Monday, May 6, 2013


Today's Economics & Race
You can't WIN a war, if you don't know you're IN a war!  We made that mistake around the time I was born, and slept during the early years of World War II.  That's because Hitler was on the rampage in Europe, and a majority of citizens in this country either sympathized with Hitler or were indifferent.  The Japanese woke us up when they attacked Pearl Harbor (I was two years old).
We won that War, and saved Europe, with the help of Stalin and Communist Russia.  We also won because, this country, alone, could produce and deliver the resources needed to win.  We followed that feat by rebuilding a Europe in Ashes.  Those were the days of "industrial" war.
Today, we make our money through "media".  This is the information age.  We now live in the age of "media" wars.  (Note how many "retiring" politicians flee to the "Media").  Hitler and his boys knew a thing or two about Media, too.
Read my first blog, The Government Shutdown (Ghosts of Goebbels: Are We Doomed to Repeat This Bit of History?) (April 7, 2011).
Harrison Ford, in and interview with Charlie Rose a few days ago, explained that he played the role of Branch Rickey in the movie:  "42", because he feared that black youth today were losing their history.  Harrison is right.  I was alive during the last 26 years of Jim Crow in the United States.  My earliest memories were of Joe Louis and the electricity of those evenings, when the neighbors gathered to "listen" to the fights. . I was lucky to meet Joe in the early 70's in Nevada. 
Joe delivered the first "defeat" of Hitler by the United States; according to the men in my neighborhood.  They told me graphic stories of Hitler and Schmeling and their racist "media" campaign; and about Hitler's characterizations of Jesse Owens.  The great re-match took place on June 22, 1938.  I still believe that this country won World War II because Franklin Delano,  and not Teddy,  Roosevelt, was President of this country at the time war came to us.
Even the most un-educated blacks, in those days, understood basic economics in this country as it applied to Whites and Blacks (we, along with Canada and Australia, divided all peoples according to this criterion); and to Class and Caste.  What they had not learned from books, they learned from life in these United States.  As a result, they managed their money and their lives very differently.  Our economic advancement took place much more rapidly then, because of intact communities and internal migration, away from oppressive states, to states that afforded better economic opportunities.

Today, even though much of the legal structure non-whites faced then has been erased, blacks, browns, and lower caste whites, are losing economic ground at a stunning pace to the upper 1% of whites.
It's about time we start "following the money" once again, and learn how to counter "media war" effectively.

Stay Vigilant!

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