Friday, May 31, 2013

"VOLCKER" talks to "CHARLIE"

"MY" FED Story
Paul Volcker talked to Charlie Rose last night.  Google it, if you missed the conversation.   During the time I studied at the Peter Drucker Institute, Claremont, CA, for my AEMBA, (1985-87), Volcker was FED Chairman and worked "miracles" to save our economy from the doldrums of the 70's.  I think Volcker was the secret to whatever success Ronnie had as President. My Money and Banking class taught me more about the FED and its operations (and the real definition of MONEY) than I have found anywhere else.  Peter's account of the "shocks" to our economy, from the days of Nixon, are also the best I've heard or read anywhere else.
In 1969, my new boss was an Air Force Major who arrived from the Washington, D.C., area.  He told me I had better take a look at buying my first house, because "something strange" was going on.  I took his advice, and bought my first house in 1971.  The roller-coaster ride began at that point, and ran upward until early 2001, when Greenspan began lowering interest rates.  At that time, I got off the "ride" and did not get back on until 2010.
If you don't know what the FED is all about, and how our economy, (and the entire world economy, for that fact) relies on Bernanke's skills; you can get a good start by catching this interview.  Much older, now, Volcker is still "sharp as a tack".  He skillfully avoided the traps Charlie set for him. 
Stay Vigilant!  Watch yur' Money!
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Thursday, May 30, 2013

"CRABS in-a "BUCKET" ??

Reagan's "Real" Legacy ??
"Teeny-Teddy" Cruz (as measured by his "compassion") has enlightened us all:  He explains that he and his fellow Tee-Pee's are "the children of Reagan".  I sensed, early on, from Reagan's use of the likes of Lee Atwater, that he was pandering to the fascist and racist Right in this country.  He was also a purveyor of  a "screw your neighbor" philosophy that took hold in the early 80's, and spread rapidly.
The concept is as old as our country, and has many versions:  "kiss up/kick down"; "I've got mine, you have to get your own"; "crabs in a bucket";  "pulling up the ladder" ... are just a few!
We didn't have to wait 24 hours before "Queen Ann" Romney stepped into the void left by "Bat-Sh*t" Bachmann!  The meanies are in a panic as they see the Republican Party fall apart.  They may face an angry public, prepared to repeat history and bring the Corporate Plutocrats and "Boss-Hoggs" back under control of our laws.  They might have to bring their hidden earnings home and pay taxes!  They may see their loop-holes and escape routes in our Tax Code closed.  Don't close the IRS!, Teddy.  Make it WORK!! Cleanly and Fairly!!!
The numbers are out: lingering unemployment, and those without jobs; income for families, now being earned in astounding proportions by women; children, of all colors, who face hunger; un-checked gun violence on our streets.  These are the features of a country the Tee-Pee's cream in their jeans to bring about!
Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Native Americans -- we all adhere to this bullsh*t!!  President Obama spoke to the graduates at Morehouse over the past week-end.  Read the Speech!  Black elites have been notorious in their adherence to the "I've got Mine!" philosophy.  They also practice it across skin shade (why Condi and Clarence are so "angry")?  The Hispanics have their own version of "pulling up the ladder".  Check out the version of this attitude practiced by Indian Tribes that have Casinos.  Republican operatives like Abramoff figured out the fact that their tribal wealth was in a few hands and was easy to get.
Cruz and Rubio are descendants of "Batista" Cuba -- look him up!  They should not be confused with those Hispanics who suffer from inequities in immigration.
Stay Vigilant!  Read the Fine Print!
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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

"TURNIN" the 'CORNER' ??

Bye-Bye "Bat-Sh*t" ??
The "key" to the very profitable (for the top 1%) "insanity" we've all been subjected to since Mad Ronnie popped on the scene in 1980; is the ability of the hard Right to feed us ever-increasing doses of "bat-sh*t" and, get us to believe it!  Religion has been a critical ingredient of the brew they concocted;  followed by race.  Both have been very artfully disguised. 
However, with Bachmann's resignation note in the Media this morning (tricked out in true "bat-s*t" style); we might be seeing that important crack we need to see in the House Tea Party.
It could also signal that "safe" districts are NOT, really, and the paranoia of being "primary-ed" may also pass?  We can all hope and pray for this.  Then, and only then, will this country return to some semblance of "sanity"!
This might take a while, though, because the number one enemy of this nation is our Media!  None of our troubles could have materialized without them.  We all have to learn better ways of using the Media, or it will do us all in!
For example, the Media is bloviating the fake scandals like "Benghazi", while trying to bury the "Hunger Games comes to London" beheading story last week.  It took place in broad daylight, and the perpetrators did not try to "get away".  They stood around, inviting the MEDIA to a feast!  Yet, it is obvious by the silence on this story, that the Media will not treat it the way they treat trivia.
Gerrymandering, raised to a pinnacle by the likes to Tom Delay during the Cheney/Bush reign, could also be on its last legs?  It certainly is not working any more for Bachmann in her "safe" district.
We all have to learn how to "live" and prosper with our Media; or we, and our "Democracy" will surely "die" at its hands!
Stay Vigilant!  Can U Think "past" the Media??
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Tuesday, May 28, 2013


The "Media" Way???
The lawyers for the killer of Trayvon Martin are showing their hand in the media.  It appears they want to use the "Media" to beat the rap for the killer.  So, since O.J., what else is new??  Well they apparently seek to establish an "image" of the victim that will shift public sentiment in favor of the killer.  The image held by the killer on the night of the killing was evidently sufficient for him to make possible Trayvon's death; but, evidently, the slick lawyers think they can "boost" other,  more "negative", images in the white media.  They also are using Media to fund-raise to benefit the killer!
What if the Martin family were to legally protect that image of Trayvon in the white "hoodie" and commission the sale of that image on T-Shirts, Mugs, and other commonly seen items.  I keep a copy of that image on my computer desktop, for instance.  Massive public displays of the "appropriate" image of Trayvon, could "head off "the sleazy use of visual media to contaminate a jury, dont'cha think?
My advice to the family would be to get VERY GOOD legal advice and deal only with ethical and reputable business people -- they're hard to find, but they DO still exist.
Stay Vigilant! Don't let this "sneak" past us!
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Monday, May 27, 2013


Let's STOP Blaming the "Redeemers" ??
On this Memorial Day, we can do our Veterans, and ourselves, a big favor if we adopt the attitude that our President, and Our VA Chief, and our new Defense Chief, are NOT to "blame" for the state our veterans are in!
All three are trying their best to "fix" a mess that has been building for more than 50 years!
Every step of creating that mess can be laid at the door of CONGRESS: especially the HOUSE of Representatives!!  Now that the eligible class has expanded to include Agent Orange, the situation seems impossible to "fix".
As a Disabled Veteran, it took more than 25 years to win my claim through the VA.  My health had deteriorated to a point that was obvious to everyone.  Unlike most veterans, I kept copies of my medical records when I retired in 1982.  Even that was not enough, over the years, largely because of actions, or inactions, of Congress.  I finally won; because a VA civil servant sacrificed some of his Christmas vacation to work my case!  So those of you who want to blame Shinseki  can just "knock it off"!!
I expressed my fears to my Veterans Group several years ago that the citizens of this country had no clue of the costs that would be associated with the wounded soldiers who suffered the types of head and limb damages we were witnessing in Iraq.  Brain damage is EXTREMELY expensive to treat, both medically, and non-medically (including PTSD)!  I remember reading  Bertolt Brecht's Threepenny Novel during my college days.  The soldiers heading off to the Boer War died in rotten ships barely out of harbor; the warmongers had their quick profits; and the public couldn't give a damn!  We were all eager to comply with "W"'s wishes:  we paid no heed to what Cheney was up to, and obeyed his instructions to just "go shopping"!  What's that again about chickens coming home??
My solution:  The President, the VA Chief, and the new Defense Chief should get some very large baseball bats and go through the halls of Congress bustin' heads until this mess is "fixed"!!  Then those b****rds may have some real scandals to investigate!!
Stay Vigilant!  DO SOMETHING Real for our Veterans!  Clean HOUSE !!
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Saturday, May 25, 2013


"Post-Obama" Politics?? 
Garcetti replaced Villaraigarosa as Mayor of Los Angeles,0,3008842.storys.  Eric Garcetti, the son of Gil Garcetti, D.A. or Los Angeles during the time I was a resident and property-owner, is also the Garcetti of "O.J." notoriety, as I remember.  Of course, Bradley, the "first black" (and last?)  Mayor, preceded Villaraigarosa . 
Garcetti, of mixed Mexican and Jewish descent, continues a pattern begun by the architects of "Backlash" following the riots that sprang up across this nation in the wake of the assassinations of the 1960s.  Their theory was to put non-white mayors in office to confuse blacks and make them stop rioting.  It worked.  We saw a wave of "black mayors" (from Newark to Chicago, to Los Angeles, to Seattle) during the 20 years following the riots.  I worked on the election of Norm Rice in Seattle, only to see the "victory" taken away by moneyed interests.  The more things change ... as the old saw goes!
But this time may really be different!  J-Lo (Jennifer Lopez) has inked a deal with Verizon to capitalize on the burgeoning Hispanic population that "sprang from the dead", politically, during my time in Los Angeles; when Bradley was Mayor.  They have the twin advantages of country-of-origin and language.
But, most importantly, Lopez will use her connections to community organize the rising Hispanic Juggernaut! This is something the blacks have failed to do throughout their 20-year opportunity!  As a result, black political power has diminished; resulting in out-migrations from all of the cities in which there were black mayors.  One exception -- Chicago; where Harold Washington was. perhaps, the most successful of all of the black mayors.  There may be no accident that the first black president sprang from that political base.
That brings us back to the topic of yesterday's blog THE BLACK "DIVIDE".  It can be argued that the post-Obama era will leave black citizens weaker, politically, than at any time since they began their drive (Post World War I) to free themselves from the twin grips of Klan Terrorism and Jim Crow Peonage.  The "TOM" side of the "Divide" has been supported and held in place by the architects of Backlash.  Young black politicians from the South prefer the "Tom" route to personal wealth and power, eschewing effective community organizing (witness the story of North Carolina).   
The new face of Backlash now appears in the quartet of Cruz, Rubio, Graham and Paul.  Facin shrinking white voting power, the Tea Party is driving toward an anarchic goal of dividing this country between those who choose to live behind armed walls of "apartheid", and everyone else.  Only effectively organized "communities" of voters will defeat them; given the power of gerrymandering and terror politics.  Do the "frogs" feel the heat yet? 
Stay Vigilant!  "Organize" your butts off, if you expect to survive!
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Friday, May 24, 2013


Still in Search of a "New Dawn"? 
Looking back more than a half-century, to 1959, a time when Eric Lincoln's book about this nation's Black Muslims surfaced; I left Lincoln University in Missouri to take a long "trek" to San Francisco State College to continue my studies for a degree in Physics. 
In the Bay Area, those (few) black students in  area colleges  were contemplating and debating the messages of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, and their competing approaches to "black advancement".  Within a ten year period thereafter, both men were dead.  Assassinated: as were also the Kennedy brothers (one the President of the United States, and the other our Attorney General).   These four deaths, from what we have learned over the years, serve to explain a lot about the status, then  and now, of this nation's black population.
We speak and worry today of chronic unemployment among black men in this country.  In 1959, there was NO employment (except for menial jobs) for blacks throughout the corporate U.S.  President Kennedy changed that in 1963; two years after I was commissioned as an officer in the United States Air Force.  Black professional workers, before 1963, worked for government, or were doctors, lawyers, preachers, or teachers.  I will always believe that the actions taken by the Kennedy brothers to end racial segregation and the agitation by both Martin and Malcolm for economic advancement for black citizens of this country were key causes for their deaths.  Liddy Biddy Johnson gets more credit than he deserves for Civil Rights.  Now that we know more of his connection with J. Edgar Hoover, the picture is becoming clearer.
In a speech in Selma, weeks before his death, Malcolm X spoke of the historic divide among blacks in this country.    Similarly, days before his death 3 years later, Martin Luther King addressed the economic plight of poor blacks during the garbage-workers strike in Memphis.  If you check out my earlier blogs, you will find the views of E. Franklin Frazier on the subject of the historic black "divide". Today's Republicans have seized upon this divide to run their closet racist politics.  Beginning with Daddy Bush' appointment of Clarence Thomas to replace Thurgood Marshall, on through the "use" of Condi and Colin by "W"; the "accommodationist" side of the "divide" has served the extreme Right well.
During my 20 years in the Air Force, I met officers (black, white, Hispanic) from every corner of this country.  I was amazed at the differences geography made in determining who these people became.  There is more than a single divide among blacks in this country.  The same is true for whites and Hispanics.  Region and age grouping also made a great difference, both then and now.
Samuel Jackson's role in "Django" can serve as the starting point for a serious debate among blacks?  Nobody but blacks should participate in the debate!  The best education, economic opportunity, and mental health of black children in this country depends on it. 
Stay Vigilant!  Give black kids (all kids-of-color?) A CHANCE!
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Thursday, May 23, 2013


"Good" Money Drives Out "Bad" Money?
I was taught in my youth that there was a key difference in "Money".  "Good" money was preferred to "Bad" Money.  We were all taught the difference.  Good money was the money you "worked" to obtain.  "Bad" money was every other kind.  Think about today's view of this; almost nobody "works" for money anymore.  Corporations are heavily engaged in making sure of that!
In the United States, "bad" money has taken over our politics, and is trying mightily to take over our government.  It has produced "freaks" like Cruz, Bachmann, Paul, and Rubio.  And the truly scary thing is that these are not "old" white people.  The sources of their funding may be "old" and white, however.
The "hacking" incident, in broad daylight, on the streets in London, just might be the "ultimate" face of terror.   
We don't have to think too hard to realize that some kind of perfect storm of hatreds, beliefs, attitudes, social stratifications, and economic habits has been coalesced by our steadily evolving "social media" technology to bring us to this point.  Could the prevalence of "bad" money in all our lives, and the steady bombardment of visual media images come to mind?
Is there any "good" money to be found anywhere?  It appears President Obama found enough, in small amounts, to ward off evil outcomes in this country -- TWICE!  Shouldn't we stop "skating on our luck"?
Stay Vigilant!  Get to "Work"!
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Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Follow The Money, Honey!
Bernanke is back before Congress, this morning, testifying (tap-dancing?) in regards to crucial questions about our national economy and what is happening globally to rates, jobs, housing, etc.  On this 100th anniversary of its existence, it is astounding how little the FED is understood by our "leaders" and by average citizens.
After spectacular losses in its efforts to un-seat President Obama, the Repoob part of Congress is relentlessly dogged in its determination to scuttle this economy and pin the blame for it on the President.  That seems to be the only path they see to regain power.  Chairman Bernanke, for the umpteenth time, is pleading with the Congress to DO IT's JOB, by taking on its Constitutional role for Fiscal Policy (taxes and spending) and relieve the pressures on the FED, and MONETARY POLICY (interest rates).  The Fed, alone, is propping up our economic recovery and enabling President Obama to slowly repair the damage the Repoobs did to us during their "run-amok"; prior to 2008.
The details of the collapse in 2008: the housing part, the mega-banks role, the collapse of household and small-business fortunes and futures, were all re-visited in today's testimony.  It's time for the voters to put the heat on the Repoobs to stop their stalling; pretending to "save" our eonomy, and to provide IMMEDIATELY the short-term stimulus our economy needs to get its engines started again and PROVIDE JOBS.  So far, the Repoobs refuse; choosing instead to cite their (new-found) concern over the tremendous debt they ran up after 2000.
Foreign money is not unaware of our predicament and, apparently, is taking advantage of us.  Senator Sanchez gave a clear description of what is happening now in housing in California.  She also pointed to the dire condition of the average family in this country that seems to be consigned to "renting" their homes for the foreseeable future.  The Repoobs could stop all of this "on a dime", if they will give up on their desperate attempts to put a corporate stooge in the Oval Office, and provide us all a healthy economy.  That path just might "save" what's left of their Party?
Stay Vigilant!  Increase the "Heat"!
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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

THE GAP : Technology vs. Human Understanding

Still Widening?
I remember, from the mid-60's,  a graph showing two curves: the advance in technological development, versus the pace of improvement in human affairs and our ability to understand one another.  There was a remarkable gap:  the ratio of the areas beneath the curves was at least 4:1, with technological advance far in the lead.  I have also learned that technological advances are invariably, first, "misused" by humans.  The stories of the Curies, and radium, the disastrous "applications" of television,; the examples are rife.
The gap has surely grown much wider over the past 50 years (I measured "energy gaps" in super-conducting thin films, in 1962).  The number of new technological advances and products over the past half-century is staggering.  Human instinct appears to be to first use these "break-throughs" to enhance the "power" of one group over another -- usually by weaponizing the technology.   That's how the Cold War was brought to and end.  Because both sides were engaged in "mutually-assured" destruction, using the same technology, a "truce" in building those weapons was achieved.  Now we're plagued with the spread of those weapons, along with other technology applications.
Advances in biology and other non-physical sciences have led us to battles between industries such as Pharma, and Insurance, and Health Deliverers at all levels.  Because of the life-or-death nature of these advances, and the extension of life span; financial strains plague individuals and governments.
Patterns for human affairs were well established before the "revolutions" in physical, biological, and non-physical sciences.  Religion, Race, Class, Caste, Color, and Tribe had all played their roles in the rise and fall of "civilizations" and the social and economic order in place before the Scientific Revolutions appeared.
The Internet, among all of the "breakthroughs of the 20th Century, may prove to be the ultimate, or "coup-de-grace" for mankind's insistence on retaining these old patterns of relating.  It permits infinite connection and multiple identities for all individuals on our planet.  Imagine that!  The old patterns of relating worked because of physical separation and a confusion of languages.  Both are disappearing at the same time.  What do we get for it?  SYRIA!!!!
Stay Vigilant! 
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Monday, May 20, 2013

from KANSAS TO KENYA (and Back)??

"Gifts" for all of us?
Dwight David Eisenhower, former President of the United States, and Ann Dunham, mother of the current President of the United States; both reared in Kansas, have both bestowed upon us "gifts" that time will only make more obvious.  Ann Dunham, tied both the "old" and "new" worlds together and produced, against tremendous odds, a truly unique individual; and Eisenhower "saved" the planet from a tragic loss to Fascism in World War II.  We can only wonder what has happened to Kansas since the time they were reared there.  The President recently spoke about having to grow up without a father I know what it is like to grow up (from age 6) without a mother, so I empathize.  I can also certify the importance of strong male leadership to child rearing.  My father, uncle, and grandfather (both maternal) were key to my upbringing.  Their leadership prepared me well to handle single parenthood for four children.
Dwight Eisenhower warned us all against the corruption that would ensue from the "military industrial complex"  We failed to heed that warning for more than fifty years.  Now we've seen that corruption grow to a point where the total fabric of military life is threatened by a culture of sexual lawlessness.
The Herculean task President Obama and Secretary Hagel face in their efforts to clean up the DOD, may  fore-shadow the need to do the same to the State Department.  From the days when President Reagan can cover up a bombing in Bierut, by invading Grenada, until today, when Hillary Clinton can't catch a break over the Behghazi attack; foul play in our State Department has also been able to operate, for too long, without serious public scrutiny.  Very few, if any, citizens of this country have a clue of what is being done in their name around the world.   It may be no accident that the most vociferous voices in the Benghazi Charade hail from our "Hell-Hole", and Arizona.  These characters are deeply beholding to corporations and are adherents of extending throughout the world our historic practices of suppression of the poor and nonwhites .
This comes at a time when world population is projected to grow in sub-Saharan Africa to a level of one-in-three births on the planet by 2050
Stay Vigilant! Think about it!
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Sunday, May 19, 2013


The Polls are "Encouraging" ? 
Adequate understanding of the 20th Century shows that the "Americas", and especially the United States struggle with the divide between "Democracy" and less-free forms of governing.  Thus far, North America (led by Mexico) has trended away from outright slavery and has made the most progress toward "Democracy" in this hemisphere. 
In this 100th year since the ratification of the 16th Amendment, the IRS and Taxation are, again, the center of scandal. Pressed by the Corporatist Party (Republicans), a three-part scandal blitz has been waged that also includes the Press, and Foreign Policy.  Having failed in their attempt at installing their Corporatist Candidate in the office of President in 2012, the Republicans are (rightfully) scared to death of their prospects in 2014 and beyond.  The polls show that the President is beating them at this game, also.  His approval ratings are above 50%.
As a handy guide, divide the voting public, and the opinion public in this country into quarters.  The 25% on either extreme are the "nut jobs".  Occasionally, the extremes happen on to an issue that "sticks", and they, thereby, enhance their percentages of support beyond their 25% base.  Polls reflect "opinion" .  And, like derriere's, every one seems to have one.  Votes are a different matter.  The President, who is fighting to save our Democracy and restore a Middle Class, is winning over a significant portion of the "squishy Right" (their share of "Independents" voters).  The turn-out in the 2014 election is what's at stake!
Awareness is rising of the coercive nature of the Corporatists and their policies.  Issues like student loan traps, laws permanently freezing wages of restaurant workers, manipulating hours to avoid providing benefits, squeezing pay,  off-loading costs of employment onto workers and to taxpayers, and laying off workers to manipulate stock prices.  People are starting to see the "slavery" inherent in these practices.  With the help of the Republican Party, Affirmative Action, Age Discrimination, Environmental, and a host of other laws and regulations have been circumvented, diminished, or corrupted.  (IRS, for example).
During the 1930's when the United States had, decades before, put our Robber Barons under control, we reacted to the Great Depression by enacting labor laws and setting the base for our Middle Class.
Germany, on the other hand, abandoned its Democracy and embraced Corporatist Fascism.  In spite of Republican in-roads toward destroying our Middle Class, begun by Reagan (formerly, a Roosevelt Democrat), the Corporatists can be stopped by VOTERS.  Let's make them and their Masters from our Hell-Hole region a Permanent Minority Party! 
Stay Vigilant!  Get involved for 2014!!
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Saturday, May 18, 2013


Attack from the "Hell-Hole"
Whether your focus is on Iraq, Syria, Europe, Afghanistan/Pakistan, Russia, or here at home; there is a "toxic brew" of caste, class, color, race, religion, tribe, nationality, old-fashioned corruption, and "old" wealth concerns; corroding nation-states, and portending collapse.  Overlay this brew with expanding access to nuclear weaponry, and the new "technologies" that sprang from that physics,  and it should be enough to bring the most determined insurgents to their senses.  But, No!; take a look at the "leadership" in our Congress, directed by Representatives from our "Hell-Hole" (Old South), and you must conclude that the future for this country is seriously in question.
From their collective states below the Mason-Dixon, these "neer-do-wells", along with their Red State cousins, have a financial and policy lock on the nation.  The havoc they have brought and continue to wage will continue to spread as our various States scramble to rob each other in preparation for "realities" they have shirked for too long.  Bottom line:  There's not enough to go around.  The old models cannot be sustained.  The mean and ignorant will no longer be "King of the Heap" simply because they are white males.   In the midst of this, the stock market takes off for new highs.  Every "man" for himself?
Read (again?) Jared Diamond's Collapse  (2005), say your prayers, or whatever else you believe works, and then determine how you will VOTE in 2014!  Explore ways of "cracking" the gerrymandered districts.  Last Chance???
Stay Vigilant!  Vote like your future is at stake!
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Friday, May 17, 2013


"Half-Measures" will NOT WORK!! 
Senator Gillibrand and her colleagues are on the right path -- but, they're stopping too far short!
The military should NOT continue to have a totally separate, and deeply unaccountable Justice System (UCMJ); except for those times when this nation is in a WAR that has been declared by Congress!  We've not had one of those since World Ward II ended (1945)!
Attitudes involving sex in this country are more deeply entrenched than attitudes toward race; AND they're more widespread (all races, both genders).  The tyranny in our military services, in the form of unwanted sexual contact, involves victims of both genders,  and may be an "unintended consequence" of the failed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy of the last two administrations. 
Check also on the old "Suzie Rottencrotch" techniques used by the Marines to train male recruits.   Military training has always been "Power-centered".  If you really want to clean this up; set up a fully parallel path (Civilian Special Prosecutor -- outside the DOD) to  provide judicial hearings for all service members, in cases where any type of cultural bias is involved.  If we're not in a declared war -- no UCMJ.  It concentrates too much power, provides an open door, with  "cover-up"  opportunities, for all types of corruption.
Stay Vigilant!  Restore Integrity to our Military.
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What did Bachmann Know .. And When Did She Know It??
The Charade advances!  Congressional Representative Bachmann, late of the IRS,, is in "high dudgeon" over "misbehaviors" at the IRS.  This is gut-splittin', when you think about it.  The entire affair is proof positive of gross failures of the media, of our "system", and evidence of the low regard the Repoobs have for our collective "intelligence".
The Tea Party Nuts in the House want the IRS investigated.  They should call their "fearless leader" to testify before the Committees in both the House and the Senate.  Its likely that Michele Bachmann can tell the committees a lot more than they can get from beating up on minor employees.
The IRS is an Agency in the Executive Branch of our government, tasked with the impossible job of "making sense" of the Tax Code.  The Tax Code, which everyone knows, is an unfathomable stack of refuse created by CONGRESS, over many decades.  Their "Band-Aid" changes to the Code over time have resulted in a "mess" that can't be "fixed".  It has to be FLUSHED!  I'm sure Bachmann, and her Tea Party ducklings know all of this.
The voters will have to "fix" this problem by helping President Obama scuttle the entire Code and start over.  The nation will benefit in more ways than anyone can know.  The President should devote the rest of his term to this.  Without fixing our tax system, nothing else can be afforded.  This President is our last, best, chance to clean this up!
Proof Positive that the Repoobs are in panic-mode, is this turn against the IRS.  They know that many of our citizens hate the IRS more than the Tea Party hates a black President.
Stay Vigilant!  DEMAND a NEW Tax Code!
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Thursday, May 16, 2013


Wouldn't the FOUNDERS Be 'Surprised!' ???
For sanity's sake, we all need a "decoder ring" to decipher the crap that's streaming at us from our "MEDIA"!!  Let's start with what we all know by now (even Rush Limbaugh's followers can "get" this):
    1.  The New Economy is a MEDIA-driven economy.
    2.   Corporations and their interests dominate the Media-driven economy.
    3.   Corporations must dominate, weaken, or destroy Governments in order to function, un-hindered, in the new  "Corporate"/global economy.  These corporations have "bought" politicians (at all levels) in the United States to do their bidding.
    4.  The MEDIA will be the place where the warfare against government will take place.
    5.   Multiple tactics will be employed by Media: "entertain" those weak of mind; "confuse" everyone else.  Media (Right or Left) will infuse their own agenda; which devolves to: "Let's you and him fight!".  This approach maximizes their profits.  The Right is winning their way in the media.
    6.  Corporate Media makes out like "fat rats":  consider the involvement of Murdoch Media in the affairs of the British Government recently.  Some of their people got jail time.
So, don't fall, knee-jerk fashion, for the breast-beating  members of our "free" press.  Where were they when Cheney and "W" were waltzing us all off to Iraq?  Some of our media "leaders" were engaged in "cheer-leading" that caper.  A Bought-Off Press is not "Free"!
Our vaunted FIRST AMEMDMENT can be undermined, you know.  Even the Founders were smart enough to understand that  "Right" (also) needed to be properly limited.  Not by "law"; but certainly by other legal methods ("fire" in a crowded theater).
We seem on the verge of "flunking the test" to preserve our Democracy!  We're screwing-up the interpretations of both the FIRST and SECOND Amendments to our Constitution -- the "pillars" of our Bill of Rights!  Its long past time to make the proper transitions in governing from the late-1700's to the early-2000's.  In order for global economics, as perceived since 2000, to work well, we will need smoothly-functioning global banking, global postal services, much better internet access, and effective global laws (and their swift, fair, enforcement).  We have none of those as of yet.  It will take much more effective GOVERNMENT actions around the globe to bring this about.
Stay Vigilant!  Good Luck Deciphering the MEDIA!
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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The "OBAMA ECONOMY" Arrives ??

Pity the Poor Repoobs!!
After running every nasty "scam" their twisted and wicked minds could conjure up, what's left of the Republican Party has to watch, helplessly, as our economy "takes off!  The stock market is up; oil and gold are in decline; and this is MAY!  We all should be "going away"?  I'm sure those "select" voters back in the districts of Big John and Twitchy Mitch will have a few things to say about this.  I'm sure they love GREEN more than they hate BLACK!
This could be a re-play of Volcker/Reagan, and Greenspan/Clinton?  "W" blamed Greenspan for his daddy's loss; but why did Clinton succeed with him?  I guess Greenspan woke up in time to jinx "W" by allowing him to sit atop the worst economic decline since the Depression?
Three Cheers! for Bernanke!!  The whole world may have been saved by him, in spite of all things evil, (Limbaugh, Rove, Mitt, Clint, and the T-T-Par-T), arrayed against an outcome such as this? 
Looks like they won't be able to stage another "Debt Ceiling" debacle in August as planned.  We just might be able to finish this fiscal year within the current ceiling.  Imagine that!  So now they're throwing everything at once, Benghazi, IRS, "Corporate Press"/abuses, you name it, as they fizzle down to NOTHING!
Let's get serious, folks.  What we've been watching  is a long-term attempt by certain elements of our corporate world to diminish the power of government in this country and prohibit the people from curbing their excesses; in the manner the Robber Barons of old were brought to heel.  Government is the only power that powerful corporations fear.  It was the Congress, in the early 70's that "let the dogs out" in the first place.
Congrats! Barry!!  Remember Truman's words from 1948; "Just P*ss On 'Em"!!
Stay Vigilant!
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Monday, May 13, 2013

Of "GATSBY" and "HARRY""

WHO are we?  In 2013

"GATSBY", written by F. Scott Fitzgerald when my mother was a teenager, has been made (again) into a Hollywood film.  Takin' a break here in Vegas, I'm told by the Media that "Harry" is back in the U.S., making amends for his last blast here, in Sin City.

Such an interesting juxtaposition of stories and lives, and social-order-tales!  I grew up in a country that prided itself  for NOT having to bow to Royalty!  Yet, that "America", heavily influenced by its assimilation processes for European immigrants, was also conflicted by "Class"!  How, you might ask?  By the distinction of "old" money and "new" money -- by whether you "worked" for your money, or whether you "inherited" your money.  Romney and his type (Bush?), have further confused these distinctions in their "You Didn't Make That" campaign in 2012.  Even if you don't have any money, and you derive from "old" families that "used to have" wealth; you and your kind are better than those whites who work for their money.  Makes you wanna laugh, don't it??  But that's not funny!  Grandma in London takes that stuff seriously!  Remember what happened to Diana?

Go see "GATSBY", you'll learn some of your history that you probably were not taught in school.
It was set in the 'Roaring Twenties', when, I'm told, my Dad's father left the farm to go "bootleggin", like so many other men at that time following World War I.  The Fast Money brought on the CRASH of 1929.

But back to 2013, and Vegas.  I have been coming here regularly since early 1971, and I've watched the city change through our multiple "passages" as a nation.  What I'm seeing today is an "International Watering-Hole".  Almost nobody I see in the high-end establishments are citizens, and they are NOT poor.  Every color and type of humanity on this planet is represented!

All of this takes on a yet-more-macabre twist when you see the racist Katzenjammers in the Senate (one of the "Ol South", the other of the New Red Arizona) and the Bar-Back in the House leading what is left of the Republican Party on a forced march back to 1870.  The orderly government of the United States of America, is no longer their concern.  In case anybody tries to run this country over their concerted efforts to "shut'er down"; they will meet goose-stepping opposition in the Congress and over-whelming amounts of money (mostly "New Money")!  They're suspiciously busy in the Senate, trying to weave all this Hay into an Immigration Bill that will preserve their deeply-held, Eugenicist views of people who are not "white".

Stay Vigilant!  Try to stay SANE!

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Saturday, May 11, 2013


Oh No! He "Didn't" ??
The Senator from South Carolina (the one that is white and "elected"), disparaged all persons who have the misfortune of hailing from "below" our Southern Border.  They come from "Hell Holes", he says.,0,5659961.story
I don't know whom to feel the most sorry for; those "brown" people who come across our border to the south, or those (mostly Asian and European) who are welcomed across our (un-fenced, and much longer) border to the north.  Both are diminished by the Senators statements.
Then, again, hailing from South Carolina, and entering the great middle class in this country through the open door of our military, the senator should know NOT to disparage those  without opportunities he had, and were less fortunate in the ovarian and geography lotteries.  He could probably learn a few lessons from the "other" (appointed and black) Senator from South Carolina.
Any of us who have had the not-quite-pleasure of travel, lately, to the deep South in this country (The Carolinas, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, and those states that border them to the north), probably were made keenly aware of the fact that black citizens in those states know a thing or two about "Hell Holes"!  They can definitely "enlighten" the Senator.
South Carolina has played an important role for Republican candidates on the "road to the Presidency", since the days of Eisenhower.  It was critical for those candidates to "prove" their "bona-fides" on race for Party "leaders" in that peculiar state.
Any "Christian" (real ones, that is), who is a citizen of South Carolina, should remind the Senator that he should not demean them!   By picking on people this way, who cannot fight back, and who are denigrated for circumstances of their birth, he shames the voters of South Carolina!
Stay Vigilant!  Pray for the South (all colors).
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Friday, May 10, 2013


Where are YOU? "In", or "OUT"?
Bernanke's speech this morning was an update on the status of financial markets and large financial institutions, both here and abroad.  Topics like "SIFI", and "Too-big-to-fail" appear above the concerns of the average citizen (world-wide) -- they are "in the game",however, whether they like it or not!
How about you?  Have you patched the "hole" in the floor of your personal finances; this far past the financial implosion of 2008?  Most people below the age of 60 have no clue where they stand financially, or what to do about their situation.  Housing is a key determinant, right behind "jobs".
Are you renting, a home owner, living with relatives, or "on the streets"?  Are you "working"?  How many jobs?  Do you earn enough to pay your bills? Can you pay off, or pay down your debts?
These key questions define the New Game of money and finance on this planet.  The "Players", like Mitt Romney, saw this coming, and took full advantage.  Their "servants" (in Congress) are scurrying like scared rats to keep their butts in their jobs! 
The politicians are praying that the voters in this country will sleep through the coming off-year election in 2014, and they will have time to repair damages and gain new footing for 2016.  They've hauled Dick Cheney back before the Media to lead the charge against Hillary.  Rush Limbaugh shows signs of having "shot his wad".
From your perch in all of this, upward past the Romneys, and to the rich Russians, and other "foreigners" who can buy old "Gatsby-era" estates on Long Island (at 50 cents on the dollar, I might add); the most important thing to do is to establish your financial footing.  Your goal should be to take in, every day, more than you spend out  -- ON EVERYTHING!  Daily expenses, interest and debt payments, discretionary purchases; the entire "kit and ka-boodle"!!  We have enough computing power available in our ubiquitous digital devices to know where we stand, daily! 
Failure to accomplish this is your fault!!  You can help yourself tremendously by voting out of office all politicians who are not working for you!  2014, 2016, 2018, 2020 -- don't miss a chance to flush out the vermin that brought us all of this pain.  Most of them were at "the scene of the crimes" between 2000 and 2008.
Stay Vigilant!  Don't be "snookered".
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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Depleting their "Playbook"??
Who would have thought that a serious attack on the viability of this nation would be led by its Speaker of the House?  Big Bad John, leader of the wicked "Lilliputians of  U.S. Politics" has an "all hands on deck" assault underway against multiple targets:  The President, of course, Hillary Clinton, and all of the hapless Democrats.  Repoobs must think we're as stupid and mean as they are; and can't "see through" their posturing and claims of "national interest".  Where's the smoking "Monica"?  If there is disaffection in the State Department, where is John Kerry??
Re-running the "ride" Graham took from the House to the Senate, on the back of Clinton's dalliance with Monica, the entire Republican Party seems so desperate to get out of the hole they've dug for themselves over the past four year that they will stage a repeat of their "Impeachment" game.  Their goal, according to Huckabee, late of FOX Phews, is to drive the President from office.  If they succeed, they will also knock off Hillary's chances, (and prevent the possibility of a "First Woman" president).  For a bonus, they'll warm the "cockles" of the evil hearts of their Southern brethren with what could look like an ol' fashioned "lynching". 
Their war cry is "Benghazi".  Our clueless media, in constant pursuit of  tittilating stories, is following this ruse down the "sewie-hole" established by FOX.  They're worried that Obama will set a standard that none of them will ever be able meet.  This nation could enter a new dawn, free from the "gang politics" of European immigrants and Southern Slave Holders.
The Stock Market is on a tear!  In spite of the long list of antics the Repoobs have staged to destroy this economy, Obama has doggedly kept it alive and growing.  In one of my earlier blogs, I recount the story of a crime in Paris, Texas, in which all of the townspeople, including their children, gathered for several days, painstakingly lynching one black man.
If they are not deterred from the present course of events, the Republican  Party may never regain power!  The weasel-brained Democrats can't seem to muster a modicum of resistance to this attack.  Why?  Can they not use the same Congressional power to investigate Repoob compliance, or that of their allies in the Benghazi affair?  Why did Romney "jump the gun", thinking he had the ultimate "gotcha" against Obama over Benghazi. 
The Democrats have to learn that their country is worth fighting for!
Stay Vigilant!  Fight Back!
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Wednesday, May 8, 2013


A Complicated, "Perfect" Storm?
The President vowed, yesterday, to "step up our game" on sexual harassment in the military; in wake of the latest Air Force incident.
My readers know that I am an Air Force, service-disabled veteran.  I served as an officer for 20 years.  The first officer in the Air Force to treat me as a fellow human being was a female officer.  The year was 1962, and both she and I were on the "front line" in battles to integrate the Air Force.
For the first ten years of my twenty-year career, the major issues were "race wars" in the military. (I was later congratulated by General Benjamin O. Davis, for continuing the struggles he and his fellow Red Tails began a decade or more before I was commissioned).
Over the 20 year period that I served, conditions inside the military changed drastically.  Because the top leadership at the time I entered included soldiers with World War II and Korea experience, the racial issues were handled effectively; mostly under control by the mid-70's.  The numbers of women in the services were miniscule in numbers until 1979; when enlistment rules were made the same for men and women; with women limited to non-combat roles. 
By 1979, officers who had experienced the earlier racial conflicts were assuming command positions.  They were markedly more "political" than those who came before them.  In two important aspects, the personnel changes were important, as I look back.  The Hatch Act was ignored; and the services all adopted "administrative procedures" for handling retention issues.  No longer did the officers "dirty" their hands with disciplining enlisted members.  They issued administrative discharges in droves to get rid of "problems".  As the number of women increased, new problems concerning "hardship" issues arose.  These were mostly family matters that interfered with assignment orders.  New "administrative procedures" were developed to handle those also.  As a recently divorced, single parent, I was also impacted; prompting my decision to retire, rather than risk having to leave my children un-attended.  "Judicial" procedures under the UCMJ were also brought to bear in many cases.  As a Court Member, I was more than once "voir dired", unsuccessfully,  by prosecuting JAGs, because I questioned their "facts" in trial.
It was increasingly clear as I left the Air Force that the military, like the total nation, was shifting politically toward the "hard right".  The changes in the "climate" in the military between 1962  and 1982, were "stark".
Stay Vigilant!  Systemic Change May be Required.
Copyright© 2013: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

INSIDE the white "PSYCHE" ??

The "Terror" at the "CORE" ??
"O, if only two could be us; to see ourselves as others see us".  That's a little ditty someone taught me in my youth. Thanks to the NRA this past weekend, we can all get a "peek" at the way "{those} whites see "us"!  Bless the little twisted hearts of the NRA, and their Republican (managers?)!  Only they could make visual what has stirred at the bottom of the hearts of whites since Catholicism was formed in the crucible of "color". 
We ignored Melville (at our peril), , but the NRA has managed to get through to us.  Have you "seen" it yet?
Its the gun target that the NRA sold at its Convention.  Miscreants who "shoot" this target get the added glee of seeing "blood" spurt from every orifice.  Of course, it wouldn't "sell" if it didn't look like President Obama.  This represents "ecstasy" for the southern white male in the United States.
This image is what has plagued the sleep of every white male in the America's, and their "wanna-be's", since the days of Columbus.  Their most constant fear was of dying in their sleep from a revolt of the slaves.  It really happened in Haiti!  (Which might explain why the French will never let those people rise??)  In Mexico, no white person who was not born in Europe, could be fully white -- they were some type of "Creole".  Everyone else suffered from the "one-drop" rule.  This was the cause of the first Mexican Revolution. (Check out Allende and Hildalgo).
The NRA has also shown the folly of pretending that "Integration" got rid of this problem.  In the "backlash" period that began in 1965, the terror has "metastasized" among southern whites, and is rapidly spreading in the RED states, along with "gun-mania".  During the first two eras of United States history (the chattel slavery period and the Peonage Period), the country was unapologetically "white supremacist" in law, at all levels, and in social custom (mostly below the Mason-Dixon Line; but, including a Northern "variant).  In 1965. with the Voting Rights laws, fundamental change began.
During the first 11 years of my lifetime,  smart "Negros" (as they were called then) got the Hell OUT of the deep South. They left W. VA (2%); KY(5%); ARK(11%); OK(14%); MISS(8%); AL(2%) and GA(2%).  They left for states that were safer and had better economic opportunities.  Many fled in the dark of night, with just the clothes on their backs.  This "great (internal) migration" was one of the largest in the history of the United States.  The Ku Klux Klan was the dominant "political" influence in the country at the time.  The NRA (and the Republican Party) has assumed that role since Nixon
Stay Vigilant!  Dump this Scourge in 2014! 
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Monday, May 6, 2013


Today's Economics & Race
You can't WIN a war, if you don't know you're IN a war!  We made that mistake around the time I was born, and slept during the early years of World War II.  That's because Hitler was on the rampage in Europe, and a majority of citizens in this country either sympathized with Hitler or were indifferent.  The Japanese woke us up when they attacked Pearl Harbor (I was two years old).
We won that War, and saved Europe, with the help of Stalin and Communist Russia.  We also won because, this country, alone, could produce and deliver the resources needed to win.  We followed that feat by rebuilding a Europe in Ashes.  Those were the days of "industrial" war.
Today, we make our money through "media".  This is the information age.  We now live in the age of "media" wars.  (Note how many "retiring" politicians flee to the "Media").  Hitler and his boys knew a thing or two about Media, too.
Read my first blog, The Government Shutdown (Ghosts of Goebbels: Are We Doomed to Repeat This Bit of History?) (April 7, 2011).
Harrison Ford, in and interview with Charlie Rose a few days ago, explained that he played the role of Branch Rickey in the movie:  "42", because he feared that black youth today were losing their history.  Harrison is right.  I was alive during the last 26 years of Jim Crow in the United States.  My earliest memories were of Joe Louis and the electricity of those evenings, when the neighbors gathered to "listen" to the fights. . I was lucky to meet Joe in the early 70's in Nevada. 
Joe delivered the first "defeat" of Hitler by the United States; according to the men in my neighborhood.  They told me graphic stories of Hitler and Schmeling and their racist "media" campaign; and about Hitler's characterizations of Jesse Owens.  The great re-match took place on June 22, 1938.  I still believe that this country won World War II because Franklin Delano,  and not Teddy,  Roosevelt, was President of this country at the time war came to us.
Even the most un-educated blacks, in those days, understood basic economics in this country as it applied to Whites and Blacks (we, along with Canada and Australia, divided all peoples according to this criterion); and to Class and Caste.  What they had not learned from books, they learned from life in these United States.  As a result, they managed their money and their lives very differently.  Our economic advancement took place much more rapidly then, because of intact communities and internal migration, away from oppressive states, to states that afforded better economic opportunities.

Today, even though much of the legal structure non-whites faced then has been erased, blacks, browns, and lower caste whites, are losing economic ground at a stunning pace to the upper 1% of whites.
It's about time we start "following the money" once again, and learn how to counter "media war" effectively.

Stay Vigilant!

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Sunday, May 5, 2013

"WHY" ???

The "Global" and "Primal" Scream??
As events, both global and here at home, proceed to unfold, more and more we're hearing the plaintive wail; "Why"?  I suspect that most of us know, deep down, at least part of the answer to the question; yet we fret.  As the three year old would reply; why?
Here in the United States, you're either a part of the "immigrant nation". or "native nation" or the "African-derived nation".  These three nations have been in eternal battle since our founding.  Never, since the kidnap of the Lindberg Baby, has the white immigrant part of this country been in such turmoil.  Knee-Jerk, first reaction to the Tsarnovs, was to declare them "not white".
After forcing the President to "walk on water" for more than four years now, the white and male opposition to him grows even more determined to keep him from permanently discrediting "their brand".  They are willing to sacrifice the economy and our country in that effort.
Begun by Nixon, kicked into hi-gear by Reagan, and "polished off" by W;  the turn in our economy toward assigning the white male laborer to the same fate as that of the non-white laborer has had its devastating effect on our economy and our social fabric.  The Tsarnovs are showing us that young, white, and  wanna-be, immigrant-nation males are also casualties of that seeping decline?  Seems there was at least one non-white (social-climbing?) male among their trio of supporters.  Expect our "judicial system" to come down on him like a "load of bricks"!
Its been reported that the "Old Pope" has quietly moved back in to the Vatican to shore up the "New Pope" -- which goes to show you can fool some of the people all of the time?  The Popes were the original "brand" makers.
Back to the Tsarnov's:  The newly-released Death Certificate shows that the final cause of death of the older brother was the dragging he received when the younger brother ran over him with the SUV.  I have learned, over my years and travels, of the extreme pain young immigrants face in the "process" of "fitting in" to the dominant culture  in this country.  The father returned home, took the mother with him, they divorced.  The twisted face of the mother shown to us on television speaks volumes, revealing the strong ties she had with the dead brother.
So, to all you white and male "wack-jobs" out there sharpening your knives and attacking our economy, our country, and our future; in hopes of restoring the "Old" White and Male "Brand"; Keep it Up!  You'll hasten the arrival of a better future for us all when you learn to either "fit in" or "move aside"!
Stay Vigilant! 
Copyright© 2013: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Saturday, May 4, 2013


"Cruz is Cross" in Spanish
Only 4 months in the Senate, and Ted Cruz of Texas is "cruising"!  He' running over Master Rubio, his fellow Cuban, and "wanna-be white", as if he were a speed-bump (topas, in Mexico)!  He's angling for President of the United States in 2016.  He expects to beat Hillary!!  Is that some-kinda-ego, or what??  What kind of catastrophe does the Right foresee that could allow that to happen?
Master Marco was born here; and Ted-the-Menacing, was NOT!  That apparently doesn't matter, if you're white enough.  Just ask the current President.  It seems the Constitution, (like the Bible), can be "read" in many ways.  Senator McCain (who lost the first round to Obama) was born in Panama.
Ted Cruz is the newer, wiser, Newt Gingrich in at least one way.  He is dedicated to shutting down our government.  Until they can figure out what they want to do with it, the Republican Party apparently has decided that the government will not be allowed to work for anyone!  The filibuster in the Senate and the Hastert Rule in the House are the tools that will allow them to be more effective than  Newt and the shutdown he sprang on Clinton in the 90's.
Muscling his way to the front in the malignant Right's fight to preserve white supremacy, Ted has first dibs on all that loot the looney Right likes to spend on hate.  Poor Sarah!  Her political half-life was extremely short! 
But enough about that side of the 21st Century version of Civil War in this country.  What about the "Blue" side?  Some say they're singing the blues.  But why? Is it fatigue? Lack of focus? Or is it simply "too-many-things" at once to consider?  Whatever it is, we'd better get over it; and damn fast!
Read your recent history.  Declining Democracies resort to Fascism!  Read carefully the steps the German Democracy took in the early 30's; on its path to degradation!
Stay Vigilant!
Copyright © 2013: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC    

Friday, May 3, 2013


...Lies the Future for Our Planet??
We have to allow the "White Man" to lay down his "burden" of managing the thoughts and beliefs of us non-whites; don't'cha think??  I don't think the likes of Harry wants to struggle with it for yet another generation (I'm not so sure about his big brother, however: we have to see how the "marketing" campaign proceeds).
Before Clarence and Condi came along, I used to think Thomas Sowell, the darling of the "sane" Right,  was the ultimate "Tom".  Post-Condi, Sowell has been rehabilitated; in my mind, at least!.  In his 1983 book, The Economics and Politics of Race, he writes:
   "Nowhere is man's inhumanity to man more tangible or more heartbreaking than in racial or ethnic differences.  It is tempting to dismiss it all as mere irrationality.  Yet even insanity must be studied logically, if it is to be understood and effective policies followed."
Now that we can all see that the Right has collectively gone "certifiable"; we have to heed that old adage about never "reasoning" with fools or crazies.  Let's turn instead to what is going on inside the head of the "non-whites" -- not only here in the United States, but throughout the Americas and across the planet.  The masterful manipulations accomplished by Europeans through their versions of the Christian Religion, have served them well; but we can't say the same for the non-European.  Maybe its time for us to "muck-out" our minds?
 We can start by carefully analyzing the tenets of Willie Lynch's sermon   .
Careful reflection on each tenet will contribute a great deal to freeing us from the continued "slavery" to a system created almost 500 years ago by Europeans.  I still "recoil" when I see fake "blond" hair on any female!  We might be able to "emancipate" ourselves from the rat-races we run, and see our future with improved possibilities; financially, economically, socially, and with some genuine self-respect??
Stay Vigilant!
Copyright© 2013: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Thursday, May 2, 2013


What's In A Name?
One day, in Seattle's Pioneer Square, I found a rare book; a bound first edition of Bernard DeVoto's
The Year of Decision * 1846*.   The book, published in 1943, transports us back to a time,  about 100 years before I was born.  As an African-American, born and raised within a few miles of Independence, I was fascinated with the intimate details of the early Mormon struggles in that place; of "Joseph the Seer", the Temple Lot, Mexicans in bells, bullwhackers of the Santa Fe Trail:  Independence was the "jumping off place for Santa Fe, Fort Laramie, Winter Quarters on the Missouri, and all points West.  It was the last days for the Whigs, and the beginnings of the GOP, or Grand "Old" Party, i.e., The Republican Party.
Today, we're witnessing a suicide, committed  by what is left of the GOP.  History seems to have come full circle.  James K. Polk was President.  A Jacksonian Democrat, and eerily like George W. Bush, Polk won office by promising to annex Texas to the United States.  He invaded Mexico to set the stage for the annexation of Texas.  That action is reported to have split the country, setting the stage for Civil War.  The descendants of Texas, and of that entire region caught up in the rebellion known as the Civil War, are today the proud, lead actors in bringing about the demise of the Republican Party.
Founded by anti-slavery activists in 1854, the GOP has taken a political "U-Turn", and has become a radical ultra-right, white-supremacist party; possibly more out of step with the citizenry of today than were the Whigs in the 1840s.  The Whigs "foundered" on the issue of slavery, and the GOP is "foundering" on the issue of the first African-American President.
Looking forward, what should be the name of the new party?  We have to have two parties!  Our system of government depends on that structure.  So, what should we name it?  If we pick a name that is attractive enough, perhaps the country will "move on" beyond the GOP, by hastening its demise.  I propose the "GNP" -- the Grand New Party -- one that will seek to serve the voters of this country instead of the monied interests that operate our global economy.  Given the mess the GOP has made of our economy, the GNP has a nice ring to it?  You heard it first here! 
What do you think?
Stay Vigilant!  Prepare for the funeral/christening ceremonies?? 
Copyright© 2013: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


From "Conquistador" to Cowboy"??
As the President prepares to travel to Mexico for a few days, we all have an opportunity to learn what the malignant Right means, when they say "he's not one of us!".  Since 2000, we've seen Mexico move from Fox, to Calderon, to Pena Nieto.  This visit opens a "time tube" through which we can look back 500 years to that "C" word, Conquistador; and the companion "C" word, Concubine!  From Cortez and Malinche, over the ensuing 500 years to the cowboys in our old west, our history is that of the European Male, and his roles in that part of our planet we now call "The Americas".
Starting in Mexico, around 1530, when the Catholic Church devised chattel slavery, we have seen this half-planet suffer the abuses of European Males, ranging from conquistadors, to pirates, to "explorers", to trappers, to Mountain-men, to miners, to planters, to overseers, to farmers, and cowboys.  All of these episodes of white-male emigration to the "new world" boosted the creation of what we now see as "Mestizaje"  or "mestizo" (s) -- now the fastest growing group of people in the new world.  This is because almost none of these men brought white women with them; for a period of more than 150 years.  Because of rising interests in agriculture and grazing to replace initial interests in mining, and European expulsion of criminals and religious dissidents from Catholic Christianity, these white males, to include Catholic clergy, interbred with native women.  Once their chattel slavery system grew, they also began interbreeding with African females (for fun and profit).  Mestizos in the 21st century include people whose color ranges from damn-near-white, to that of the darkest African. Mestizos speak either Spanish or English, or both.
Mexico, the incubator of all of this, (check out Hildalgo and Allende and the cause of the first Mexican  Revolution against the Gauchupines), has a fascinating history.  That history is the reason the United States has always treated that country as "Not Canada", and "our backyard".  It can be argued that European "Culture", was financed over the ensuing 400 years, from the "issue" of non-white women in the "new world".
So, the malignant Right is Right!  The President's lineage does not track this historical pattern.  His African link to Africa is more direct, and skips the entire concubine part.  The white males, however, have constructed over time elaborate legal and social structures to permit them to deny any human contact with their "issue".  This explains the curious madness of our "white supremacists".
Stay Vigilant!  Check your DNA!
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