Friday, July 3, 2015


"Declare" One's Own Freedom??

What IF? . .. in 2015, U.S. Citizens who live as "Whites" Declare Themselves to be FREE from all Psychic and Social SEPARATION, based on Skin Color, that has prevailed in this Nation, since its founding?  Our FOUNDERS brought these beliefs to the NEW WORLD, especially to the United States, from Europe.  European Immigrants to the United States have reinforced these beliefs, ever-since, with their arrival.

Perhaps "Roof" and the nine Race Murders in the Charleston Church a few weeks back will not be repeated!  Perhaps, similar white males who labor under the burden of "Proving" their fidelity to the "Cause", will, henceforth, be free from it!  Perhaps terrified white Cops will not feel the need to gun down 12-year-old black children, on sight!  Perhaps Blacks, especially those in the Sewer States will cease playing the Roles that keep our sick racial structure alive!  Maybe "Racism" as we have known it, will End!  The "Cracker" Element among Whites, instead of trampling each other, to Run for President on the Republican Ticket in 2016, will work instead, to transform our public schools into places where children emerge with accurate knowledge of who we have been as a Nation, and whom we no longer want to be!  Perhaps CHRISTIANITY will be cleansed from the filth it created during the Crusades, and carried forth into the Atlantic Slave Trade. Perhaps Muslims will do the same on their side of the Major Religious Divide on our Planet; and ISUS will, simply, "GO AWAY"!!

If the World's Major Religions would "straighten up", accordingly; so-called Leaders like Putin and Netanyahu, who trade on Racial and Tribal Strife to enhance their Power, will lose those "Religious" Supports.  The World might become a Sane Place; and NO NATION would choose to hold Nuclear Weapons, inorder to protect "Their Kind".

Stay Vigilant!   Such a little thing; such MONUMENTAL Effects!  Our 2015 MEDIA would have to radically alter its Business Model .. they are currently "benefitting" to the "tune"  of $B.  People who are not white, may be surprised that they, too, can have  healthy images portrayed on Television!

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All Rights Reserved:  WilliamsLLC 

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