Repoobs should Really "KNOCK-IT-OFF" !!
Two weeks or so from their goal, the Republicans should back off the FEAR mongering! We now have "Dr" Paul slinging EBOLA fears in the MEDIA. At this point, the public is probably getting more P*ssed-OFF than scared; more angry and depressed than incited to vote!
Shortly after I arrived in Washington in mid-1962, there was a story in the Washington Post about President Kennedy's frustrations in his failed attempts to get the Bureaucracy to change a road sign near Langley, Va. He learned, as I was shocked to learn from the story, how LITTLE POWER Presidents have at their command. Fast forward to these days of EBOLA and ISIS, and we find similar issues faced by our first Black President. He, like President Obama, was surrounded by "Advisers" he could not trust.
Hemmed in, on all sides, by a Cracker Mob in the Senate and House that hated Czars;
until they succeeded in pushing him to appoint a CZAR for Ebola; they then flip the switch back to their earlier position of claiming he is weak, and relying on too many CZARS! Its maddening having to listen to anything these nin-com-poops utter. Hopefully, more people will do as I did today, and vote EARLY against every Republican on the Ballot!
until they succeeded in pushing him to appoint a CZAR for Ebola; they then flip the switch back to their earlier position of claiming he is weak, and relying on too many CZARS! Its maddening having to listen to anything these nin-com-poops utter. Hopefully, more people will do as I did today, and vote EARLY against every Republican on the Ballot!
Unfortunately, voters in this country are like children going to the candy store looking for their favorite desires or special flavors. They think Presidents and elected "leaders" can deliver on the spot. The very rich and powerful receive that kind of service from their Lobbyists, who pressure the politicians they "own" to deliver, by hook or by crook. There is more than enough money being thrown around to meet the desires of the Elites; but, for those of us who don't "own" a few politicians, we have to become "wise buyers" with our VOTES.
It seems, looking back, that All Hell broke loose with Kennedy's elecion in 1960. It was my first presidential election, and hopes were dashed within those thirty or so months before he was assassinated in Dallas. The President's Brother, Bobby, was the best CZAR available, as it turned out! Before Liddy Biddy got out of office, both Jack and Bobby were killed, along with both Martin and Malcolm. Throw in the Cuban Missile Crisis, and Jack was as "besieged" then by the Hard Right, as Obama today! His Catholicism, and the feat of becoming the first non-WASP President since our nation was founded, may have been somewhat akin to what President Obama faces with RACE? The comparison is weak, because RACE trumps everything in this Christian Nation, and throughout the world. Repoobs have spent six years making sure we all got that message!
Stay Vigilant! VOTE!
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