Monday, October 6, 2014


What I Learned (about this) in the Air Force

During my tenure in the United States Air Force, (1962-1982), I was privileged to learn from my fellow white and non-white officers, from all over this country,  the FACTS about RACE.  These were the brightest minds this country produced in Research, Development, Testing, and Engineering.  The Air Force was the newest of the services, "integrated" at birth, when Truman "integrated" the Services in 1948.  The Air Force had a complete COMMAND, then, dedicated to RDT&E.  We grew Fairchild, and Silicon Valley, along with the technologies that led to SDI (and the private fortunes of Gates and Jobs -- funded by us TAXPAYERS)!

The Blacks varied from Sewer States to New England (Philadelphia and Boston produced the most "interesting" variety), a few of  us (mostly Hispanic) were fortunate enough to be born West of the Mississippi.  White Ethnics (Irish, Italian, others) from Protestant regions and Catholic Parishes in the North, Cajun Parishes in Louisiana.  RACE Wars were rampant inside all of our uniformed services, stationed around the world,  starting in the Sixties.  Young white officer corp abandoned the Hatch Act and became more Conservative and Political.  By the time Reagan arrived, the die was cast!  Wineberger, benefitted personally, later, when his Mentee, Powell, was pulled into the White House to save the butts of the Iran-Contra criminals.  The stage was set by then, for the Drug Trafficing we now see across Mexico and into the young, white, Middle Class Youth, of Mormons, and the rest of white America, who give their children their money, but very little of their time.  Some of the stories told to me by young white officers from the Sewer States, during the Seventies, were heart-rending!

We've marched steadily forward under the "leadership" of Nixon (and Ike, silently) through to the travesty we see today in the House of Representatives, led by Boehner.  Thinking-whites KNOW that their best chances for their future survival rest with the likes of Pelosi; and NOT McConnell.  Racism (both virulent and subliminal) continues to blind them, with the aid and maniuplations of our Supreme Court "Justices" and Corporate Big Money.  (Note how some Silicon Valley slicksters moved-on, to Wall Street to lend their technical smarts to the processes for destroying our Economy).

Who, ultimately,  benefits from all of this?  Those in this world with MONEY,  and, who are also NOT WHITE!  Think: China!
(I have a fleeting thought that the ISUS Threat can be "turned off" if we trade Cheney to them for all of the white hostages they hold)??  Its probably not THAT simple; huh???

The technologies have also migrated to "Journalism" (or, what passes for that today).  We are "entertained", while being propagandized;  in the name of NEWS.  As our generation knows, News "died" when Reagan threatened to shoot down Cronkite's plane as he traveledt to get the TRUE story on Grenada.

Are we so STUPID, as to NOT see the stark difference in both public concern and treatment for victims of EBOLA who are white, from that of victims who are NOT??  You can BET the rest of the world (and, they ain't WHITE) can SEE it!!

Stay Vigilant!  Do You Know the term for "Entertainers" for the old Kings of Europe?  FOOLS!!
That joke is on us!!

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