Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Is PUTIN's "BOY" (in Greece) "TRAPPED"

Has he "joined" Assad and Netanyahu?

As the USA makes ready to celebrate its Independence Day; could it be that Countries like Syria, Israel, and Greece face a future wherein they grow more DEPENDENT on Russia?? Think about it!  THINK, beyond the Propaganda we hear in our MEDIA.  Look back at recent events, and see if you can "SEE" a Pattern?

After calling for a VOTE, it looks like the current Greek Government fears they will fail; and, that the Greek People really don't want to leave the European Union.  Putin's scheme to weaken Europe may be "foiled" ; yet again?  What's up with Egypt??  Orchestrated into its role as a "Prop" for JC's  "deal" with Arafat and Barak;  post-Mubarak-Egypt appears to be "wandering" alone amidst the growing mayhem in the Levant, North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa.  Is Putin at play here also?

It seems clear from his actions in the Ukraine, the strategy for Putin is to play on Ethnic and Tribal Divisions for purposes of Economic and Political Gain.  A Global copy of the Republican Strategy in the USA, since Nixon embraced the Sewer States as the Base for their Party.  Global changes are driving all Peoples on the Earth back toward their Tribal Behaviors!

Obama may have "head-faked" them all!! Absolutely sure that the global, and centuries-old, Revulsion for Non-White Skin, among the Peoples of the Earth, would continue to work its Evil; Putin, given the strife and fear caused by the Internet and Global Economics, surely felt he had the "wind at his back"!.  For a while, he seemed to be proven right!  Europe was very slow to catch on, in spite of open taunts from Putin.  No longer!  Even the Republican Party is getting the "hint" that skin-color racism may be weakening its hold on human affairs.

Stay Vigilant!  This story ain't OVER yet!  We now need to AWAKEN the Black Southerners in the USA??

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