Saturday, May 4, 2013


"Cruz is Cross" in Spanish
Only 4 months in the Senate, and Ted Cruz of Texas is "cruising"!  He' running over Master Rubio, his fellow Cuban, and "wanna-be white", as if he were a speed-bump (topas, in Mexico)!  He's angling for President of the United States in 2016.  He expects to beat Hillary!!  Is that some-kinda-ego, or what??  What kind of catastrophe does the Right foresee that could allow that to happen?
Master Marco was born here; and Ted-the-Menacing, was NOT!  That apparently doesn't matter, if you're white enough.  Just ask the current President.  It seems the Constitution, (like the Bible), can be "read" in many ways.  Senator McCain (who lost the first round to Obama) was born in Panama.
Ted Cruz is the newer, wiser, Newt Gingrich in at least one way.  He is dedicated to shutting down our government.  Until they can figure out what they want to do with it, the Republican Party apparently has decided that the government will not be allowed to work for anyone!  The filibuster in the Senate and the Hastert Rule in the House are the tools that will allow them to be more effective than  Newt and the shutdown he sprang on Clinton in the 90's.
Muscling his way to the front in the malignant Right's fight to preserve white supremacy, Ted has first dibs on all that loot the looney Right likes to spend on hate.  Poor Sarah!  Her political half-life was extremely short! 
But enough about that side of the 21st Century version of Civil War in this country.  What about the "Blue" side?  Some say they're singing the blues.  But why? Is it fatigue? Lack of focus? Or is it simply "too-many-things" at once to consider?  Whatever it is, we'd better get over it; and damn fast!
Read your recent history.  Declining Democracies resort to Fascism!  Read carefully the steps the German Democracy took in the early 30's; on its path to degradation!
Stay Vigilant!
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