Wednesday, July 8, 2015

"Ideology" TRUMP's "All Reason" (again)??


I viewed "Mourning Joe's"  Pitiful attempt, this morning, to deflect attention away from the plight of the Republicans, as they are "devoured" by Donald Trump.  "Channeling" Starr, and the old Republican Attacks on "the Clintons" won't DO that trick!!  TRUMP, a monster bred by MEDIA, is an Opportunist, who is totally lacking in Moral, or any other kind of Compass!  To treat him as some kind of Public Entertainment, could be a FATAL Mistake.  TRUMP see's an "opening" to Power, unlike any that has existed since the "run-up" to our Civil War, (1831-1861).  Once again, our greatest ENEMIES live among us.

The years of combat with President Obama, have taught the White Rabble in our country that only Obama could have put together the winning coalition of whites, blacks, and assorted other Non- whites and Millenials.  If TRUMP succeeds in knocking both Hillary and Jeb out of competition in their relative Parties, White Rabble wins (again)!  Whites don't face an "immigration problem" because our State Department allows Europeans (to include Canadians and Australians) to come and go at Will!   This is a Race War, masked as "Immigration"!

Learn our History: Abolitionists; Anti-Slave Movements, Invasion of Mexico, Expansion of Slave Territories beyond Texas, into Utah, Arizona and New Mexico; Compromise of 1850, and the Fugitive Slave Law!!: All of these events ,that occurred between the Presidencies of Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln, opened up more "Cracks" in White Public Opinion, making our Bloody Civil War, Inevitable!   Under Pressure, Whites vote for the most EVIL among them!  Cheney/Bush understood this well!!  FEAR must be cranked to the MAX (both domestically and internationally).

Stay Vigilant!  IF Blacks in this country don't manage to get beyond Booker-T,  slavery-based behaviors, and embrace SELF-RESPECT, as  demanded by Frederick Douglass;  our Country slips, once again, into Chaos! (Note the reappearance of Guiliani, and Christie;  current minor Bullies.)  Millenials are ageing.  Whites get meaner and more racist as they age.

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