Tuesday, July 21, 2015

from SWITCH-BLADEs, to GUNs??, and, from ADULTs to CHILDREN???

for the BLACK, (U.S.) readers of this BLOG!

The streets of Chicago are running RED, this Summer, again, with the BLOOD of Black Children, who are gunned-down by BLACK CHILDREN!!  This should make every American sick-to-the-stomach; but, it obviously does not enrage Blacks as much as the killing of a Black Child by a Cop??

In 1947, I was allowed to enter the "work-force" of the U.S,  That meant, I was permitted to look for odd jobs, under the supervision of my older brothers and sisters.  One day, on the streets, I said to them, "Look!.. there goes Crazy Johnny!"  I still remember the "click" and the feel of the blade against my throat!.  The drunken woman he was with said: "Aw, Johnny. he's just a baby, he did'n mean no harm".  He let me go (I got an ass-whup'in for it when I got home).  Later, when I was eleven, a classmate's Mother, in a fight with a drunk, stabbed him, killing him on the street.  In those days, the weapon plaguing the Black Community was the "Switchblade", made popular during World War II.

Professor Hubbard taught us how to disarm kids, and destroy switch-blades, when they were found  at school.  (We opened them, propped them against a curb, and broke the blade with our foot).  The Cops in Missouri, (all white, at that time) expressed their attitude regarding the killings:  "Let the N*ggers Kill Each Other"!  They rarely investigated a killing, or arrested black perpetrators for killing blacks.

Today, White Institutions, Laws, and Public Policies, provide Guns to Black CHILDREN, as freely, as they have access to candy!  There's not much evidence that White feelings about Black-on-Black killings have changed significantly over the past sixty-eight years.  Guns are not so easy to take away from children, and they are not so easily  destroyed!  When the Children of any group, take to routinely killing each other; death of their Culture, and their total EXISTENCE  is threatened.! De Tocqueville told us that Blacks and Native Americans faced Death, by design, at the hand of Europeans.  The Native deaths, were to be more immediate, and more violent.  The design was to WORK Blacks to death!  Today, tWhites have placed he deaths of both groups on "auto-pilot" as their mechanisms have been buried inside accepted White Institutions, such as the Church and the Public School.

Stay Vigilant!  COPS don't live in your "community", and have never wanted to!  Only those living there can "Police" this problem, as we did in the forties and fifties!  This can be done, where enough black males are "tough enough" to stand up to their children!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

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