Saturday, October 4, 2014

"OUR GANG", or "e-pluribus-unum??

Will WE ever "Overcome" Katrina??

Bush (W) is back in the Media today, talking about "Condi's slave relatives", and waking up memories of Katrina.  Remember, Mubarak warned Cheney and Bush not to "hang" Saddam.  They did it anyway, beheading him in the process (look it up)!  You can bet all of the Sunni Arabs know that (as well as all other non-whites in the world).  Crackers in this country were too "sensitive", and,  had to be shielded; so, those images, like those of Abu-Ghraib, were hidden from us by Cheney/Bush.

Bush was probably using Condi (again) to shield that Cracker-Leadership we saw in Texas, that is so "expertly" handling Ebola?  Maybe; the MEDIA today is too complicated for even above-average I.Q whites?  "Messaging" has risen to heights never before seen; to steal your money, your trust. turn you against your neighbor ... the uses are endless, and the players, like Putin and Netanyahu are also Masters (cheerfully enabled by Murdoch).

Both Political Parties are looking more and more like the FACTIONS within them, as we drift toward the Tea -Party-and-Big-Money Republican goal of capturing full control of Congress in November.  Those whites who obviously KNOW better, are somehow compelled to NOT DO better.  We may be heading for collapse.

E Pluribus Unum  (from many; ONE), seems to be drifting away rapidly.  We all will have to "rise above" in order to see it.  The image is one that predicts what the Americas will untimately become as the INSANITY of Black and White fades into the Reality of  Brown of the Mestizo!!  As Tocqueville predicted in 1830, so it is coming to pass.  Sewer State Crackers can keep it up; Ethnic-Gang politicians (an now Jews?) can keep it up; but in the end, they All LOSE!  But:  Will the United States Lose, first?

Blacks hold the key.  If they can shake off Oprah, Toure, Clarence; and learn the lessons cited by Toqueville in 1830,  (again, by E. /Franklin Frazier in the 1950s), they can save this nation by turning out to the Polls in droves this November!  Voter suppression tactics in the Sewer States show that the Crackers KNOW they don't have the numbers -- and will NEVER get them!

Tocqueville's LESSON:

"Plunged into this abyss of wretchedness the Negro hardly notices his ill fortune; he was reduced to slavery by violence, and the habit of servitude has given him the thoughts and ambitions of a slave; he admires his tyrants even more than he hates them and finds his joy and pride in a servile imitation of his oppressors." 

Mestizo: a blend of White, Black, and Native, that has been slowly growing in the Americas since its invention in Mexico in the 1530s.  It may become most explosive in Brazil! 

Stay Vigilant!  There's no time for argument or sleep, the hour of doom is near for us, and the planet!  Check out the "Face On The Mall" (Google it!)

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