Should (Hang-Around) BROWN'S "Take-Notes"??
On the Bloomberg Channel, this morning, (Joe and Mika were off and into more of their Repoob 'Drivel"), I saw Blankfein and Bloomberg "scrunched" together at a "kiddie-table" for an interview that scared the interviewer. On MSNBC, there were details of the Civil War brewing within the NFL. Looks like the Owners will be shopping for a Federal Judge "on the take"??
Blankfein and Company were be-moanin' the growing contempt for Banks among the General Public. Tom (Sawyer) broke his cell phone -- at a "bad" time; and, maybe, "on-purpose"??
It appears that NEW RULES for "Alrights" were born with Reagonomics: ??
(1) from BUSINESS SCHOOLS: Bend, or break, the Law (and, any Rules and Regulations), whenever the "Benefit" outweighs the costs -- if, and, whenever, an Alright is "caught" (almost NEVER)!
(2) from JOURNALISM SCHOOLS: Make up the "facts"; truths rarely matter. Ratings boosts are immediate, while "corrections" rarely matter -- the desired messages have, long-since , been "received"
BLACKS and Hang-Around BROWNS: Beware!! These Rules DO NOT apply to you! There is no "support structure" among Enforcement Institutions and their Helpers, that will provide the same treatment for non-whites. There was only one Johnny Cochran, it appears.
POOR and Middle-Class WHITES: Beware!! You're no longer 'Alright", since 2008!
Could it be: that the Spell, cast over White Voters by the Magic Quilt, sewn together with racist threads, by Ailes and Atwater, is wearing thin under the weight of the Obama Years? Could it be that Racist Christianity is no longer sufficient "compensation" for Poor Whites? The Real (white) Christianity in the United States, (even before Reagan) is ORGANIZED SPORTS. The religion that is celebrated during our most-segregated hour on Sundays is only "for show"??
Stay Vigilant! A Civil War is brewing within the NFL between Owners and Goodell; (he was consistently lauded, whenever he "mistreated" Black Players), is only beginning!
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