Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Follow The Money, Honey!
Bernanke is back before Congress, this morning, testifying (tap-dancing?) in regards to crucial questions about our national economy and what is happening globally to rates, jobs, housing, etc.  On this 100th anniversary of its existence, it is astounding how little the FED is understood by our "leaders" and by average citizens.
After spectacular losses in its efforts to un-seat President Obama, the Repoob part of Congress is relentlessly dogged in its determination to scuttle this economy and pin the blame for it on the President.  That seems to be the only path they see to regain power.  Chairman Bernanke, for the umpteenth time, is pleading with the Congress to DO IT's JOB, by taking on its Constitutional role for Fiscal Policy (taxes and spending) and relieve the pressures on the FED, and MONETARY POLICY (interest rates).  The Fed, alone, is propping up our economic recovery and enabling President Obama to slowly repair the damage the Repoobs did to us during their "run-amok"; prior to 2008.
The details of the collapse in 2008: the housing part, the mega-banks role, the collapse of household and small-business fortunes and futures, were all re-visited in today's testimony.  It's time for the voters to put the heat on the Repoobs to stop their stalling; pretending to "save" our eonomy, and to provide IMMEDIATELY the short-term stimulus our economy needs to get its engines started again and PROVIDE JOBS.  So far, the Repoobs refuse; choosing instead to cite their (new-found) concern over the tremendous debt they ran up after 2000.
Foreign money is not unaware of our predicament and, apparently, is taking advantage of us.  Senator Sanchez gave a clear description of what is happening now in housing in California.  She also pointed to the dire condition of the average family in this country that seems to be consigned to "renting" their homes for the foreseeable future.  The Repoobs could stop all of this "on a dime", if they will give up on their desperate attempts to put a corporate stooge in the Oval Office, and provide us all a healthy economy.  That path just might "save" what's left of their Party?
Stay Vigilant!  Increase the "Heat"!
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