yes, AND, "No!" ??
Rachel Maddow reports that one of the White Doctors, Brantly, returned to the United States for treament for EBOLA, received a blood transfusion from an African patient (a boy?) that he "cured". The doctor was also "cured", once back in the U.S., using a limited supply, "experimental drug. The doctor agreed to share his blood, by transfusion to others who returned here with the virus. All of the white victims received such a blood transfusion. Rachel reports that the Dallas Hospital contacted the doctor to see if he would share his blood with the Black victim of Ebola they, eventually, were treating. The doctor agreed, but Dallas never responded to the offer! The limited "experimental drug was no longer available. The Black victim is the first, and only patient, diagnosed with EBOLA while in the United States to DIE!!
While we all wait for an answer to that question; perhaps its time to tell WHITE AMERICA the story of Dr. Charles, Drew, a "Negro", or "Colored" citizen, as we were designated by Governments at that time, who researched blood storage, and is credited for making wide-spread blood transfusion possible! Born in 1904, he died in 1950, from a car crash; within 30 minutes after arriving in a hospital in North Carolina. Red Cross Blood Banks resulted from his work. He resigned from his position as director of blood plasma programs for the United States, in 1941, to protest the U. S. Army's insistence that the blood of whites and non-whites be kept "Segregated"!
Many of our citizens, then, and to this day, believe that white blood is different, and "better" than the blood of non-whites. Associated, "traditional", stigmas remain. In Dallas???
Stay Vigilant! Whites and Non-whites have a great deal of soul-searching to do; as we attempt to
survive the threats EBOLA has brought to the WEST -- from that same part of our planet where WHITES derived the riches to build their "Culture"! We can't afford to place all of our energies on events in the Middle East!
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