Monday, May 20, 2013

from KANSAS TO KENYA (and Back)??

"Gifts" for all of us?
Dwight David Eisenhower, former President of the United States, and Ann Dunham, mother of the current President of the United States; both reared in Kansas, have both bestowed upon us "gifts" that time will only make more obvious.  Ann Dunham, tied both the "old" and "new" worlds together and produced, against tremendous odds, a truly unique individual; and Eisenhower "saved" the planet from a tragic loss to Fascism in World War II.  We can only wonder what has happened to Kansas since the time they were reared there.  The President recently spoke about having to grow up without a father I know what it is like to grow up (from age 6) without a mother, so I empathize.  I can also certify the importance of strong male leadership to child rearing.  My father, uncle, and grandfather (both maternal) were key to my upbringing.  Their leadership prepared me well to handle single parenthood for four children.
Dwight Eisenhower warned us all against the corruption that would ensue from the "military industrial complex"  We failed to heed that warning for more than fifty years.  Now we've seen that corruption grow to a point where the total fabric of military life is threatened by a culture of sexual lawlessness.
The Herculean task President Obama and Secretary Hagel face in their efforts to clean up the DOD, may  fore-shadow the need to do the same to the State Department.  From the days when President Reagan can cover up a bombing in Bierut, by invading Grenada, until today, when Hillary Clinton can't catch a break over the Behghazi attack; foul play in our State Department has also been able to operate, for too long, without serious public scrutiny.  Very few, if any, citizens of this country have a clue of what is being done in their name around the world.   It may be no accident that the most vociferous voices in the Benghazi Charade hail from our "Hell-Hole", and Arizona.  These characters are deeply beholding to corporations and are adherents of extending throughout the world our historic practices of suppression of the poor and nonwhites .
This comes at a time when world population is projected to grow in sub-Saharan Africa to a level of one-in-three births on the planet by 2050
Stay Vigilant! Think about it!
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