First Perry; Then, Cuomo; and THEN CHRISTIE !!
"Know Nothings" (return)
"Know Nothings" (return)
What IS IT? About Politicians? -- in the USA, that is. First Perry of Texas, puffed himself up, ran before the cameras and the lights, and declared that HE was the guy to CONTROL Ebola; and by implication, PROVE that Obama was "weak"! We all saw what a miserable MESS that turned out to be.
NEXT, Cuomo, looking much more competent than Perry, in company with the Mayor of New York and assorted medical and public health personne; presented themselves in the wake of the first case of Ebola in New York City.. Slick PR job!
THEN: Christie, and all of his two-tons of POWER, came on the scene, WITH Cuomo, and they managed to "stash away" a WHITE nurse, ("quarantined"on the Jersey side AGAINST HER WILL), who was returning from MISSIONARY activities with Ebola in Africa. Apparently, in a make-shift TENT; put together by politicians! All three Guv-Na's have declared a 2014 version of NULLIFICATION?? -- overthrow the authority of the Federal Government, and, thereby, show Obama to be WEAK!
This takes place, 8 days before the most pivotal off-year election in my long lifetime!
If you are one of the angry white voters who "GO" with this; you don't DESERVE a Democracy to scuttle! This three Guv'nas High-Wire takes place, along with Mitch, Mitt, Jeb and Sarah, and the rest of those Republican "new" faces vying for our "affections" -- and you just have to shake your head. BUT, you have to have an I.Q. above 10, to "see" any of this at all!
Stay Vigilant! MAKE DAMN SURE you VOTE! This performance by the Guv'nas deserves no less!
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