Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Why NOT! (??) -- Bernie SANDERS?

Why "Go Back"??

I remember Goldwater, on the Tube, somewhere around the time he left the Senate, responding to a question about Lyndon Johnson's "honesty".  His reply referenced the fact that Lyndon entered Public Office a very Poor Man, and left it, a VERY Rich Man!.  In those days, that could be scandalous; today?, no-one thinks much of the fact that too many of our POLITICIANS "loot the place". while they're in office!  Hell, we're totally enthralled by a "Biz'ness" Man, on the Republican Ticket, who claims to be  "rich as Croesus", and wants to be our NEXT Pres.  I'm sure we won't like the "biz'ness" he wants to perform on this country; while we struggle to escape our  post-2008 condition!

When I was born, a very Rich Man was President.  He was honest, worked hard to get us through the Great Depression and through World War II.  Harry Truman, who followed him into the Presidency, was also recognized to be "Honest", although there were some MOB ties from his earlier political days.  Nobody faulted Harry for taking a Nickel from Government that he didn't earn!

Then came Tricky Dick: first, as Eisenhower's Vice President.  Ike "smelled a RAT", and threatened to get rid of him.  Should-a Done It!!  We'd all be a heap better off, today!!  The Agencies and Departments of the Executive Branch,  is where the Politicians "Mine" their riches!  Members of the House of Representatives control those budgets, and our more crafty practitioners find ways to cut themselves in on "biz'ness deals"!  DOD, HEW, HUD;  the reports are rampant; look them up!

In my life time, only THREE Presidents, other than Truman and Roosevelt, are considered to be fully "honest" -- Kennedy, Carter, and, so far, Obama!  Now that we've broken the string,  why go back??  Nobody questions Sanders' HONESTY!  Can't Say That for the Repoobs!  We've become so conditioned, we EXPECT our Politicians to be Corrupt!

Stay Vigilant!  We're never gonna get completely out of this trap that was sprung on us in 2008, until we break the ties back to Corruptions of the past 35 years!  Too many of  those running, who are not "on-the-make", are Right-Wing Radicals!

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