Sunday, July 5, 2015

the COWBOYs vs. the JIHADISTs?

MIS-INFORMATION "Abounds" (still)??

This Independence Holiday Weekend finds us exposed to "revelations" regarding ISUS; alongside massive expressions of "jittery-ness", as evidenced by the over-wrought response to a False Alarm in Washington, D.C.

I learned most from two sources:  I watched "Captain America"; and I viewed Fareed Zacharia"s

In those months leading up to the Invasion, I was reading one of Wallerstein's books that warned of disasters to ensue, should "W" invade Iraq.  At the time, as I recall, "W" was assuring us that he had no intention of doing that.  I also recall Powell, later, as Secretary of State, warning Cheney and his "Cowboys" about "Pottery-Barns"!!  If anyone has been "blind-sided"; it was the Citizens of this Country who were then, and are now, being steadily fed a diet of "Bullsh*t" about the entire affair! We must ALL recall the fact that the Bush Administration did not want us to know ANYTHING about Abu-Ghraib!  Most of that debacle is still held "under-wraps".  Virtually all of those in his "Cabinet of Enemies" have lent their voices in attempts to smear blame to President Obama -- in spite of the FACT that Obama pursued and captured Bin-Ladin, while "W" lost interest.  The Bushites KNEW of impending Civil War, but now pretend that our troops would NOT have been harmed; and, instead, could have PREVENTED it.  I wonder if the Kurds believe that!

This morning, Fareed's Presentation tells us about Camp Bucca, and the Bush Administration's release, in 2004, of Bakr al-Baghdadi.  On the Internet you can find a Jim Hoft release dated June 12, 2014, wherein he claims that Obama released Baghdadi in 2009!  Those less-skilled Citizens, who "swallow" the bilge from FOX, might be "cut some slack" for their abysmal ignorance??

"Captain America", on the other hand, shows us how Hollywood has waltzed  public images from Anti-Social Gunslinger, to Lullaby-singing Cowboy, to White-hat Sheriff!  TV carried it into our homes with "Rawhide" and "Marshall Matt Dillon".  Violence, from the gentle Cowboy, would erupt only when chasing Rustlers, or, when getting rocks off in Towns along the Trail!  Our Cowboys, today reside in our Military and within our Police Forces.  "Captain America" also extends the Comic Book tradition in our country, with its twin goals of promoting White Supremacy and White Male Violence.

Stay Vigilant!  The most coveted "space" on our Planet in 2015:  is that "space" that contains the eyes and ears, and whatever "brain" there is, to be found on the unwitting "consumer" of MEDIA Content!

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