Monday, May 27, 2013


Let's STOP Blaming the "Redeemers" ??
On this Memorial Day, we can do our Veterans, and ourselves, a big favor if we adopt the attitude that our President, and Our VA Chief, and our new Defense Chief, are NOT to "blame" for the state our veterans are in!
All three are trying their best to "fix" a mess that has been building for more than 50 years!
Every step of creating that mess can be laid at the door of CONGRESS: especially the HOUSE of Representatives!!  Now that the eligible class has expanded to include Agent Orange, the situation seems impossible to "fix".
As a Disabled Veteran, it took more than 25 years to win my claim through the VA.  My health had deteriorated to a point that was obvious to everyone.  Unlike most veterans, I kept copies of my medical records when I retired in 1982.  Even that was not enough, over the years, largely because of actions, or inactions, of Congress.  I finally won; because a VA civil servant sacrificed some of his Christmas vacation to work my case!  So those of you who want to blame Shinseki  can just "knock it off"!!
I expressed my fears to my Veterans Group several years ago that the citizens of this country had no clue of the costs that would be associated with the wounded soldiers who suffered the types of head and limb damages we were witnessing in Iraq.  Brain damage is EXTREMELY expensive to treat, both medically, and non-medically (including PTSD)!  I remember reading  Bertolt Brecht's Threepenny Novel during my college days.  The soldiers heading off to the Boer War died in rotten ships barely out of harbor; the warmongers had their quick profits; and the public couldn't give a damn!  We were all eager to comply with "W"'s wishes:  we paid no heed to what Cheney was up to, and obeyed his instructions to just "go shopping"!  What's that again about chickens coming home??
My solution:  The President, the VA Chief, and the new Defense Chief should get some very large baseball bats and go through the halls of Congress bustin' heads until this mess is "fixed"!!  Then those b****rds may have some real scandals to investigate!!
Stay Vigilant!  DO SOMETHING Real for our Veterans!  Clean HOUSE !!
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