Sunday, July 12, 2015

RACE(2015): and the CAROLINA(s)


On closer examination, several things "pop out" as peculiar, when considering the Racial Events of the past several months in South Carolina.  The fact that the events occurred there was not unexpected; given that State's egregious record on Race.  South Carolina, now struggling to "eschew" that record; North Carolina assumes the mantle of Most Racist of the Carolina(s).  Given North Carolina's recent racial history, that reflects a switch of their roles, as North Carolina continues to retreat from its "Progress" in Racial Matters.  In all instances, we're talking about changes in White Behavior; the peculiar behavior of Blacks in those States, as throughout the Sewer States, remains unperturbed.

Blacks in the Old South appear to continue their old, sleepy, "Love" politics, that lowers their level of threat to their fellow Whites.  Their Black Christianity is truly a "Blessing" for White Christians in the Old South.  Whites have been given a PASS, to continue along their path of designing a New Jim Crow for the 21st Century.  The old model no longer fits a time when White strengths in the electorate are declining rapidly.  The new model must deal with Mexicans and Cubans.  TRUMP has appeared to lend a hand.

South Carolina and Louisiana are "Peculiar", in that both have East-Indian-lineage Governors.  Historically these persons migrate to parts of the planet where there is deep division between Blacks and Whites and serve as a "Buffer".  Ghandi, and the Indian Community, in Apartheid South Africa, for example.  Jindal, the Guv'na of Louisiana is running for President in 2016 on a platform that is to rhe Right, Racially, of David Duke.  East India is where you go when you want to understand the ROOTS of Race, Color, Caste, and Class. 

Stay Vigilant!  Blacks in the United States mus get beyond the childish habit of measuring Racial Progress by the ability of Whites to shift their public behaviors!  Leave the Church, and look around it, at black kids killing each other on the streets with Guns supplied by Whites.  Black Unemployment statistics have worsened over the period referred, when they say; "we've come a long way"!  To my experience, not much has changed ; when Obama, the first Black President must repeat the plea to white employers, to eradicate black unemployment disparities, that was made by President Kennedy in 1963!

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