Maybe ... NOT???
Animal Farm!; that classic work by George Orwell in the late-1940's, has outlasted 1984. Because of Watergate (1974), perhaps, 1984 came -and -went; without so much as a "speed-bump's" notice? We have all been so meserized by MEDIA, and its abilities to lead us around by our noses (and other body parts), DOUBLESPEAK seemed, somehow, Quaint!
Given the toxic "pig-sty" the Dallas Hospital turned out to be, we all KNOW who the real pigs are! In spite of their tranquilizing, multi-shades of lip-stick, and constantly-shifting "painted" candidates; the Cracker-Right continues to get away with BLAMING OBAMA for everything! But, all is not lost -- even this close to election day! Our seriously "compromised" Supreme Court of the United States, turned racist and retro-grade, cast it's VOTE, in the wee-morning hours, for the Pigs! Jeb Bush, made it possible for any white person who claims to be "afraid", to get away with MURDER!! Armed with that, the PIGS have been running "free" to trample and sh*t-on the entire nation, turning it RED under a blanket of extreme Christianity!
The Cracker Media is now laying-out the "case" on Ferguson, MO., by dripping daily its "talking points" and persuading the slow of wit Crackers in our population, to continue to support the "militarization" of "policing"! Those of us who were paying attention, noticed something awry in the sweep by those Boston Police when they went, house-to-house, searching for Tsarnaev; only to miss their target! THEN we heard "world-war-three" in firepower, let loose on the row-boat (point-blank), and they MISSED hitting him! Are we besiged with out-of-control, over-armed dumb-fu*ks, serving as our POLICE? Keep on bowing to these PIGS and, after they get the Senate, we'll all find out their true agenda. Is there a Parallel Situation, lurking in our Health Care; behind closed doors and a cynical, lazy, racist, MEDIA ?? Get off you ass and ask some questions! You may be shocked with what you find! An entire "army" has been searching our "jungles" known as Appalachia; failing for more than a month to find ONE WHITE BOY! Wonder why? They FOUND a black guy to blame, and bring up on made-up charges, in a case in Virginia, BEFORE they knew if the victim was alive and in hiding!
MONEY BOYS are getting scared now! Our entire economy now faces a threat of Deflation! In the past, they've always let the PIGS run, but ONLY SO FAR! BIG MONEY interests operate far above the level of what excites the Bush(es) and their "lessers" in the Republican Party. A new POLL, commissioned by "Hispanics", shows that "Hispanics" are not as dumb as the Republicans (or "Bill and Hill") have been "Playing" them! The numbers show that the HARD RIGHT among the "Hispanics" are only 21%: mostly those Batista Cubans in Florida, owned by the Republicans. The Cubans (as Rubio has shown) have no use for other types of "Hispanics".
The Cracker-Media took on the role of farming the mass-mind of ignorant, and easy-to-scare, whites; immediately after Johnny Cochran shocked us all by shattering the old Media Model that worked for decades to control periodic uprisings among minorities in Center Cities and earlier Police Brutality. After hounding Michael Jackson to his death, using these tactics, MEDIA moved on to set the "script" for us all to give Zimmerman a "Pass" for murdering Trayvon. Poor "Georgie" convinced the Crackers he was "scared".
Even Ebola is turning out not to be the perfect "lock" the Repoobs thought it would be! Amazingly, the Virus is not (yet) as dangerous as we thought! AND, Obama has gotten beyond those traitorus elements among his "Advisors", and has a GRIP on this issue -- both at home and ABROAD.
Stay Vigilant! Think for yourself! and PRAY others (all colors) will do the same -- BEFORE YOU VOTE ON November 4.
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