Thursday, May 23, 2013


"Good" Money Drives Out "Bad" Money?
I was taught in my youth that there was a key difference in "Money".  "Good" money was preferred to "Bad" Money.  We were all taught the difference.  Good money was the money you "worked" to obtain.  "Bad" money was every other kind.  Think about today's view of this; almost nobody "works" for money anymore.  Corporations are heavily engaged in making sure of that!
In the United States, "bad" money has taken over our politics, and is trying mightily to take over our government.  It has produced "freaks" like Cruz, Bachmann, Paul, and Rubio.  And the truly scary thing is that these are not "old" white people.  The sources of their funding may be "old" and white, however.
The "hacking" incident, in broad daylight, on the streets in London, just might be the "ultimate" face of terror.   
We don't have to think too hard to realize that some kind of perfect storm of hatreds, beliefs, attitudes, social stratifications, and economic habits has been coalesced by our steadily evolving "social media" technology to bring us to this point.  Could the prevalence of "bad" money in all our lives, and the steady bombardment of visual media images come to mind?
Is there any "good" money to be found anywhere?  It appears President Obama found enough, in small amounts, to ward off evil outcomes in this country -- TWICE!  Shouldn't we stop "skating on our luck"?
Stay Vigilant!  Get to "Work"!
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