Thursday, May 16, 2013


Wouldn't the FOUNDERS Be 'Surprised!' ???
For sanity's sake, we all need a "decoder ring" to decipher the crap that's streaming at us from our "MEDIA"!!  Let's start with what we all know by now (even Rush Limbaugh's followers can "get" this):
    1.  The New Economy is a MEDIA-driven economy.
    2.   Corporations and their interests dominate the Media-driven economy.
    3.   Corporations must dominate, weaken, or destroy Governments in order to function, un-hindered, in the new  "Corporate"/global economy.  These corporations have "bought" politicians (at all levels) in the United States to do their bidding.
    4.  The MEDIA will be the place where the warfare against government will take place.
    5.   Multiple tactics will be employed by Media: "entertain" those weak of mind; "confuse" everyone else.  Media (Right or Left) will infuse their own agenda; which devolves to: "Let's you and him fight!".  This approach maximizes their profits.  The Right is winning their way in the media.
    6.  Corporate Media makes out like "fat rats":  consider the involvement of Murdoch Media in the affairs of the British Government recently.  Some of their people got jail time.
So, don't fall, knee-jerk fashion, for the breast-beating  members of our "free" press.  Where were they when Cheney and "W" were waltzing us all off to Iraq?  Some of our media "leaders" were engaged in "cheer-leading" that caper.  A Bought-Off Press is not "Free"!
Our vaunted FIRST AMEMDMENT can be undermined, you know.  Even the Founders were smart enough to understand that  "Right" (also) needed to be properly limited.  Not by "law"; but certainly by other legal methods ("fire" in a crowded theater).
We seem on the verge of "flunking the test" to preserve our Democracy!  We're screwing-up the interpretations of both the FIRST and SECOND Amendments to our Constitution -- the "pillars" of our Bill of Rights!  Its long past time to make the proper transitions in governing from the late-1700's to the early-2000's.  In order for global economics, as perceived since 2000, to work well, we will need smoothly-functioning global banking, global postal services, much better internet access, and effective global laws (and their swift, fair, enforcement).  We have none of those as of yet.  It will take much more effective GOVERNMENT actions around the globe to bring this about.
Stay Vigilant!  Good Luck Deciphering the MEDIA!
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