Friday, May 17, 2013


What did Bachmann Know .. And When Did She Know It??
The Charade advances!  Congressional Representative Bachmann, late of the IRS,, is in "high dudgeon" over "misbehaviors" at the IRS.  This is gut-splittin', when you think about it.  The entire affair is proof positive of gross failures of the media, of our "system", and evidence of the low regard the Repoobs have for our collective "intelligence".
The Tea Party Nuts in the House want the IRS investigated.  They should call their "fearless leader" to testify before the Committees in both the House and the Senate.  Its likely that Michele Bachmann can tell the committees a lot more than they can get from beating up on minor employees.
The IRS is an Agency in the Executive Branch of our government, tasked with the impossible job of "making sense" of the Tax Code.  The Tax Code, which everyone knows, is an unfathomable stack of refuse created by CONGRESS, over many decades.  Their "Band-Aid" changes to the Code over time have resulted in a "mess" that can't be "fixed".  It has to be FLUSHED!  I'm sure Bachmann, and her Tea Party ducklings know all of this.
The voters will have to "fix" this problem by helping President Obama scuttle the entire Code and start over.  The nation will benefit in more ways than anyone can know.  The President should devote the rest of his term to this.  Without fixing our tax system, nothing else can be afforded.  This President is our last, best, chance to clean this up!
Proof Positive that the Repoobs are in panic-mode, is this turn against the IRS.  They know that many of our citizens hate the IRS more than the Tea Party hates a black President.
Stay Vigilant!  DEMAND a NEW Tax Code!
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