Where are YOU? "In", or "OUT"?
Bernanke's speech this morning was an update on the status of financial markets and large financial institutions, both here and abroad. Topics like "SIFI", and "Too-big-to-fail" appear above the concerns of the average citizen (world-wide) -- they are "in the game",however, whether they like it or not! http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2013/04/08/earnings-season-kicks-off-bernankes-speech-and-tod.aspx
How about you? Have you patched the "hole" in the floor of your personal finances; this far past the financial implosion of 2008? Most people below the age of 60 have no clue where they stand financially, or what to do about their situation. Housing is a key determinant, right behind "jobs".
Are you renting, a home owner, living with relatives, or "on the streets"? Are you "working"? How many jobs? Do you earn enough to pay your bills? Can you pay off, or pay down your debts?
These key questions define the New Game of money and finance on this planet. The "Players", like Mitt Romney, saw this coming, and took full advantage. Their "servants" (in Congress) are scurrying like scared rats to keep their butts in their jobs!
The politicians are praying that the voters in this country will sleep through the coming off-year election in 2014, and they will have time to repair damages and gain new footing for 2016. They've hauled Dick Cheney back before the Media to lead the charge against Hillary. Rush Limbaugh shows signs of having "shot his wad".
From your perch in all of this, upward past the Romneys, and to the rich Russians, and other "foreigners" who can buy old "Gatsby-era" estates on Long Island (at 50 cents on the dollar, I might add); the most important thing to do is to establish your financial footing. Your goal should be to take in, every day, more than you spend out -- ON EVERYTHING! Daily expenses, interest and debt payments, discretionary purchases; the entire "kit and ka-boodle"!! We have enough computing power available in our ubiquitous digital devices to know where we stand, daily!
Failure to accomplish this is your fault!! You can help yourself tremendously by voting out of office all politicians who are not working for you! 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020 -- don't miss a chance to flush out the vermin that brought us all of this pain. Most of them were at "the scene of the crimes" between 2000 and 2008.
Stay Vigilant! Don't be "snookered".
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