Saturday, October 11, 2014

"EURASIA"? : or, "RED"-America'? :or, "ISIS" ? ... White-America driven "BANANAS"??

"24" days; and "Counting"

We'll soon see whether Mitch and his Ditch crowd will succeed in their 6-year campaign to "conquer" Obama, and, using the same fear tactics of Bush/Cheney, "stampede" white America to vote away their Constitution and their Democracy.  New Mexico is in "play"; as it's Hard Right Guv'na, backed by Texas (eyeing our water and Gas/Oil), stayed strangely silent while her State Cops fired their guns on a black woman travelling back roads with her children.  She faces weak opposition for re-election, and, through her "Malinche-style" of "Conservatism", may turn this lonely Blue State, RED??   Both, Texas and New Mexico flew the Confederate Flag during our Civil War.

It's "too-many-things" for "Pea-Brained" followers of the Ditch Bunch to handle.  The two things they DO understand is RACE, and GUNS in the hands of Cops!  Most don't have a "clue" as to how "Government" works; whether at the School Board (closest), or, in Washington (farthest)!   They are blind and ignorant when it comes to government: whether School Board. City or Town, or Parish: COUNTY; Special District, or STATE levels THAT OPERATE in between.  Our "system" leaks and is vulnerable to RED-Attack within all of these"GOVERNMENT(s)"!

So; the cauldron receives more and more "ingredients" as the "Might-Makes-Right" forces, wearing the Robes of Religion, turn up the heat across the entire planet.  Remember, Putin said that his "New Russia" would be "Eurasian" and would have a new version of "Christianity"??   Don't lose sight of this; as he trades oil to China; while waiting on "the weather" to "freeze"  Europe! -- and what's really going on in North Korea?

EBOLA scares have our federal government "screening" all flying passengers from "affected"regions; plying the "Conservatives", who believe that Border-tactics can stop diseases.  WAR destroys health-systems!!  We used to recognize that; during World War Two!!, We had grass-roots health protection (visiting nurses) ACROSS COLOR LINES.  Not so; in "Dallas-Medicine"  today, when it comes to treating non-whites, apparently!  What our thimble-brained, scared-to-death Crackers who drive our RED State Express -- in support of the likes of McConnell, Romney, Cruz, and Rubio, DON'T know about basic public hygiene EDANGERS Everyone!  Staying white, and keeping your "distance" won't keep these cretins clean, or protect anyone from viruses!  A short video clip of a lone white woman, protecting a mentally handicapped black man from the Cops is in the Media.  Check it out!  What percentage of "bin-aflicted" whites are hiding among you, AND  blindlysupport Cops??

The sub-textual "religious wars", re-awakened by Bush/Cheney on the eve of their Iraq Invasion, is centuries old, and Both Christian and Muslim!  Those beliefs and tactics ATTRIBUTED TO Muslims in our Media, can be matched by /Christians and Jews (all THREE RELIGIONS DERIVE from the family of Abraham).  The only differnece is that because most Muslim nations are non-white; WHITE nations have benefitted inordinately from their centuries-old practices of  oppression, suppression , proselytizing, murder,  and other abuse of non-white nations, and non-whites within nations,  LED BY MISSIONARIES.

Stay Vigilant!  All of this has been tossed into ONE CAULDRON!  How many "witches" are stirring this brew?  We may never know, because our Supreme Court tells us not to pay heed to "disclosure"?

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