Reagan's "Real" Legacy ??
"Teeny-Teddy" Cruz (as measured by his "compassion") has enlightened us all: He explains that he and his fellow Tee-Pee's are "the children of Reagan". I sensed, early on, from Reagan's use of the likes of Lee Atwater, that he was pandering to the fascist and racist Right in this country. He was also a purveyor of a "screw your neighbor" philosophy that took hold in the early 80's, and spread rapidly.
The concept is as old as our country, and has many versions: "kiss up/kick down"; "I've got mine, you have to get your own"; "crabs in a bucket"; "pulling up the ladder" ... are just a few!
We didn't have to wait 24 hours before "Queen Ann" Romney stepped into the void left by "Bat-Sh*t" Bachmann! The meanies are in a panic as they see the Republican Party fall apart. They may face an angry public, prepared to repeat history and bring the Corporate Plutocrats and "Boss-Hoggs" back under control of our laws. They might have to bring their hidden earnings home and pay taxes! They may see their loop-holes and escape routes in our Tax Code closed. Don't close the IRS!, Teddy. Make it WORK!! Cleanly and Fairly!!!
The numbers are out: lingering unemployment, and those without jobs; income for families, now being earned in astounding proportions by women; children, of all colors, who face hunger; un-checked gun violence on our streets. These are the features of a country the Tee-Pee's cream in their jeans to bring about!
Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Native Americans -- we all adhere to this bullsh*t!! President Obama spoke to the graduates at Morehouse over the past week-end. Read the Speech! Black elites have been notorious in their adherence to the "I've got Mine!" philosophy. They also practice it across skin shade (why Condi and Clarence are so "angry")? The Hispanics have their own version of "pulling up the ladder". Check out the version of this attitude practiced by Indian Tribes that have Casinos. Republican operatives like Abramoff figured out the fact that their tribal wealth was in a few hands and was easy to get.
Cruz and Rubio are descendants of "Batista" Cuba -- look him up! They should not be confused with those Hispanics who suffer from inequities in immigration.
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