Thursday, July 2, 2015

When "COMMON SENSE" was "FREE" (and Common)??

A Seventy-Year "U-Turn" ?

In my formative years, our Country was lead by FDR, and Harry Truman; both men with ample "Common Sense".  One was "stinkin' rich", while the other was "upper middle", by today's standards.

They led this Nation, to oppose Hitler and Tojo.  When FDR died, Truman led us into the Cold War.  Both, World War II and the Cold War have retired to the History Books; but I remember what it was like to live in a Nation where virtually EVERYONE stood shoulder-to-shoulder to fight, save, sacrifice, and pray for Victory.  They did not complain when our nation went into debt that exceeded  our total Net Worth!  All-in: to win the War!  The few who opposed this effort were not "stoned" or ostracized.  They were mostly ignored; allowing them to rise, later, as fierce Red-Baiters (once the heavy lifting was behind us! ) That element seeks to take control of our Nation toady.  Media, Entertaining Propagandists, and BIG MONEY Interests have come together; to gain  POWER, that they has sought since the end of  the Collapse of 1929!

This History is mostly unknown by those born after 1947; largely due to the capture of the Public's Concerns by Nuclear Threats, and other FEARS that assisted our Extreme Right to grow and multiply!  They have created a Military where hardly ANYBODY has any "skin" in their ventures; and certainly NOT our Hard Right Politicians!  That doesn't make much Common Sense; Does it??
They started Wars and refused to raise funds to pay for them.  No "Common Sense" there, either!
They raised taxes to benefit those who refused to sacrifice anything to repair this nation's growing Structural,  and Spiritual Needs!  It certainly defies Common Sense, for Voters to take these people Seriously!  Yet, many do!  They "entertain" themselves, while they contemplate which of these indequate candidates is "leading" in a Wacko, Media-Driven, "Horse-Race".  This defies Common Sense; it Makes No Sense; .. it is MADNESS!

Stay Vigilant!  The only person speaking Common Sense on the Political Stump today, is Bernie Sanders, and NOBODY expects him to WIN!!  Where's the Common Sense??  In this REALITY Age, "Reality" can be selective.  Old Fashioned "Common Sense" has been thrown overboard!  Time to TURN BACK??  You don't have to Pay Nobody!  Simply say NO to the prevailing "Reality"??

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