A Fairy Tale??
From the "transformation" currently underway in San Francisco, to the, now, 20% who proclaim they will vote for TRUMP; there seems to be ever-increasing "prices" placed on every aspect of our daily lives. Housing, Health Care, Civics, Transportation, Education, even SECURITY; you "plunks yer money down, and take's yer chances"! Our Politicians have always been salesmen, of a sort; but the guy who currently "commands the oxygen" on the Silly Side of our politics, is a looming, new force that is well beyond Politics as we've known it. Prices, are the elusive elements in everything; from what it will cost to "educate" your child, to what it will cost for new medications being "hawked" on T.V. (That was illegal, incidentally; as recently as 50 years ago).
China, the second largest economy in the World, today, is trying to MANAGE its fledgling Stock Market. Wiser heads KNOW that authentic markets cannot be "managed" ... successfully.
BIG MONEY seems to view all of human interaction in terms of "Markets". Once, there was a world-wide "market" in Human Beings. After the Crowned Heads of Europe grew FAT from it, Chattel Slavery was "outlawed". Some might say slavery is making its return; in the forms of "Human Trafficking", and the manipulation of Workers Wages. If your life grows more and more "unmanageable" daily, take a closer look at your pay stub, and ask whether you have sold your Time, to the extent that you have no Time left to LIVE!
The 20% who support TRUMP (so far) appear willing to put their Country on the Block and auction it off to the highest bidder. That 20% can be found on the Republican Right, and "based" in the Sewer States, long known for raising Pigs!
Are 21st Century "Advertising" methods, nothing more that "Coercion" or driving forces not unlike those used for "driving pigs"??
What about the decline in our living conditions? From failing infrastructure, to a life time of "renting" our housing (until we're priced-out); we might think we're being "conditioned to live in slop"!
Stay Vigilant! Surely, you say, "wiser heads" will prevent these outcomes? Where are they? After Obama/Biden, who will fight them?
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