Vote for what they claim to Hate!!  Why??  Survival!!  It ain't just the Mormons who prize survival above all else!  We all do.

Do we see, for the first time, a Moslem force that is willing to go to the extremes that Christian Racists have hidden in their religions.  Can we see the Fascism yet??  We can certainly see the contradictions.  "W" was first to utter the word: "Crusade":  now, Moslems are embracing the concept?  Is Netanyahu playing the same game?  Is Putin??

Stay Vigilant!  Less than 3 months to go before we vote away or sleep-away our Constitutional Democracy in search of some Fascist, Corporate, Dictator??

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Friday, August 8, 2014

"Strange" ALLIES??

Do "WE" have ALLIES?? 

If YOU were under attack, would you WAIT to respond; until the United States spent its blood and treasure first; BEFORE you did everything you could to DEFEND  yourself?  Ask the ?Saudis and the Jordanians and the Turks this question!!  Has the world become so twisted that ONLY the U.S. is expected to "Fix" all of the world's problems?; while the rest of the world stands around and DOES NOTHING?  Andrea Mitchell and Chris Matthews on the T.V. this morning,  act like President Obama is in this alone!  What in HELL has become of our brains??

Andrea is shilling for McCain, as usual, and the other Hard Right detractors.  Are they slaves to world Propaganda?; to Putin; to the WAR DOGS abroad and at home??  In addition to defeating all threats, Obama must also "educate" those evil dummies in this country, who have no brain cells left intact!

The Factions in this country are in such disarray, they are playing into the hands of every evil force on the planet that wants to walk into the vacuum created by the post-9/11 Fear-Mongering of Cheney/Bush!. A curious mixture of Greed; Racism; and Fascism; that sprang onto the world scene in 1980, is working to dissolve old alliances and pit former defenders of Western Societies and Values against each other.  We see it in the Middle East, in Europe, and here in the United States.

Jared Diamond, in his book, Collapse, published in 2005, describes how The Dominican Republic and Haiti have chosen a path to Collapse through their practice of Color Racism.  In the most recent issue of Americas Quarterly;  today's relationship between Dominicans and Haitians continue to decline.  As Diamond noted in his 2005 book, the Dominicans need the labor of the Haitians, but don't want them in their country.  Californians, and citizens from our South and West, in general, have adopted the same attitude.  The Quarterly article also describes the ages-old practice of Southern whites from the United States who have taught their brand of racial discrimination to the lighter-skinned Dominicans, and to the rest of the world.  The behavior of that "Cracker" element of our population have demonstrated to the world, since 2008, their hatred of President Obama, reinforcing that old practice.

Stay Vigilant!  If we go broke, we won't even be able to defend OURSELVES!  The Gun-Runners among us don't care, about that!

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Thursday, August 7, 2014

white "SEGREGATION" - (2014)

Gone World-wide?
It was was made "Sterling-ly" clear in the NBA/Clippers fiasco, that Jews have their own version of racism against dark-skinned peoples!  His punishment was loss of his ownership of the Clippers.  I'm sure Sterling was only trying to endear himself to "white America" -- a long tradition since the 1930s; when young Jews invented comic books for whites, most of whom couldn't read; helping them  to "hate" on Blacks.

Flip on the T.V. in the United States, today, and you will see immediately how much, whites in this country cling to white "Segregation".  They relented, some, from the more oppressive and senseless forms of segregation,  in the 1960s, they earlier designed against Blacks and other Non-Whites.   They kept the Segregation for Whites, established under Jim Crow.  As can be seen immediately, today, in television programming for our Media, there is, in 2014, as strong as ever,  a Color Line maintained by whites that preserves a separate Reality of Life for white people.   There is little, or no, reflection of reality for Non-Whites.  Since "Cosby", they have "adorned" their presentation of white life with "dots" of non-whiteness (that never quite "fits" the settings).  Whites have always "re-invented" themselves on these shores; never facing the Reality of who the R-e-a-l-l-y ARE!!

In the United States, whites either fled oppression or indebtedness in Europe to arrive here; or came here with the early slave trade and became very rich.  The first category formed the White Ethnics (outside the "Ol South) and the latter the worst of the "Ol South" --  the few "Massas", and the many "Overseers".  It is the leftovers from the "overseers" that plague this nation's politics, and much of the world, in 2014.

Cubans and Jews have been trying desperately to secure a place for themselves (along with some of the "Older" Hispanics) --  on the WHITE SIDE of that color line; with limited success.

Born in their religion, whites hold firmly to a BELIEF that only persons with white skin can lead lives worthy of presentation in the media in any way that reflects humanity.  All non-whites are lesser peoples who must "earn" acceptance by whites.  Too many non-whites, again, constrained by their religious beliefs, cooperate with that mind-set.  Hence, in the U.S.; T.V. is the land of White-Segregation!!  Writers and Producers are busily creating more Kool-Aid for our most witless and tasteless masses of viewers.

Stay Vigilant!  Programming, or "Content" is at a " premium" for T.V. today; as this fake reality for whites, increases its demand to be "refreshed"!  Non-whites must work harder to "break the grip" of Cracker T.V., world-wide, and move toward the "sunshine"  of Human Depiction! Note:  Murdoch backed down!

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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

RICHOCHET? Ebola; "Downed" Flts; Palestine; Ukraine ...


The massive Propaganda Machine, posing as World Media, likes to feed us their "crap" one piece at a time!
We don/t have to fall for that!  Even blitherin' idiots can connect some of these dots.  BEHOLD, THE HAND OF MAN!!

 Fed by a growing global coalescence of ancient European-style racism and classicism (ethnic, immigrant, and "traditional); are we beginning to see, with Israel, the Russian Jew's version of Race?  Putin, of course, catches the Ricochet (good or ill) from all of this; as his popularity, and his boldness, appears to grow -- against a conflicted and weak European response!

Forget Baseball, and Soccer-Mania is gone for the next four years; the type of Voter that collects daily around Mourning Joe and his fellow "mourners, is EXACTLY the target audience for the Propaganda Machine!

Did you catch the "row" between Donny Deutsch and the Palestinian Spokesperson in the recent episode?
White Folk can't afford to continue this madness, and still retain the Constitutional Democracy our Founders provided!  The "Corn-Pone-Leaders in our South and West (all colors, genders, classes) may be a lost cause; but the Ethnics, from other parts of the country, are the "swing" deciders, and will decide the ultimate path this country takes.

Putin, China, Poland, now Israel?;  like many other states, are voting for a new Illiberal, non-Constitutional, form of "Democracy";  to replace the traditional Western - Liberal Democracy model.  Corporations will replace the People as the new "sovereigns"; there will be no Individual Rights, No Rule of Law, and no Separation of Powers!  Is that what you Want?? 

Stay Vigilant! 3-More-Months!!

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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

"THE HELP" goes to "AFRICA"??

for cash? ; "Revenue"? ; or "MARGINS"??

Another day in the life of our "Troubled Blue Planet"!!  The FBP turned 53 yesterday!  Congrats!!  It's amazing how he can single-handedly combat every strand of Crack-Pot Cracker this country has managed to produce after more than two hundred years of "collecting" the flotsum and jetsum of Europe; (Africa was here when they first arrived).  Now, its Ebola AND Trade with Black Africa; to add to Netayanhu's Madness in the Middle East.  Maybe Netanyahu will turn out to be the REAL "Lawrence" of Arabia, as he stumbles toward Uniting the Arabs!  It also appears, after two Maylasian Airliners and assorted other mayhem in the Middle East, Eastern Europe; now. Ebola; Putin may have captured the Four Horses of the Apocalypse in his Russian "Stable"??  We're all on this Ball; so, we just have to "Roll" with it!

If you go back and view, again, "The Help!"  Pay attention to the ECONOMICS of 1960s Mississippi!!  All the whites had shiny brand new cars, and lived the leisure life of European upper classes.  They financed their lifestyle off the backs and the stolen wages of their Blacks!  This system was designed, after the "genius" of Abraham Lincoln found a way to get out of the bind of our Civil War at the expense of the freed Black Slaves.  That economic breakthrough financed white life in this country until the Civil Rights breakthrough in the 1960s.

The 21st Century repeat of this phenomenon may be Obama's "genius" of deflecting the attention of Romney and his Rabid Right Followers to the feeding grounds of black Africa (again).  Check out the African Summit hosted by the White House  Note the many ways this Summit differs from all other summits held in the past several decades by our Department of Commerce.  Check out who's IN, and who's OUT!  Do you see any small and medium-sized business owned by non-white U.S. citizens??  Ooops!!

As a recent CEO of a Health Care Insurer in the U.S. noted; (talking about our fractured and grossly inefficient Health "Care" System): doctors operate for cash; hospitals for revenues; and Insurers for Margins!
Such a system is inherently incompatible and inefficient!  In our economy, Blacks and other poor non-whites (and poor whites after 2008) are trapped on a cash basis of operating.  They don't understand, or have access to (they think) other levels of wealth.  Similarly, whites around the globe, WITH the MONEY; expect to suck wealth off the backs of the poor and super-religious non-whites in the Developing World.  Israel is busy trying to do that to all of the Middle East.  The Palenstinians, so far, have managed to "stick in their craw"!  Just as in the 'Ol South" during the Sixites, those who demonstrate the ability to suffer an incredible amount of "pain"; ultimately win.  This Planet, so far does not have the stomach for wanton slaughter.  It has to be disguised and Lied About!

Stay Vigilant!  You just MIGHT "Awaken" before you DIE in despair.

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