Simple, "Safe" Procedures vs. "Autoclave" vs. "DALLAS"
We've become accustomed to the anti-Obama "filth" that emanates from the mouth of the Texas Governor, and their Congressional Politicians, but we can be shocked by the stories of the highly contagious filth that "piled to the ceiling" inside the Dallas Hospital where the first EBOLA patient (Black) died, and two nurses (one Black-- and relatively ignored after being attacked by the Presss; the other Vietnamese -- who is becoming a Media-Darling). It also has been reported that the reason Nebraska is so good at handling their patients, derives from their use of autoclave technology This is an old technology; among many we used to develop advanced weaponry during the Cold War. The simpler cleaning techniques used in Africa are better than the practices found in the Dallas Hospital! Sanitation Contractors in the U.S. are breaching their contracts, in fear of the disease, spread by politicians!!
As the Election approaches, the Obama-haters are banging the drums,spreading fear of EBOLA, in hopes of getting the Cracker Vote to give them the Senate. If the terror mounts to the levels that Cheney/Bush achieved, they just might succeed.
Jog your memory: in the early days of "Shock and Awe" there were two young female soldiers; one Black, a true Heroine, and one white, a "fake heroine". The black one was ignored by the Media until the TRUTH leaked out about the Media campaign to "promote" the white girl. Media is much more effective at stirring the race-pot, in these days of Murdoch!
During the days that race-war raged inside the U.S. Military (1968-1978), setting the stage for the "radicalized" military that Cheney/Bush inherited; I learned from talks with fellow officers from all over our country (all colors, various ethnicities, varied income classes) how pervasive and frustrating racial beliefs and attitudes were for those who, genuinely wanted to rid themselves, and their children from the scourge. Many of the white servicemen were from our Sewer (Red) States of today. Officer quality, enforced by the Hatch Act, was far superior when I entered service in 1962, than it was when I left service in 1982. The older, World-War-II bunch really TRIED to make Truman's Executive Order work!
Toqueville, in Democracy in America, tells of observing a young white girl, age three, in a clearing in the Alabama woods, as she exerted her racial superiority over two grown women, one black, a slave, and one "Native". White children pick up racism very early in life, because they are taught that darker skinned people are "dirty".
Stay Vigilant! Fight the Scourge; and those whites who move Heaven and Earth to keep their White Supremacy, along-side their brutal control over all things African. They have weilded that power for hundreds of years.
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