Tuesday, May 28, 2013


The "Media" Way???
The lawyers for the killer of Trayvon Martin are showing their hand in the media.  It appears they want to use the "Media" to beat the rap for the killer.  So, since O.J., what else is new??  Well they apparently seek to establish an "image" of the victim that will shift public sentiment in favor of the killer.  The image held by the killer on the night of the killing was evidently sufficient for him to make possible Trayvon's death; but, evidently, the slick lawyers think they can "boost" other,  more "negative", images in the white media.  They also are using Media to fund-raise to benefit the killer!
What if the Martin family were to legally protect that image of Trayvon in the white "hoodie" and commission the sale of that image on T-Shirts, Mugs, and other commonly seen items.  I keep a copy of that image on my computer desktop, for instance.  Massive public displays of the "appropriate" image of Trayvon, could "head off "the sleazy use of visual media to contaminate a jury, dont'cha think?
My advice to the family would be to get VERY GOOD legal advice and deal only with ethical and reputable business people -- they're hard to find, but they DO still exist.
Stay Vigilant! Don't let this "sneak" past us!
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