20-some Days; and "counting"!!
Thanks to what passes for "Leadership" in Texas, we may see "Death by Dallas" again.
It's obvious that the "difference" in treatment for the white boy flown into Nebraska, at great expense, and the black guy who took himself to a Dallas Hospital, only to be dismissed to die; is obvious to the entire world! Politicians, and Heads of State (big ones, and little ones, and "tiny" ones, like Texas)
are beginning to "get it"! THE PEOPLE are way ahead of their leaders. They've been lied to so much, that even those with obviously "limited" education (think Guvna Perry, and Bin Affleck?) are being seen more clearly as PART OF THE PROBLEM? The Guv'na seems to think BORDERS can stop Diseases!!
If the "People" can find their way to an honest polling place (scarce as hen's teeth). our future will be tumultuous, but we can survive on this planet. IF NOT, then NOT!! Re-play the exchange on Bill Maher's show last Friday. Can YOU see the shallow thinking of the "Afflected One"?? Many cannot.
If you (for Blacks) can't see the replacement of Bull Connor and his Dogs in our streets, with KILLER COPS, protected by the "System" -- then you're "Afflected". If whites can't see that the poor, ignorant, and cynical among them, who play the "I hate Obama" game are the ones that will suffer most in the outcome; then, you, also are "Afflected" (no matter your color, gender, or income class).
What's really going on? A Global Money-Grab!! As the old-Conquistador, White-Males-In-Charge, world launched by the Christian Crusades of Old, (brought back by Cheney Bush); continues to fade into Global Violence and Gangsterism; Governments at all levels and in all places are finding it harder and harder to cope. Those citizens, like the Russians, who reach for "strong men" ;"gangsters"; and assorted "Dictators" are on the WRONG path. Even Hong-Kong, and China, are avoiding that path. The BRIC nations are floundering as they cling to the old "White-backed Cowboys" who have run things since the end of World War II. The IMF is saying that their "game is up"!
Obama may be hated by the Crackers, but he has WON on every front! The U.S. economy, under his handling, is the best on the planet -- No thanks to the Evil Money Boys who have enriched themselves, while "bull-sh*tting" the rest of us in the MEDIA.
Stay Vigilant! If you LIKE what you have now; then vote REPUBLICAN! If you DON'T; then DON'T!!!
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