Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The "OBAMA ECONOMY" Arrives ??

Pity the Poor Repoobs!!
After running every nasty "scam" their twisted and wicked minds could conjure up, what's left of the Republican Party has to watch, helplessly, as our economy "takes off!  The stock market is up; oil and gold are in decline; and this is MAY!  We all should be "going away"?  I'm sure those "select" voters back in the districts of Big John and Twitchy Mitch will have a few things to say about this.  I'm sure they love GREEN more than they hate BLACK!
This could be a re-play of Volcker/Reagan, and Greenspan/Clinton?  "W" blamed Greenspan for his daddy's loss; but why did Clinton succeed with him?  I guess Greenspan woke up in time to jinx "W" by allowing him to sit atop the worst economic decline since the Depression?
Three Cheers! for Bernanke!!  The whole world may have been saved by him, in spite of all things evil, (Limbaugh, Rove, Mitt, Clint, and the T-T-Par-T), arrayed against an outcome such as this? 
Looks like they won't be able to stage another "Debt Ceiling" debacle in August as planned.  We just might be able to finish this fiscal year within the current ceiling.  Imagine that!  So now they're throwing everything at once, Benghazi, IRS, "Corporate Press"/abuses, you name it, as they fizzle down to NOTHING!
Let's get serious, folks.  What we've been watching  is a long-term attempt by certain elements of our corporate world to diminish the power of government in this country and prohibit the people from curbing their excesses; in the manner the Robber Barons of old were brought to heel.  Government is the only power that powerful corporations fear.  It was the Congress, in the early 70's that "let the dogs out" in the first place.
Congrats! Barry!!  Remember Truman's words from 1948; "Just P*ss On 'Em"!!
Stay Vigilant!
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