"Amazing Grace", and the "Global" BLACK Female
Phylis Wheatley told us, in her famous poem in the late 1700's, that "Negros" must be refined to join the Angelic Train. Condi Rice and Clarence Thomas reflect that sentiment, as they perform their roles, under the Tutelage of the Bushes. In the late 1700s, according to the books available for the period, "Negro",; a word that means "Black" in the Spanish language, was used for Native Americans, as well as Africans, and, was applied to all people who were NOT White!
The Southern Black Mind-set; so highly visible to the World, from the Stage of the Funeral in Charleston, is deeply rooted in the teachings of Booker T. Washington. It holds firmly to the "refined" belief;. taught by Christians of the time, to Phylis Wheatley. It is a "gateway", in thought, that can lead African Americans back into a "Jim Crow", 21st-Century Version!
Frederic Douglass, W.E. B. Dubois, and Malcolm X, understood that without healthy, deeply held, convictions of a personal self-worth derived independently from the teachings of their Oppressors; a People are DOOMED! Black Mama's who sing Amazing Grace to their children MUST tell them the story of John Newton (1725-1807), the English Slave-Captain who wrote the song. Once over his FEAR, and in possession of his "Grace"; John went right back to transporting Slaves! Obviously, "Grace" from his GOD, was a PASS, an Indulgence, an Excuse, or a Dispensation, that allowed him immunity from his Evil!.
DOOM is becoming more evident, daily, in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Levant. It was reported in our MEDIA that Boko Haraam is using the "stolen girls" to slit throats of victims! In addition, these girls must serve their captors in the manner of traditional "concubines". What is the response of today's White Christians; descended from those who held sway, traditionally, over the self-concept of all persons of Color; for more than 900 years?? A "toilet", or, an I-Phone; or, some other highly inadequate measure; designed to maintain the historic "Grip" Europe holds over Africa; while enriching new generations of Whites!
Stay Vigilant! The problems with Color and Race we face, did NOT originate here; NOR are the most egregious applications to be found in the Americas! The Old World is where it began, and may be the stage, upon which this DRAMA ultimately plays out!! Will the United States be dragged along??
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