Sunday, May 19, 2013


The Polls are "Encouraging" ? 
Adequate understanding of the 20th Century shows that the "Americas", and especially the United States struggle with the divide between "Democracy" and less-free forms of governing.  Thus far, North America (led by Mexico) has trended away from outright slavery and has made the most progress toward "Democracy" in this hemisphere. 
In this 100th year since the ratification of the 16th Amendment, the IRS and Taxation are, again, the center of scandal. Pressed by the Corporatist Party (Republicans), a three-part scandal blitz has been waged that also includes the Press, and Foreign Policy.  Having failed in their attempt at installing their Corporatist Candidate in the office of President in 2012, the Republicans are (rightfully) scared to death of their prospects in 2014 and beyond.  The polls show that the President is beating them at this game, also.  His approval ratings are above 50%.
As a handy guide, divide the voting public, and the opinion public in this country into quarters.  The 25% on either extreme are the "nut jobs".  Occasionally, the extremes happen on to an issue that "sticks", and they, thereby, enhance their percentages of support beyond their 25% base.  Polls reflect "opinion" .  And, like derriere's, every one seems to have one.  Votes are a different matter.  The President, who is fighting to save our Democracy and restore a Middle Class, is winning over a significant portion of the "squishy Right" (their share of "Independents" voters).  The turn-out in the 2014 election is what's at stake!
Awareness is rising of the coercive nature of the Corporatists and their policies.  Issues like student loan traps, laws permanently freezing wages of restaurant workers, manipulating hours to avoid providing benefits, squeezing pay,  off-loading costs of employment onto workers and to taxpayers, and laying off workers to manipulate stock prices.  People are starting to see the "slavery" inherent in these practices.  With the help of the Republican Party, Affirmative Action, Age Discrimination, Environmental, and a host of other laws and regulations have been circumvented, diminished, or corrupted.  (IRS, for example).
During the 1930's when the United States had, decades before, put our Robber Barons under control, we reacted to the Great Depression by enacting labor laws and setting the base for our Middle Class.
Germany, on the other hand, abandoned its Democracy and embraced Corporatist Fascism.  In spite of Republican in-roads toward destroying our Middle Class, begun by Reagan (formerly, a Roosevelt Democrat), the Corporatists can be stopped by VOTERS.  Let's make them and their Masters from our Hell-Hole region a Permanent Minority Party! 
Stay Vigilant!  Get involved for 2014!!
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