Sunday, May 5, 2013

"WHY" ???

The "Global" and "Primal" Scream??
As events, both global and here at home, proceed to unfold, more and more we're hearing the plaintive wail; "Why"?  I suspect that most of us know, deep down, at least part of the answer to the question; yet we fret.  As the three year old would reply; why?
Here in the United States, you're either a part of the "immigrant nation". or "native nation" or the "African-derived nation".  These three nations have been in eternal battle since our founding.  Never, since the kidnap of the Lindberg Baby, has the white immigrant part of this country been in such turmoil.  Knee-Jerk, first reaction to the Tsarnovs, was to declare them "not white".
After forcing the President to "walk on water" for more than four years now, the white and male opposition to him grows even more determined to keep him from permanently discrediting "their brand".  They are willing to sacrifice the economy and our country in that effort.
Begun by Nixon, kicked into hi-gear by Reagan, and "polished off" by W;  the turn in our economy toward assigning the white male laborer to the same fate as that of the non-white laborer has had its devastating effect on our economy and our social fabric.  The Tsarnovs are showing us that young, white, and  wanna-be, immigrant-nation males are also casualties of that seeping decline?  Seems there was at least one non-white (social-climbing?) male among their trio of supporters.  Expect our "judicial system" to come down on him like a "load of bricks"!
Its been reported that the "Old Pope" has quietly moved back in to the Vatican to shore up the "New Pope" -- which goes to show you can fool some of the people all of the time?  The Popes were the original "brand" makers.
Back to the Tsarnov's:  The newly-released Death Certificate shows that the final cause of death of the older brother was the dragging he received when the younger brother ran over him with the SUV.  I have learned, over my years and travels, of the extreme pain young immigrants face in the "process" of "fitting in" to the dominant culture  in this country.  The father returned home, took the mother with him, they divorced.  The twisted face of the mother shown to us on television speaks volumes, revealing the strong ties she had with the dead brother.
So, to all you white and male "wack-jobs" out there sharpening your knives and attacking our economy, our country, and our future; in hopes of restoring the "Old" White and Male "Brand"; Keep it Up!  You'll hasten the arrival of a better future for us all when you learn to either "fit in" or "move aside"!
Stay Vigilant! 
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