Monday, July 20, 2015

"Alright" WHITEs, and "Hang-Around" BROWNs

What Has Changed?

The Usual Suspects were clustered at the feet of Joe and Mika this morning to absorb the "Wisdom" of the most "Alright White" on TV today.  His Hang-Around Browns, ever in attendance, offered little more than "background".  Perhaps they should learn to sing, to keep with tradition?

They're troubled with TRUMP and CUBA, it seems.  The Cuban Flag flies over Washington D.C. today, for the first time since Ike's Administration.  Strange, but this Event comes on the heels of the "Stars and Bars";  taken down from State Capitol Grounds in South Carolina.  The Republican-organized, WHITE RIGHT Opposition to Anything and Everything Obama, since 2009, seems not to have worked too well for them!

Reverend Joseph Lowery's Benediction at President Obama's Inauguration in 2009, carried the portents of some of this?

If you're White, you're alright,
If you're Brown, you can Hang Around,
But, if you're BLACK, get BACK!

It is a popular Doggerel, learned by Black Children during Segregation in the United States, that is traceable back to Vaudeville, Minstrels and Bill Broonzy (1883-1951):

Measure our "Progress" from that Benediction in 2009 to this day in 2015, and we find that minor cracks are only now beginning to appear in that rock-solid belief system that lies at the base of the Benediction,  European Culture, and the Global Economy.  It hasn't changed since 1500;  held in place by Christianity, "Race-Science" aka Eugenics, and the Social Darwinism of Nazi's. Unfortunately, the beliefs embodied in the doggerel are subscribed-to by humans, of all colors, in all Seven Continents on this planet!   That remains a threat to any success we might expect from the Global Economy.

Trump and the entire Clown Car of  Repoobs are in a "tizzy" in their struggles to keep the doggerel's beliefs intact, while PRETENDING otherwise.  JEB, while trying to pry open the BUSH-Bookends (from Daddy Bush, and Clarence Thomas in 1991;  to "Dick and Dubya" in 2008 and our imploded Economy) has to find a way to regain the lead in the Polls, that he has lost to TRUMP.

Stay Vigilant!  Can the world's Blacks and Browns gain access to their OWN Markets; currently controlled by Whites?  Will they gain control over their own cash flows?  Whites currently take Black and Brown Markets for granted, throughout the world!  BIG MONEY can accomplish much more, and faster, than the LASH!

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