The Fear-Mongering "Dark Forces" are back for yet another attempt!
The spreaders of FEAR and HATE (Hard-Right elements -- mostly in the Republican "orbit") have returned, for yet another try at gaining triumph over our Democracy! Having been roundly rebuked by the national electorate in 2008, and 2012; they've returned, led by "Mitch and his Ditch Gang", to claim the Senate of the United States. This will give them control over our Congress and the Supreme Court (given to Bush in 2000). That comprises two-thirds of our National Government! It leaves only the Executive Branch for them to "beat-up" on until 2016!
Given two new Fears not previously available (ISIS and EBOLA), they believe that this time, the Angry White Male Vote will boost them over the top in an Off-Year Election. Found to be a national, vulnerable path to power in the 2010 election, Republicans gained a "sweep", promising JOBS. Those jobs never materialized, but that does not matter to the Angry Whites.
This time, maybe not? Marysville is an almost totally white, blue collar, unionized "Boeing" town close to Everett, where Boeing builds 747s and other huge airplanes. Wealthier that most blue-collar whites (because Boeing "got-it-right", and built a strong economic base for the economy of that part of Washington State) the area has no reason to expect the kind of deep trauma the school killings brought to them. This is the heart of NRA country! No friend to people who are not white, these people are much more tolerant than the other whites around this country "in thrall" to the RED conversion flowing from our Sewer States.
IF these people realize (perhaps, not too late?) that the NRA is causing their children to suffer; will that be enough to awaken them from the "trance" brought on by Mitch and his "Ditch" Gang? Will they form their own version of the "Ferguson Rebellion"? The election on November 4th is a perfect time for the white mothers of this country to show what they really think about what's best for their children's safety! NRA supports GUNS, necessary for Gun-Trafficing; Drug Smuggling; Human Trafficing; groups like Boko-Haram and ISIS, and other Pirates operating in the world today. We will have yet MORE of this, courtesy of the Hard-Right Republicans?
Stay Vigilant! Don't join those "chicken-sh*ts" who are seekibng a "dictator" ("strong" leader) to run this country! Haven't you had enough of Corporate Power; in your pay-checks, on your job, in your life??
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