Tuesday, July 14, 2015

POPPI's "Tri-Cycle" or, How To NEVER be POOR!

Don't Nobody NEED to be Poor in the USA Today!

My Grand-Children call me "Poppi".  When I ask them if they want to NEVER be Poor; they say they Want to be "Rich".  I tell them that, unless someone else manages their lives, WELL; they can never STAY Rich, if,  they NEVER know how to NEVER be Poor (in the USA)!

I then tell them stories about Cycles.  Uni-Cycles, Bi-Cycles, and Tri-Cycles.  Of course, they all recognize the Tricycle!  Its strange, how early in their lives Kids grasp the concept of "Money" ... most have that awareness around the time they get their first Tricycle.  I tell them in the early days of our country, people rode Unicycles, graduating to Bicycles, as the Unicycle faded, and we, later began starting our children to ride on Tricycles.  The Unicycle has the biggest wheel, and is most prone to "disaster".  The Bicycle has wheels of equal size, and is more stable, but can easily "tip over".

The tricycle, however has 3 wheels; One big one, and two small ones of equal size.  The big one is your spending, the two small ones represent saving and investing.  

If we associate the Big Wheel with SPENDING our money; the Unicyclist processes money the way a Horse "processes" Hay.  The Bicyclist tries to SPEND and SAVE in equal amounts and they never succeed.  Only the Tricyclist who SPENDS more than he saves or INVESTS; and, also, automatically saves and invests,FIRST, from whatever amount of money received, in equal amounts  This "cyclist" can be GAURANTEED a path toward a life that knows NO POVERTY!!  Kids catch on to this quickly.  Grown-ups, "educated" in the U.S. school systems, NEVER LEARN this basic system.

Before you can keep money, and grow rich, you first have to HAVE Money that you NEVER Spend!  That's your investment money.  If any child, below the age of twelve, automatically saved, and then invested from the TOP Ten Percent of ANY AMOUNT of money they receive; they most often, will NEVER KNOW Poverty!  The TRICK:  Keep Control of Your Money!!  Make sure others can neither control nor confiscate your savings and investments!  No amount of money is too small to apply to this system! 

Stay Vigilant!  Keep the size of that Big Wheel within bounds, so the smaller wheels can create Wealth faster.  Racism can be cured by Wealth, properly managed and properly invested.  Racism can Destroy our Country if we continue to allow Wealth  to pursue Power through Politics! Never fail to apply the first ten percent of any income you get, to your savings and investments!  Don't BLOW your Investments!  Follow this for life, and although you can't CHOOSE the circumstances of your birth, you can CURE them!! ... in the USA.

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